Doubt I have time for this...

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by dsackr, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. dsackr

    dsackr New Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    My name is Dale and my wife's name is Stephanie. We have two children today, one on the way, and many more planned. My wife and I agreed to homeschool our kids long before we had any.

    I work a full time job and do freelance work nights and weekends - so I don't know that I have time for a forum, but I want to learn more about the ins and outs of homeschooling since my son is now 5 and starting his first year of schooling. Our daughter is 19 months and the next one is due 7/8/9 (what a great due date, huh?)

    We are very excited about homeschooling them all, and I don't expect my wife to do all the work alone. She has asked me to do a lesson in the mornings before work - which I'm currently failing at miserably. :(

    Are their any Dad's in here?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Sorry, dads are few and far between, and you have hit the nail on the head as to why. They simply are too busy! We're a very practical group of ladies, and we discuss a LARGE range of issues from "best" curriculum, to problems with nosy neighbors, to "ladies health issues", to frustration over kids' "not getting it", to exultation over kids' "finally" getting it. But dads ARE welcome (!!!) and we'll be glad to answer any questions they have as readily as we will for anyone else.

    You might want to check out this site: I've heard the speaker at conferences, and he's excellent. He also sends out weekly emails to encourage fathers, and I know they have been a real blessing to my husband.

    One place
  4. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    for one thing........ if your homeschooling your lessons don't have to be at any exact time, just make a few lessons up ahead of time and since your son is just 5 they won't be to elaborate. They don't even have to be one single lesson at one time if you have extra time on tuesdays say.... do more lessons on tuesdays............. you will see that homeschool families don't always do things traditionally......... welcome.
  5. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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  6. eyeofthestorm

    eyeofthestorm Active Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Dale, FWIW, I know my husband is itching to get more involved in homeschool lessons. But, working fulltime outside the home makes it a real challenge. Here are some of my thoughts:

    First, our kids are young, like yours. They are still building the fundamental skills (reading, writing, fine & gross motor skills) that will allow them to be more independent/paticipatory learners later. Not that they don't participate now, but you can't really tell them "go do thus and such" with something new. They either simply can't, or they forget and wander off (mentally and/or physically). As they develop, they'll be able to do more with my DH in less time than it would take right now.

    Second, my DH reads to our boys every night. Right now, it's a free choice time (his or theirs), but they're getting plenty of literature.

    Third, my DH is planning a career shift which will allow him to work from home. He most likely won't work fewer hours, but he'll have flexibility with those hours he does work, and will be able to do more as a result.

    One more thought - it might help to think about what you'd feel comfortable or motivated to teach your kids. (Motivation helps A LOT when making it work is difficult). I would love my husband to take over teaching my kids French since he grew up in a French speaking family (that would make sense, hm?), but he just won't do it. (Please don't ask - if I knew why, I might be able to move him). BUT! He has already decided that he is going to teach these boys (as they grow) how automobiles work by building one. He's got all the plans, and I know the way my boys are, they'll be all over it. And, even though my DH is a very physical, athletic, guy-type guy, it's the reading to them at night that he always comes back to and has ownership of. I guess what I'm trying to say is just figure out what does work, and don't worry about what doesn't, as long as your child(ren) learn what they need.

    Okay, JMO.
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Oh, Carl also reads to the kids most nights! When we first started, I was reading to them and he complained. He knew that I was also reading to them a DIFFERENT book during the day, and he wanted in on the fun, too. So I gave it up at night before bed. It drives me crazy, because he's not the best at reading aloud, but he WANTS to do it. Also, he reads more "fluff" books to them, but I tend to go in the other direction with more "classical" and "living" books, so he's good at keeping the balance!
  8. dsackr

    dsackr New Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    I don't know what FWIW means? I do know DH is darling husband because my wife has referred to me as DH in conversation - which I thought was just weird so I asked... :D

    I like the doubling up on lessons idea - but the subject matter she has asked that I take is Bible Verse Memory - not exactly something I expect my son to be able to double up on, ya know?

    I do read to him most nights - maybe I will see if Stephanie is willing to switch up the subject matter and give me math or something... :D

    BTW - nice to meet you guys... er, I guess I mean ladies... :D
  9. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    FWIW is for what it's worth.

    Glad you joined us. My husband is semi retired so he gets to help out a lot with our girls. He goes on almost all of our fieldtrips too. Beth
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    FWIW = For What It's Worth

    As far as DH, it can depend on what kind of a mood we're in at the time. For example, if he shows up an hour late from work some evening without a call, especially if it's been an exceptionally trying day, that "D" can stand for several things OTHER than Darling or Dear, lol!

    Tell Stephanie she should stop by and "meet" us, too!
  11. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I agree that you probably shouldn't double up on the Bible verses because I believe in quality not quantity and the Bible is too important. HOWEVER, I do think you should keep the Bible verses. Granted this is coming from a mom who believes the husband can teach the Word better since he is the spiritual leader. Not to say Mom can't because I do teach it too but my daughter seems to retain it more when my husband leads her in this area. :angel:

    At 5 years old, you can teach your son his verses in ways that he can understand, that are interesting, and that take little time, and can be done anytime of the day. Turn the verses into jingles and sing them together, write them on the driveway with chalk or on the windows with dry erase markers. Basically, make them fun and then challenge your child to come up with a way to apply the verse. For example, if the scripture is love your neighbor as yourself, then he can do something for the neighbor that displays this love.
    Application is important.

    I don't know. I am just tossing ideas at you but you know your child best. Basically, find his learning style and run with it.

    ...and remember, learning is a part of life, not a part of a lesson.

    Good luck to you and your DW, however you apply the "D". LOL ;)
    (Thought I would add to Jackie's post)
  12. frogger

    frogger New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    My DH not only works full time plus overtime and is currently going to school at night but he is involved in projects. They help him work around the house. He takes them camping and hiking and read stories to them on the nights that he is home before they are asleep. He has specific projects that he plans on doing with them on the weekends.

    Would it be better to work on your scripture verse with your child when you tuck them into bed at night? Even if you would prefer mornings sometimes it is best to make sure it gets done rather then try something that just isn't going to work for you.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  13. Heather M.

    Heather M. New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    We're going to start our first year of homeschool this fall. My husband also plans to have an active role in our children's education. Welcome!!!

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