Homeschool, yeah right

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Twice, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Twice

    Twice New Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Maybe, it is just me who feel this way. Or maybe not. Is there anyone out there who find that they have to constantly defend why they do homeschool?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  3. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I think we all have to defend what we do from time to time. We go through periods of no questions then one day, they start coming our way again.
  4. rmcx5

    rmcx5 New Member

    Jun 8, 2007
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    So far we've been lucky and only had one really annoying inquiry :) Most of our family have been supportive (as well as long distance allows) but I know they don't all understand it and assume that when we live in a better school district that they'll return to school. At this point, I don't believe that will ever be the case but we'll assess it when the time comes.

    I do know folks that are constantly being put on the defensive so you are definitely not allow.

    Stay strong!!

  5. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    A lady at church came up to me today and asked if I homeschooled Ems from the beginning. I told her yes. At first I thought she was going to start up on me about homeschooling. Then she said her friend homeschooled but had to put her daughter in school due to money problems. The school tested the girl and put her two grades ahead of where she "should be". So it all worked out.:D
  6. mamamuse

    mamamuse New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I think we've all gone through that with certain people, at certain times. Lately we've had a break from it.

    Last week I had to take Eli to the ER after a fall. I felt like I had to explain to every person we came in contact with that we homeschool (because why else would school-aged kids be on a playground at 10:30 in the morning?). Everyone was really nonchalant about it. Then the ER doctor asked Eli a zillion was to see if he had a head injury, but was kind of embarrassing because Eli didn't know our phone number or address (he knew them at our old house but I haven't worked with him on the new ones yet...we moved nearly a year ago...bad mom!). Then the doctor asked him the names of his friends. Eli goes, "I only have one friend and his name is Asher." (Another embarrassing moment...he has other friends, but considers A to be his best friend.) :oops:

    So when the Dr. had finished his exam, he said, "So how is the homeschooling thing working out for you?" and I felt on the defensive, expecting a lecture. But...he was truly curious and is considering it for his own children. He had nothing but positive thoughts about it, and said "You have very nice boys" before he left. was neat to come across someone so positive about HS, esp. when I was expecting the worst! :lol:

    One thing I've started doing for those basic HS questions is to remain positive and focus on the things we like (flexible scheduling, etc.) instead of all the reasons we want to avoid our local schools.

    There will always be those who think it's weird, but whatever. Imagine what it was like 20 years ago when there were so few HS'ers?
  7. Autumnleavz

    Autumnleavz New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    I think it constantly keeps you on your toes because you never know if someone is going to say something positive or negative or if you'll be answering questions (which I don't mind).
    But yeah, I had it out recently with my FIL's girlfriend because she made a rude comment about my kids...

    What happened twosets?
  8. rmcx5

    rmcx5 New Member

    Jun 8, 2007
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    We ran into a man recently at our very small beauty shop. I was a bit nervous about this older gentlemen and my 3 kids crammed into the 2 person beauty shop. He WAS so supportive of homeschooling...."way to go, get them out of those government schools" sort of conversation....just the opposite of what I expected.

    Someone mentioned the doctor inquiring and pondering HSing, my kids' peds dentist homeschools and it's great!
  9. Cheryl in CA

    Cheryl in CA New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    I usually nip it in the bud with new people by saying it is what works best for our family. I will discuss the issue with close friends and family that are oppossed to it as long as the conversation remains civil and does not become circular. With professionals such as doctors, psychologists, etc. we just agree to disagree and go on.

    I am not defensive about homeschooling it is just who we are. I won't get caught up in heated arguments about it either because in the end it does not matter what that other person thinks, it is dh and my decision.
  10. Singing Strong

    Singing Strong New Member

    Jul 3, 2008
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    Most people say only positive things to my face. I talk about why it's been good for our family and that usually stills any possable retorts. As long as I don't get my shorts in a knot people seem to listen more. Those who don't aren't any concern to me. I'm doing what's best for my kids.

    I apprecate coming her to share and chat when comments or whatever gets to me. You guys are an encouragement to me . Thank you.
  11. Twice

    Twice New Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    It really bugs me when I am asked OVER and OVER again, by the same people. How long are you going to Homeschool the kids?

    They almost seem to imply that Homeschooling is some sort of a cult or illegal practice.

