Letter to yourself at 18

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by JenniferErix, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I saw this on a blog and thought it would make interesting conversation, here...

    Write a letter to yourself at 18...

    Here is mine....

    Dear 18 year old Jennifererix...

    Hug Tina, she will not be alive next month.

    Your will marry that guy you met last month, but don't worry, although it won't last, it also won't be a horrible break up. Your true soul mate, is living down hwy 59, but you unknowingly bump into him every weekend.

    Your mom will eventually leave that abusive step father of yours, but she will never regain her former confidence. So, grow up, she is going to need you.

    God will say NO about children for a loooooong time. Have faith, there is a reason for his unanswered prayers.

    Go to Ronnies birthday party, he will be dead in 24 days.

    Remember when you used to take your allowance money and spend it at the nearby Christian Book Store for religious cartoon tracts? And remember how bad that cult church was? Remember getting so lost, you became who you are today.....? Guess what? You will find your way back again!

    No one stole your camera. It is in your jacket pocket. The jacket you haven't worn since January, the same time you last used your camera.

    Also, there is someone needing you, a few actually. They are praying for a friend to care for and to trust in. It is you! So take care, ease off the sodas and oh yea..... You WILL be free of the cigarette slavery... one day.....

    Have faith.
  3. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Okay, I'll play.

    Dear 18yo Deena,

    I'm glad you made it to college. You will end up graduating, though it will take 6 years cuz you have to work a lot to help get through. But you WILL graduate, and be the first one in your immediate family to do so!

    Stay away from Dr. ___________, the Chairman of the Education Department, as much as pssible. He's bad news! For some reason he has it out for you and will cause pain for you, but you'll have allies. Hang on to them and trust them when they say you'll be fine, you'll make it through, and that they care for you and are praying for you.

    God DOES have a special someone for you, though you won't meet him in college, even though you were there for 6 years! ;) It's a very special person that you will meet, who will love and cherish you!

    Visit and talk with your Grandma more! She's a very special person and you'll remember the times with her fondly!

    Keep a close hold on God. You will make some wrong decisions, but God will ALWAYS be there for you! He has given you a mission-mindedness, and will follow through with allowing you opportunities to work in that capacity.

    I wish you would learn another language, you dummy! Fit it into your schedule! Naaah, you won't, but you'll wish you would have! You'll be okay without it though.

    Your two childhood dreams of going as a missionary to Africa, and getting married and having kids WILL come true! God is good!

    Things will happen, friends will come and go, but God has a plan for your life: a WONDERFUL husband and very happy marriage, GREAT kids, and best of all, He will always love you and be with you, and will have a place for you in Heaven with Him if you keep the faith!
  4. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Thanks for playing!
    I thought it was wonderful!

    Anyone else?
  5. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Dear 18 yr old Becky,

    Where do I start? You have been dealt so much nonsense, misinformation, and have seen so much immoral, abusive, and disgusting stuff that it will take you until you're way into your 30's to overcome it all.
    Do everything in a way that is opposite of that which you would be inclined to do it. You're getting married in October- do not cheat on your husband the minute he gets on your nerves. Although that's what you're used to seeing, it's wrong.
    You're going to have a baby boy two years later, of course by someone not your husband. Remember YOU are his mother, you can do this. Someone will tell you you can't, but ignore them, They are just pining over what should have been, and it makes them feel helpless.
    You're going to have so many ups and downs that your head is going to spin off your neck! You're going to make dumb mistakes that you will cringe over forever. Hang in there, though. You have to remember you are worthy, and that none of this matters. What does matter is God has a plan for you, and in the end you will be rewarded for all the suffering and useless junk you had to deal with all your life.
    In the end, you are going to break the mold into smithereens. Yopu will give your kids a stable life like you should have had. You are actually going to be a decent mother, too. You're going to marry a second time, and this time you'll do it right. You're going to be blessed with a husband that provides and is a stable homebody.
    Talk to you soon..like when you're turning 50!
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  6. JenniBear

    JenniBear New Member

    May 9, 2007
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    Wow this is neat.

