Changing my wardrobe

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by mommy32, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Most denominations that preach "skirts only" also preach that a woman should NEVER cut her hair. And many of those teach that a woman should wear a head covering in church.
  2. Mary in AZ

    Mary in AZ New Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    imho, everybody should do what they think the Lord would want them to do. I wear skirts in the summer because it gets up to 114-120 degrees here in AZ. I do not wear shorts. During the winter, I do wear pants/sweats and jeans. I belive that we can wear them, but, that is wat I believe. I don't judge people when they wear only skirts or dresses. I am not implying that anybody else here is. What ever conviction you have, do it. Don't be concerned about what other people say or think. I hope this is making since and is not offending anybody!!!


    Mary in AZ
  3. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Most of what we are talking about come from the book of Corinthians, right? It is important to understand the history of that time to understand why Paul wrote some of these things. The women of Corith would dye their hair blonde and wear no hair covering to indicate that they were...well...ready to party..if you get my drift. lol. I think this applies to women today as to say to dress in modest appearal and be separate from the world. That can mean different things to different people. However, I can't blame someone who goes that extra mile to please the Lord by choosing to dress in a way she believes glorifies him.

    I knew a church were if a woman was found wearing pants at any time...outside of church..she would be kicked out of any ministry she was involved in. Personally, I feel that is too extreme..but who am I? lol. I think that is where you run the risk of thinking your spirituality is in your clothes. That is not to say that all women who choose to wear skirts or dresses believes her sprituality is in her clothes.

    I feel that you follow the conviction that the Lord gives you. You may be critizied but who is your judge? I know people thought I was crazy for not allowing my kids to watch Dragon Tales and celebrate Halloween. lol. We follow the path the Lord lays for us and respect the path laid out for our sisters in Christ.
  4. Mary in AZ

    Mary in AZ New Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    I agrre with who are we to judge.
    I aggree abot dragon tales and Halloween. We also don't watch Blade movies or anythig like that. I don't like to watch Harry Potter, but my dh does.
    I die my hair blonde because my dh wants it to be blonde.

    Mary in AZ
  5. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    The Bible also says that a woman's hair is her husband's pleasure ;)
  6. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Oh hon, dye your hair anything you want! LOL. Blonde hair doesn't make you a loose woman! lol. If you dh likes it that is all the better! lol.

    Only we can walk the path before us. Walking with God is a beautiful and often difficult road. Anyone who had time to judge someone else's walk is slowly taking his feet off his own. I know I can only follow one path. I respect anyone who feels a Godly conviction and follows it.
  7. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I find it that so many have different opinions and it is great we all search where God would want us. I do wear skirts to church and sometimes in the summer months but in the winter I wear Jeans..(at home and out)
    I have a friend who says only skirts (but wears jeans), Cannot play cards (only ones they like) can't dance at weddings (waits for the people she knows to leave then dances) Then she has her kids tell my kids they are doing "wrong" . One girl called my dd a slut and my dd 1) had no idea what the word meant and 2) was so hurt she will not go back to that church (we are working on forgiveness). This is hypocritical IMO. But I think if God leads you this way it is for you to follow and not worry about others. I know my heart is to follow God and my husband and he prefers me to dress the way I am.
    I love to see people following God and what peace they have on their faces.
  8. KathleenS

    KathleenS New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
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    this has been an education

    I was raised Catholic, and never really knew what was behind the skirt/dress thing. I guess I never really noticed anything about it until we started homeschooling, and I noticed that there were homeschool moms and daughters that only wore skirts and dresses. You have given me an education! I felt it was rude to ask! but I figured there was a biblical basis. Thank you for the info. I am all for modest dress, and it is sickening what they market to young girls. My 4 year old dd is often heard saying "Mommy doesn't like Bratz" to her friends! The name, the makeup, the skimpy clothes - UGH!
  9. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Very interesting thread. I enjoyed reading it, though I myself wear pants and skirts.
    Ava Rose, I like your posts in this thread and wholeheartedly agree
  10. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Thanks! :love:
  11. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Ava girl you rock!

