100 EZ lessons

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Meg2006, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I was on DonnaYoung.org and saw a thing she has on there for K-1 for Writing in 133 lessons, you know? They say that you don't have to couple the lessons, but that it may help to. Has anyone used 100 EZ lessons? What's it entail? Did it work for your kids?

    DS is almost 3 (will be 3 in July 9) and has expressed an interest in writing. I do alot of writing, jotting, and drawing and he seems really into it. I'm not expecting miracles and for him to start writing since he is very young, but I don't want to refuse him just because of his age either, you know? He is interested in "playing school" lol and we have a good 30 minutes of "school/instruction" time everyday. Any help you can give will be appreciated! :)

    P.S. So I don't have to put up another post, any ideas on how to get my 20 month old to drink milk? He absolutally wont drink it plain, w/ chocolate, or strawberry! ARGH!
  3. gizzy

    gizzy New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Maybe the 20month old doesn't like milk. My 2 year old brother drinks Pediasure like its lifes blood but wont touch ANY other milk, he stopped drinking breastmilk when he was about 1 year I think because mom couldn't continue so we got him hooked on Pediasure type drinks. My friends 2year old drinks his milk so long as its got strawberry in it.
    Maybe you can start trying new baby foods for him? I dont know that much about infant nutrition except to keep popular allergens away for about 4 years, breast is best and you can begin baby foods as early as 6months. That type of thing...Sorry :(. I'm pretty clueless in this regard.

    As for 100 EZ Lessons I was under the distinct impression that when people spoke of 100 EZ, they meant this book.

    I'm bought and am using The Reading Lesson, which is composed of 20 lessons but was inspired or based off this book.
    HOWEVER, I checked 100EZ out of the library and have been reading through it. I'm considering using it with my 2 year old who is interested in Phonics but I dont feel he's ready for TRL yet.
    Those are just some of the thoughts in my head these days.

    100 EZ lessons is a DISTAR reading instruction program, designed to be used in homes or intimate caregiving institutions, to provide a child with 1 to 1 reading lessons. It seems okay. The scripts are kind of....depressing to look at.

    I think that the book and the method are sound though. I haven't read through all the material, but 100EZ uses a lot of weird symbols and fonts to help distinguish the sounds and things. I'm not 100% sure whether this is good or bad, it can be great to help a child learn to read, but it could become a crutch too, at least thats what I THINK, I have no reason for saying this other than...it seems logical that if I child learns to read with each different sound being italicized or bolded or in a different font then there MIGHT be an adjustment period needed when they begin reading books not written in DISTAR.
  4. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Sorry haven't used 100 ez lessons but on the milk thing....

    my 3 year old recently went through a phase, wouldn't drink plain milk, it HAD to have olvaltine in it. I took the ovaltine away. He didn't drink milk for about 2 weeks, then he started to drink plain milk again. I didn't reintroduce ovaltine as an option again for a month or or so after that. Now he'll drink plain milk again. For him, it was just a battle of wills. It wasn't that he didn't like the taste of plain milk, he just like chocolate better (and who can blame him!?!?!?! LOL)

    Maybe your 20 mo old just doesn't like milk. Could be taste or a texture thing. Since he's almost 2, have you tried skim milk? That might work if it's a texture thing, whole milk is very thick, I can't drink it, and it's because I have texture issues with food.

    Some kids won't accept certain drinks in certain cups. Sounds silly, but I found out when my oldest did this, it seems quite common. He would NOT drink water in a sippy cup. But put it in a big boy cup and he'd drink it all day long. I've heard lots of stories of kids not drinking milk but in a certain cup or type of cup. Maybe let him pick out a cool cup and tell him it's his milk cup? Only put milk in it and don't allow him to use the special cup for anything but milk?

    If it's a taste thing, how about trying soy or rice milk or the pedisure?
  5. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    The special cup idea is really good thanks! In March we quit giving him warm bottles of milk at night, and he hasn't drank a drop of milk since. We've put in different chocolate mixes, strawberry mixes, and then just gave him nothing BUT milk and after him going all night all morning w/o drinking anything I couldn't stand it anymore and gave him juice. Thats the only think he'll drink. :/ I'll talk to DH about the special milk cup first, and then try pediasure. The pediasure is almost $9 for 6 of them and I doubt he's going to go for that for very long. lol. Thanks for the suggestions. :)
  6. BrandyBJ

    BrandyBJ New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Maybe the milk doesnt make him feel good.