    This is too difficult to do right now. I will have to get back to it, if at all.
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Yea, it is not for everyone...
    But when you think about all we have been through... we are pretty fabulous people, eh?
  8. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Yeah, JenniBear, it's taken me a while to get around to this also, but it's been on my mind. I loved what Jen, Deena, and Becky wrote. Mine won't be that awesome, but here goes:

    Dear 18 year old Prairie Home,
    Your ideals are so sincere, you are such a perfectionist, & you have experienced so little failure so far that the pain will be nearly unbearable when your best intentions, your hardest work, and your favorite dreams come crashing down.

    You will be tempted to believe that your own and your family's failure is a disgrace to your extended family and to the Lord's kingdom. There will be days when, though never seriously tempted to end your own life, you will be disappointed that the sun rose again, giving you another opportunity to face unbelievable pain without anesthesia.

    1.) Know this: You will live. Sometimes only a day at a time. Sometimes only a minute at a time.

    2.) Be aware of this: Though you despair and even take your frustrations out on your beloved husband (whom you haven't met yet), he will remain stalwart. Unshakable. Listen closely to his words, for--though often struggling with grammar or correct diction (in your estimation)--he will speak under life-giving anointing from my Holy Spirit, and you will gain strength from his wisdom and peace. Rest in that. You will learn to rest in my provisions. He is one of them.

    3.) Though it will catch you by surprise when it comes after many trials, try to be ready for the jolt of unanticipated joy: After you will have been married 37 years, you will declare that marriage & life itself gets better & better through the years--through the laughter and the tears--and you & your spouse will become mentors to young lovers who haven't yet faced the valleys and mountains of life.

    4.) I can't tell you too much about this next point, dear 18-yr-old, for it would undermine your growth of faith. You can only learn some things by walking through the valley without sight beyond the next curve in the road. But I John 3:8 (b) is true: Jesus Christ came into the world to destroy the works of the devil, and you will live to see your children's lives restored--as well as their love for you.

    5.) You can't even imagine being a grandmother at 18, when you can't yet see the end of your formal education. But it will happen. And by the time those grandchildren leap into your heart, you will no longer be afraid for the plans I have for you in life or death, in stable economies or shaking world events, for you will have experienced in your own life that I am faithful. "Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator." I Peter 4:19
  9. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I can't do it. Yet. I'm working through it ladies. It's hard to write a letter like that! How'd you all do it so easy! Maybe I'll have the strength tomorrow.
  10. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I tried to do the letter, but it just is too hard! I didn't expect that. I will think about it and maybe try again later.
  11. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    It's NOT easy! I actually left out a couple of too personal things! But I enjoyed the challenge and think it's pretty neat how the letters thus far have turned out!
  12. tagsfan

    tagsfan New Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Okay, mine is not as serious in places...but still true. I wish I'd known these things:

    Dear 18-year-old Kerri,

    I'm so glad to get in contact with you after all these years. I need to tell you a few things!

    First, you know that guy you have a crush on? Don't act innocent, you know the one that won't give you the time of day, but will wink at you once in a while. Just forget about him, alright? He is a nice guy, but 20 years from now? At least 300 pounds! No kidding. He's still a great guy, from what I can tell...but let's not go there, shall we?

    While we're on the subject, it is going to be a while before you meet Mr. Right, so chill out. The right guy, when you finally meet, is going to want you, and not just want to play the "he loves me, he loves me not" game.

    It is a good idea to develop friendships with some girls and guys. Your Mr. Wonderful will come about through a mutual friend, so you are doing yourself a favor in the romance department when you can be a good friend.