    You always put things so well.
  12. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Well, thank you...though many others may not agree! ;):D
  13. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    This is SO true! A very good point. Understanding history of that time is also important or else things get thrown out of context so easily. There is also a verse which talks about not wearing pearls or something or other, when in fact it is talking about the history of when women would wear such things in their hair which was distracting in church. The principle of it was...don't take away anyone's attention from what is most important...Christ. It really has nothing to do with "wearing pearls". ;)
  14. mommy32

    mommy32 New Member

    Jan 19, 2008
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    I fully understand what you're saying Kari and I don't take you as argumentative at all. I feel the same as you do. I am new to this whole concept too, even though I've heard it for the past 10 years and have a mother in law who believes it whole heartedly. This is honestly the first time I have ever felt the slightest bit of conviction on the topic. BUT, as Ava Rose said, I certainly DO NOT look down (or up to anyone for that matter) just because of how someone is dressed. Anyone can put on a dress or skirt and, in my opinion, THAT in itself doesn't deem their spirituality. I have a very strong faith and have wore jeans for the past 32 years. I'm not heaving out my closet yet, but am open to what God wants me to do. I guess I am just starting to look at it as one less thing I'll have to answer to God for.

    Sorry if my reasoning of "modest apparel" wasn't very clear... I'd also be open to why others carry this belief. Before I did my research, I thought of modest apparel being as long as I wasn't wearing skin tight and skimpy, and the "not wearing what pertaineth to a man" meaning in a homosexual nature. So, I am by no means an expert on the topic either :)
  15. mommy32

    mommy32 New Member

    Jan 19, 2008
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    Jennie~ you hit the nail on the head. This is exactly what I have been on the fence about in my own mind FOR YEARS. Is this "modest apparel" thing truly skirt and dresses OR is it how some have taken it out of context??? And, a bigger struggle for me is also the verse about not wearing what pertaineth to a man.... I don't wear MEN's clothes, but women's (no brainer), so is this truly a violation since there are women's pants. BUT then when I ran across the "katastople" term and researched it, it kind of made sense and started me thinking.

    OK~ so, now I sit here still confused. I would say, is it a big deal really, but know that the Bible calls it an abomination.
  16. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Remember back then men wore almost the same garments as woman as well. ;) Lengthy robe-like dresses (forgot the actual term). So, men technically wore dresses back then, and it says not to wear what men, how is that for even more confusion? LOL Sorry, I'm probably not helping at all. *blush*

    I often wonder if that whole thing pertains to making sure you can distinguish men from women. ??? I don't know. People who live as the opposite gender come to mind, who take it to an extreme. Often those people live an alternative lifestyle, which is unholy. Just a thought.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2008
  17. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Great post ladies and Thank you for all this insight.
  18. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    This is what has always confused me and I guess why I am not convicted to wear dresses or skirts only. I certainly respect the conviction to do so.
  19. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Same here. :angel:
  20. mommy32

    mommy32 New Member

    Jan 19, 2008
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    Your last paragraph is EXACTLY how I had interpreted the verses to mean as well. That as long as I'm not "drag" dressing and you can certainly tell that I am a women, is that wrong? See, I'm still so torn and I have prayed numerous times for God to convict me in the area of attire (skirts) if that is what I should be wearing. I read that book I mentioned earlier, didn't feel convicted the 1st time, so read it again and thought I saw what they were saying, but you bring up the exact reasons I disputed (mentally) the idea to begin with. And I might be wrong on this, but it is my belief that God reveals to us plainly what He wants, and I honestly don't see it here. I DO still see the Greek word meaning Katastole, but again, is that being taken out of context. I almost feel like God would have said, "women wear dresses" in no uncertain terms if that was what he intended. I still have a lot of confusion on the matter and don't know if it's just me being disobedient or if this truly is not what is meant in the Bible.

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