    Also, if that's the only choice he has, he'll drink it soon enough (after the temper tantrums.)

    My kids did not want to drink water for awhile-but then for a week-that was their only choice (they can't have milk all day long because we can't afford it plus it's not good for them since theyre not toddlers anymore)-now they know if I say water...that's it. It took a SOLID week.
  7. DawnEtech14

    DawnEtech14 New Member

    May 7, 2010
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    When my kids first went off the bottle, they didn't want to drink milk either, I did the special cup thing, and warmed the milk up in the microwave chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla. For some reason they just didn't want the milk cold. Eventually they would drink it cold, but it took awhile.
  8. AngeC325

    AngeC325 New Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    My boys are 6 and almost 9 and they would still rather have their milk with chocolate in it and slightly warmed.
  9. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    ahhhhhh sounds like it may be a temp problem. Maybe he just doesn't like it cold. I don't like it warm but will drank a gallon if it's good and cold, it does change the taste. Will he drink warm milk during the day?
  10. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I'll have to try the warm milk. I never really thought too much about heating it up. DH said The cup idea was great, and that we'd get one next time we went to WalMart.
  11. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    We do this, too! "Can I have some Choc. milk," ask the 4yo, then 2yo. "No, you may have some water." "But I don't want water and I'm thirsty!" "You can have some water." And on and on. They finally drink the water!! Now after nap they know water is all they can have and water is all they ask for!!
  12. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    I'd say he doesn't actually need milk :) Read up on what other foods are high in calcium and go with those.

    Not sure about the 100EZ lesson for writing? I've not heard of it. But, Handwriting Without Tears is super fun at the preschool age (my 3yr old loves it)!
  13. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    If you are talking about teach your child to read in 100 ez lessons. let me know and I can give you my input into that. I have one child already reading and am working on #2 with that book. As for teaching your 3yo to write good luck with that my boy is 6 and writes worse then a doctor. LOL
  14. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I have not tried 100 EZ lessons...but thought about it.

    As far as milk...why force the kid? Do you know of another species that drinks the milk of another species...or does so after weaning anyway? Milk is not necessary. No, I'm not some vegan freak...LOL...but I am thinking about becoming one. lol. My kids HATE milk. I love it..lol...funny after my statement, huh? Anyway, my kids never really drink milk unless it's chocolate. However, my oldest doesn't even drink that. My 23 month old hardly drinks chocolate milk. All of my kids are perfectly healthy. Calcium can be found in many veggies and in orange juice and apple juice. I wouldn't give a kid a ton of juice...but a serving of OJ can't hurt. Minute Maid has the OJ with vitamins and calcium. My ped...who is very traditional in his approach and would look at me sideways if I said I was going vegan..LOL...recommended the calcium oj and veggies when I wondered about my kids lack of drinking milk.
  15. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Lately I haven't been forcing him. He's so stubborn (like his father) that it would do me no good to be a mountain of never budging milk. He loves apple juice and thats pretty much all he'll drink. :/ We don't have a pediatrician in our town. Just a general practitioner (and I'm not fond of him too much.). All the other pediatricians are 35 miles away and require you to fill out a "how needy for a pediatrician are you" form. We didn't make the cut apparently.:confused:

    Well, I was on DonnaYoung.org and saw 133 EZ lessons for writing, and it's supposed to be used coupled with EZ lessons to read. I'm also interested in 100 EZ Lessons for reading too. Reviews on that would be helpful. My DS isn't really interested in ReadingEggs. He isn't getting it like I thought he would. So, I'm going to try something else.
  16. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Try the Mott's apple juice that has added calcium. That may help!
  17. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    My dgs doesn't really like milk, but he'll drink it every now and then, if I don't put but about 4oz in his glass. He even prefers his cereal dry rather than with milk. If I put milk on it, he'll eat the cereal and leave the milk. But every now and then he'll decide that drinking 4oz isn't that bad after all.

    We tried the 100EZ and got up to about lesson 12 before he lost interest, found it tedious, just didn't want to, even when I wrote different words with the letters he'd been shown. He SAID he was ready to learn to read, but he wasn't really.

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