    While you are doing that, be more serious about discipleship. You think that going to a Christian college is the greatest, but you are actually learning a good deal of clap-trap and falsehoods along with all the good. Rather than sit and list all the errors, I would just encourage you to learn to search the Scriptures now rather than later, and it will save you some wasted time.
  13. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Tagsfan, I enjoyed reading your letter. Thanks for sharing! While waiting for Sloan and Kbabe's letters, I thought of a Christmas PS, which I'll slip in here:

    PS to 18-year old Prairie Home

    One thing you would profit by keeping in mind is that this world is not your home, and all your glittering dreams have their origin as well as their fulfillment in another place. Similar to the way a baby grows in his or her mother's womb, the time spent prenatally is not for womb-life, itself. It is preparation for life outside the womb. Now, in this next stage, your earth-life is not for earth-life alone. It is but another very short preparation period--this time for life in eternity.

    The glittering "life-ever-after," romantic yearnings of your child heart are both left-overs from the perfect garden environment for which you were created, as well as golden ribbons of promise of a land that is fairer than day. At 18, you still believe that your prince charming is the handsome, wonderful man you are about to meet, who will soon become your life-long beloved husband. I wish you could spare him the burden of your expectations! There is only one perfect Prince, and your husband does not lay claim to that title. Your true hopes and dreams will find their ultimate fulfillment in the kingdom of the Prince of Peace.

    Two Christmases from now, there will be a ring wrapped up for you, given at a family gathering--a symbol of promises your heart longs for but can't even wrap words around. Like a child--just like a child dreaming of Christmas with all its glory (only to wonder where the magic all evaporated to by the middle of January)--you will look inordinately to your true love and to your combined life-time goals for satisfaction & fulfillment. Even though your sight at this time is slightly mis-focused, you will learn that lasting fulfillment emanates from timeless things. Not from accomplishments. Not even from attaining your goals.

    And you will gain in your ability to get over the grief of earth-dreams fading. You will see beyond the grave, and you will hear whispers of love from the Voice which created you. You will catch glimpses of glory more radiant than Christmas lights. And you will dare to dream dreams bigger than any one life-time can accomplish.

    Oh! I delight to tell you that one of those classmates with whom you now have absolutely nothing in common with--whom you scarcely greet in passing--will one day co-chair your 40th class reunion with you, and you will have a blast!

    Your weeping in all areas will be changed to unbounded joy, and sometime during a season when you are a member of what will fondly be known as "The Homeschool Spot," you will be able to rejoice with others there (& in real life) in the Christmas message of hope and of timeless, unfading joy about a sparkling Kingdom that will only increase in glory throughout the ages, long after all earthly kingdoms and constitutions have crumbled.

    Merry Christmas 18 year old. The best is yet to come. The best is always yet to come!
  14. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Prairie, you rock.,
  15. Mrs. Mommy

    Mrs. Mommy New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Started several letters and it was difficult to read them.....can't imagine posting them.
  16. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I understand.
  17. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    Dear 18 year old rhi...

    Your now a new mom of 1 month and 1 day. And as uncertain as you are of your db he's there for the long haul. You should of gone ahead and married him after the first time he asked and not made the poor guy ask every week and sometimes every day until you finally said yes. Marriage is hard, but it's also very, very good.

    There will also be bumpy roads in family life, not your very core family but those on the fringe. Let it go and remember to take everything with a grain of salt and move on. You'll do better in the long run.

    Go back to school and get your degree of choosing. While I'm proud you finished a year and a half of high school within 2 months, keep going. A baby won't hold you back but will make you stronger and more determined.

    almost 29 for (the fourth year running)

  18. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    rhi, My niece had a baby a month before she turned 16 (oops)! She finished highschool at 17 with a 3.9 gpa! She married that guy, and 8 years later they are very happy and have 2 children.

    So, I agree, it's good to keep going, finish school and keep moving forward!
  19. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    Thank you! My dh and I have been together since high school and it's now 15 years later and we have 3 kiddos. I started my first class last semester. With hmsing, work and house I can't do more than one at a time it's just not feasible. But I'm glad I at least went back.

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