Do you go to the Chiropractor?

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Earthy, Sep 11, 2008.


Do you go to the chiropractor?

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, never been

    9 vote(s)
  3. Used to but stopped

    9 vote(s)
  4. Have thought about it

    2 vote(s)
  1. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    Wondering how many use the chiropractor; yourself, spouse or children. Do you feel it benefits you alot or have you once used it and now you don't for it caused problems. Any info you'd like to share would be great!

    I currently use the chiropractor, though not often.
  3. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I have never been to a chiropractor.
    Handsome has. He has been to some and the problems get worse. He has been to one imparticular that he loves. Handsome leaves the office feeling great.
  4. Swayde

    Swayde New Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    I went to one for awhile after I got rear ended in a car accident. I didn't think it helped at all.
  5. DizneeTeachR

    DizneeTeachR Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I go, but not very often. Only when I feel like my hips are really out or if my neck is bothering me. Luckily, my chiropractor is an old babysitter so I trust her to take care of me!!! LOL!!!
  6. daddys3chicks

    daddys3chicks New Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    I used to go all the time until insurance stopped covering. He fixed my stiff neck, and I even went during pregnancy. Helped a lot with my backaches.

    I would go back regularly in a heart beat if insurance covered the service. :(
  7. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I use to when I worked for one. I got free adjustments, and yes I feel it did help with some things. I noticed I got sick less and wasn't sick or nearly as long when I got ill, and it also helped my posture and my neck. I stopped going only because I can't offord to go now that I no longer work for him. Even through our insurance, it costs a lot. A lot of insurance companies frown on it because they don't get any kickbacks from them. *snarl*
  8. nancy sv

    nancy sv New Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    I used to go, but it felt like it made my back problem worse. I would be feeling OK when I walked into his door, but then I hurt like heck for a few days until I settled back again.
  9. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I use to go all the time till we ran out of insurance can't afford one, and yes I love them they were great. Sure miss them...
  10. Claraskids

    Claraskids New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    I have had good chiropractors and awful ones. Currently haven't found one that will accept our insurance. However, when you can find a good chiro - it is so worth it.
  11. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    There are a few Chiropractors who will go in and realign what is out of align but most just want to play games with you and use up all of your insurance allowed for Chiropratic, or just keep you coming in until your tolerance for spending is met.

    They like to have you on the tables that move, jiggle, or vibrate you. Or they have staff put hot bags of sand, or other stuff on you. or they like to have you get massages and or some of the above.

    Then on the way out the door, they want to sell you a bunch of viatamines or other dietary supplements. Did I mention the fancy pillows.

    On the whole I think that alot of them either play doctor or come dangerously close. I think that one has to be careful with them on the because many will see a Chiropractor for things that a MD would be more appropriate to see. This can potentially delay needed attention to problems that Chiropractic is not well suited to treat.

    Swollen ankles could be a sign of heart failure or many other things for example. Pain down one side might not be more than a bad pillow choice or sleep position.

    Just don't let one drag treatment on and on and on. They can be really good, for things that are muskuloskelletol related.
  12. jomama

    jomama New Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    I only go to the chiropractor when my back goes out.
  13. Jen

    Jen New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    That's interesting to hear, Vantage. Apparently I've been very lucky. I've only gone to 2 different chiros in my life. The first one "cured" my scoliosis that the all the other docs I went to prescribed pain meds (I was 12!!!) and then wanted to wait for it to get worse to operate. He never tried to sell us anything or play doctor. Just fix my back. Not even a massage or nerve stim or anything.

    The one I go to now is excellent. The area between my shoulders hurt so bad I could barely tolerate doing anything with my arms or standing for very long. I am down to once a month and feel GREAT. I will probably go once a month as long as insurance continues to cover 12 visits a year. But when I was at my worst, I quickly burned through those 12 visits and GLADLY paid out of pocket.

    I do get the massage because insurance pays for it except for $15. I got the nerve stim for the first month or 2 to help stimulate the healing process (also covered by ins.). But again, he's never tried to sell me a thing. Of course, he's also told me there is only one other chiro in town that he would go to for adjustments. LOL! The rest aren't good enough. He's also said that D.O.'s do adjustments willy nilly and not to let them.
  14. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    The only thing my chiropractor uses is his hands.