    Why do I get into these circles of acquaintances: professionals, who are doctors and lawyers, etc, and I find that every time, at least once a year when we have our yearly dinner, I have to keep defending my Homeschool stance, like a Doctoral Thesis.

    But, from reading the other posts. That's the life. Thanks for the pat on the back.
  12. squarepeg

    squarepeg New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    twosets -
    when I began homeschooling 18 years ago, it wasn't know like it is now. I felt I was always defending myself. People either loved the idea or hated it.
    The worse for me all these years has been my in-laws. But after 24 years with them I try no to give them the power to hurt me anymore nor do I worry about their opinion. Even with my oldest finishing his senior year with top scores they have to ask "will a college even accept him since he's homeschooled?" They sure don't want to have their ideas proven wrong so it isn't that they are asking with genuine concern.
    The point I'm taking all day to get to is this.... if you believe in your heart you are doing what you are suppose to, does it really matter what others think? (mantra I say at all the family get-togethers.)
    Hard, I know. BELIEVE ME.
    But, on the other hand, doesn't your heart swell with pride and justification when some stranger tells you "your kids must be homeschooled, they are just so ..........." (fill in blank with any compliment.)
  13. Autumnleavz

    Autumnleavz New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    That happened with the kids' doctor too, but he is a homeschooler already! And his nurse was telling me about a couple of other dr.s there who were hs'ers! I was like how cool is this!?!
  14. daddys3chicks

    daddys3chicks New Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    I find that I have to explain and defend more with family and friends than with strangers! My Mom even asked me what I was going to do when the kids got to Algebra and stuff.

    I told her we have enrichment classes, tutoring DVDs and DH is an accountant! A friend recently asked me when my kids take their first tests.

    She always wants to know if the homeschoolers I know are "teachers". I asked her last night "Was Jesus a teacher?" "She said, yes." Then I said, "What college did he attend?" That ended that!

    Well, we are relaxed schoolers and don't really do tests, we just work on something until I feel like the understand it and move on. I don't need a test because I am one on one with them daily!

    On the other hand, we went to the store the other day before PS was out. A lady in line in front of me asked me if we homeschooled. She then talked about her Kindergartner and how he cried every day about going to school.

    She said she was considering it. I told her how much we were enjoying it. The cashier even got into the act saying the way schools are now everybody should be homeschooling!

    Now, that I write this, it makes me think my family and friends don't think I am capable of teaching my kids! LOL!
  15. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Don't worry - my mom think you all are brain-washing me with your homeschool cult like stuff. LOL!!!! She thinks the same thing of the Catholic Church (I'm taking the class to convert).

    What's sad is that my mom corrects the kids and such so much (which is her personality) that they don't really want to go over there as much as they want to see my MIL because she just lets it all go.

    No mention that my 11 year old is taking 7th grade everything and can hold his own with adults when needed. Ok - he occassionally wants to tell them all about his gun and shooting which rattles some adults ;) but hey he IS still an 11 year old boy :)
  16. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I don't get it much any more other than the off comment or so about how they wouldn't be able to do it. And I always say "Well, then you shouldn't!".

    My husband gets it more than I do, believe it or not. But his workmates seem to really understand it now. They've had the occasion to meet a couple of our kids recently, and they all were amazed at how respectful and intelligent they were. I'm not (anymore)....but it's nice when other's are.

    My stepmother used to bug us a lot over it. But after my oldest (who by district standards would be a grade below what she is doing in homeschooling) had her standardized testing last year - as a third grader - tested in 5th for Math, 6th for reading and 7th for spelling. It kind of shut her up. Now she's ont he other side trying to convince all of my siblings that homeschooling is amazing! LOL :D

    My doctor CONSTANTLY commends me on how well behaved and bright my children are. Even my 3 year old. :D

    I thought homeschooling IS a cult? It's not? Dag. I'm gonna have to do something else now. Are the Krishna's still taking applicants? LOL :D
  17. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I just can't get into the hair style there.... ;)
  18. elc

    elc New Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    My Husband...

    actually said no to home school, but I think he knows that she is not attending P.S. Ha Ha. They know there is nothing that they can do, and that if the child is happy, nice, and learning then you are doing a good job!
  19. jomama

    jomama New Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    The longer I homeschool, the less I say. I also just say that it works best for our family.
  20. Twice

    Twice New Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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  21. mamamuse

    mamamuse New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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