Thankfulness Thread

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Ava Rose, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    In light of the prayer requests and Thanksgiving coming in a few months, I thought it may be nice to causally list things we are thankful for.

    my marriage
    healthy kids
    a well stocked fridge
    my dh's job

    I know I have many more!
  3. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I too am thankful for what Ava said, but here are some more.

    1. my faith, Jesus, that died on the cross and shed his blood for my sin and then raising again and in Heaven preparing a place for me.
    2. my husband and my health
    3. my friends on and off the hsing spot
    4. my home and not just a house
    5. running water :)
    6. living in the United States, a free country
  4. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    1. my husband
    2. my children
    3. my two very close friends
    4. my friends here at homeschoolspot
    5. my health
    6. roof over my head
    7. clothes on my back
    8. food in the belly
    9. my salvation
  5. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I am thankful for my friend Becky, last year she printed me some books from reading and I didn't have a stapler (full) to put them together. Today I needed them really badly and pulled them out from the bottom of my school shelf and had the girls put them in order and staple them. (working on their organizing skills!) while I worked with Donald.

    I am thankful for all my friends here and on AtoZ.

    I am thankful for Amanda who spends so much time keeping these 2 sites organized and up and running for all of us to enjoy.

    I am thankful for my mom who is always willing to drive us to the places we need.-- and enjoy her grandkids at the same time. (and I get to have a good relationship with her now too)

    I am thankful that my husband Mac works and is able to work so hard so that I can stay home and home school the kids.

    I am thankful that I don't live too far away from the craft stores that I so enjoy spending too much money at.

    I am thankful that I don't have to buy big winter coats and boots every year.
  6. JenniBear

    JenniBear New Member

    May 9, 2007
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    1. first and foremost, Jesus Christ.

    2. my husband, who, although he may irritate me to no end some days, gave me three beautiful #3's

    3. my dd and three beautiful boys

    4. JENNIFERERIX and my friends here at 6omeschool spot!!

    5. food in the fridge, freezer and pantry

    6. someone else's house to live in right now.

    7. She does have electricity, running water, air conditioning and heating, a bathroom, a dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer!

    8. my family in California

    9. the multitude of farm animals I have

    10. clothes to wear
  7. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I really needed this...

    *My job, even though it is not enough at the moment to provide everything financial need for my family, it is at least a job which I didn't have before
    *My salvation and the love of Jesus we get each and every day
    *Food on our table
    *My healthy and happy children(with the exception of Aiden today ;))
    *My interview at the Children's Hospital on Thursday
    *My wonderful husband that, even though doesn't make enough for me to be a SAHM, works hard each and every day so I don't at least have to work full time...he is also my rock and my best friend
    *Our home
    *My family and friends
    *My wonderful church that I love to be a part of and rush out the door to get to
  8. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    1. my dh, my best friend
    2. my dd's I love them so much
    3. Jesus he is the best
    4. food on the table.
    5. car to drive from here to there
    6. roof over my head even if it's a rv
    7 my wonderful friends on HOMESCHOOL spot, I have made so many wonderful friends here, and so have my dd's you all are the best..
  9. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    1. My Savior, Jesus Christ

    2. My best friend and husband, Terry.

    3. our three sons

    4. the opportunity to be in the jousting guild and play with horses and swords

    5. freedom in my faith

    6. the fact that God always provides enough for us

    7. DH's family

    8. my family in PA

    9. having two vehicles that run (barely, but they do and that's what counts)

    10. having a garage full of stuff that we can sell off to pay for a horse

    11. Dh's talent as an artist

    12. my acting and ballroom talents

    13. knowing that one day I will have my Masters degree and will be able to teach college theatre

    14. that my kids have medical insurance
  10. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I am really enjoying reading everyone's lists! It is a blessing! It also reminds me of more to be thankful for.

    I am thankful that God uses people to show His love.

    I am thankful for 24/7 access to God.

    I am thankful I live in a country where I can freely read the Bible.

    I am thankful God's Word.

    I am thankful God has put me in a good church and allowed me to learn so much.

    I am thankful my daughter is baking cookies right now.
  11. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Well, maybe I 'm more "Baptist" than you, Ave Rose! lol I found myself saying "Amen!" to several things on each list. Besides, our pastor is Baptist. That should qualify me partially, anyway!:)

    I'm thankful right now that dd (16) is humming as she's working on the dishes.