    I've never been to one that uses all those machines, tables, equipment, etc. nor one that sells any sort of vitamins or extras.
  15. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    The one I worked for only used his hands too. His philosophy was that if you use some sort of machine to do an adjustment, like some do, you're really not sure then if the patient is being adjusted properly.

    He also sold supplements, but there were no mark ups on them. He sold them as a favor to his patients so they could save money rather than paying outlandish prices at a health food store. Same with pillows, etc. The cervical pillows he sold were $100 compared to $180 in the store. Some people are in dire need of them, and for those that do need them they can work wonderfully. Like one patient he had whose neck was aligned backwards!!! EEK! Her neck literally curved the opposite way.

    The tables he used were the standard tables that all chiros use for adjustments.

    ETA: I don't think enough people realize what chiropractic really can do. The spine and nerves are all intertwined to EVERYTHING in your body. One single misalignment can cause a bunch of problems to go untreated. When left untreated it can cause many other problems on top of the initial issue. Then at that point it's when people find a problem, go to a medical doctor, get lots of drugs that are very harmful to your body (did you know Tylenol causes serious liver damage and ADD/ADHD meds are a class 2 narcotic...same as cocaine?? Eek!). If people would go see a chiropractor early on, a lot of medical issues could be saved, this saving money in the long run. If they go as a last resort after all the issues have been persisting, the chiro now has to fix more issues on top of the initial one.

    The reason why chiros have you going back for more and more is because you can't maintain an alignment if you don't remain on a maintenence regimen. You can't go, get realigned, then never go back. Your spine will always be moving and you will always need to go back, whether it be once a week or once every couple months. That's just how our human body is.

    Also, insurances usually don't cover a lot when it comes to chiropractic care. This is because a lot of insurance companies don't understand the need for it, just as many people don't. companies don't get the kickbacks from chiros as they do from the med doctors and drug companies. Because of this and the need for ongoing care, it may seem like chiros are always at your wallet...but they aren't. Don't get me wrong, some are...but if people would understand the ins and outs they'd realize that chiros are just passionate about what they do. They don't want the whole world doped up on drugs and they want people to be healthy.

    Are they for everyone? No. But can many people benefit from them? Of course. I don't believe they can cure cancer by any means, but I do think they can aid in many issues that come with the disease, for example. A friend of mine was able to get off of her pills she was on for fibromyalgia. There is a reason why God gave us all these natural things on this Earth to use. ;) Whether it be chiropractic, acupuncture, herbs, vitamins, etc.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2008
  16. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Handsome has been to some chiropractors that have tried to sell the moon. The chiropractor that he has now, doesn't see him often, has sold him a pillow but it works. I find myself using it too. He pretty much sells him what he thinks the patient needs.
  17. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    I found this oddly strange. My chiropractor is kinda against yoga. I mentioned that I do yoga (have for almost 20 yrs now) and he said that people start doing yoga and end up coming to his office. He said that when I get adjusted he wants me to wait a week before I start it up again. (to which I never listen)

    Also, I do know that my family Dr does not like chiropractors.

    I probably go to the chiropractor twice a year, it's normally when my hip or something in that area goes out because I was bending down to grab a box sideways....ugh.
  18. Laja656

    Laja656 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I loved my chiro. He is a miracle-worker ... unfortunately, I can't afford to go anymore. And believe me --- I'm feeling it.
  19. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    That doesn't surprise me. That's usually because if someone is being helped/aided/cured by a chiro, that means less business for the med doctor.;)

    Not all feel this way, but a lot of them do. Such a shame too, because they should be concerned about what is best for the patient, not their wallet.
  20. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    Yeah, when I went in with my lower back pain to my Dr he gave me muscle relaxers. I didn't need to relax, I needed the shooting pain down my leg to go away!
  21. Jen

    Jen New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    My DH is a doc. He says chiros are quacks and makes fun of me for going. I tell him that I'm the one waking up without headaches while he still does. Who's the quack? LOL!

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