    I'm just thinking of our great and mighty God and how that we'll never, ever come to the end of learning new things about Him and never come to the end of opening up new mysteries to explore throughout all of eternity. We will never know all there is to know about Him, and the prospect of learning throughout all eternity excites me!

    Thanks for the thread!
  12. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Ok...we will let you in the Baptist club. LOL. But remember you are only an honorary member full rank and rights do not apply. LOL.

    I am thankful for the time God is allowing me to spend with my children.

    Geesh, I am just full of thankfulness today. Ever since I started this thread, I have been thinking of more and more. I pray it has that affect on more than just me!
  13. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    I'm thankful for the wonder of a spider, spinning her web with a mysterious fluid that immediately turns strong and stiff upon contact with air and that she can remember which is the one thread that is not sticky so that she can run to catch her prey when she feels the web vibrating!

    I'm thankful for the little, naturally-hatched chicks that run with the flock, darting in and out, until they hear--unheeded by others--the unique "cluck-cluck" of their mother and then dart to her side!

    I'm thankful for our chemistry knowledge, which allows us to "peek" inside the nucleus of the atom, below the protons and neutrons and think about the invisible, inexplicable, all-pervasive energy that holds every single thing in the universe in its own orbit!

    I'm thankful for the homeschooling resources which allow us to examine the mysteries of His story and the mysteries of His creation and the Bible which allows us to examine the mysteries of His awesome salvation!

    You've got me primed, Ava Rose! (*whispering now* And JFYI, I've heard there are no Baptists in Heaven!)
  14. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    (No Lutherens or Mennonites or Catholics or Methodists, either, so the story goes--just believers!) Praise the Lord!
  15. JenniBear

    JenniBear New Member

    May 9, 2007
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  16. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    And here I thought Baptists were the only ones in Heaven! LOL. There is a joke about that...a man is showing the rooms of heaven to a new arrival and says to him as they pass the Baptist room.."shhh...they think they are the only ones here." LOL. That is funny but at the same time sad since there is truth to that. Not just Baptists but truth to some thinking that their beliefs or convictions somehow earns them heaven while all others are wrong. Guess the Pharisees will always be with us. lol.

    I am thankful for a group of women who are bound by a common respect and love for one another. That group is homeschoolspot of course. lol. I am thankful that here we hang our religion at the door and enter with compassion and friendship in our hearts.
  17. Kellie

    Kellie New Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    So many things to be thankful for:

    1. God, his son Jesus, salvation, Holy spirit and I can raise my children in his love.

    2. My wonderful dh and our years together.

    3. Each and very one of my children. I'm amazed how each one is different and unique.

    4. My Mother-in-law, she's a blessing 99% of the time.

    5. That I am allowed to hs and found this place.

    6. I have a home and an yard for the kids. I live in a safe place.
  18. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Tx for the thread, There is so much negativity in the world and people complain most of teh time, so it's really cool that people still count their blessings

    I am thnkful for most of the things mentioned above, Jesus, family , homeschooling
    Also thankful for the great privilege that I have to do missionary work and helping people spiritually as well as physically
    That I am not living in the States (sorry everybody here, it's nothing personal, I love you)
    For the Internet and computers
    For arts and crafts and creative mind
    For my friends
  19. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Dolphin...where do you live? Don't worry you didn't offend me. lol. At the fear of sounding unpatriotic I can see that point of view. Though I would be interested in knowing yours. Maybe this isn't the thread...maybe

    I am thankful for the internet also.

    I am also thankful for a creative mind..that is a good one that I didn't think of.

    I am thankful that my dh is happy in his job and doing well.

    I am thankful that my kids, though fight, love each other and do have a great time together.

    I am thankful for afternoons filled with laughter and boardgames with my kids. Wish that was every
  20. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    Things I'm thankful for.....
    my hubby
    my son
    my mom and dad
    my home
    my job
    hs spot
    friends here and others
    Illinois ( if we lived anywhere else right now we may not have food or insurance.)
    Our health
    our animals
    this list could go on and on
    so I'm am thankful for everything the Lord provides!!
  21. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I am in Europe. As I said, it;s not about people, it's about the country's image in the world, and the decisions that people in power make

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