Body Mass Index

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Cornish Steve, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    0 there's a reason to eat an extra piece of cake! LOL.
  2. Jo Anna

    Jo Anna Active Member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    For years and years I was 5'3" and weighed at my heaviest 125 lbs. I never and I mean never had a problem with weight. I just did not gain weight to the excess. I did not exercise too much, I ate what I wanted. It was just me. I gained no more than 30 lbs with each pregnancy, then it was off within a month if that after having the baby.

    Well 6 yrs ago I got pregnant with my last child. I have gained so much weight since then. I am not huge. I am still 5'3" but I weigh 200. All this weight was put from the start of the pregnancy to the time he was a year old. I have not gained or lost any since then. I have stayed. The thing is I exercise often, I eat right, I have had all the tests done to make sure it is not medical and still nothing! I have not exercised so much in my whole life as to what I do now. I walk almost everywhere I go, I do Tae-bo every other day, I do not drink soda or eat sweets, fried foods or fatty foods. I cannot figure this out. I try harder at loosing this weight than anything in my whole life and it still is there.

    So, for the government to want to keep track of my BMI is hurtful to me. I know mine is terrible. I try and nothing has worked. I do not have money to do surgery. So, what I need to be placed in a certain group because I am not perfect. That is BS!

    No I do not regulate my children. I have one child that is a bean pole. I have one that is built thin, then one that is my short stocky child. Everyone is different and to put a BMI status on in their little minds would just make it where there would be one more stupid thing for my child to worry about. Also one more reason we will have to pay for eating disorders in our children and teens. All this is going to do is raise the number of our children trying to meet the norm and end up sick in the process. But I guess in the governments eyes that is better than being fat right.
  3. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I agree that it isn't beneficial for a child to track his/her BMI, but as a parent it is helpful for me. I realize it is just a number and does not look at the whole picture and as a parent I consider that. My kids have no idea of their BMI. I doubt they have even heard of BMI.
  4. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I agree wholeheartedly. I don't own scales because I don't want myself, nor my children, to obsess about weight. And about the gov, sadly, obesity is looked at like an expense to cut. They try to put a personal face on it. If you want people to vote for your legislation to cut expenses, just look into the camera with a pathetically sad expression and declare, "It's for the sake of the children."
  5. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I have NEVER read something so mean on this board... ever!!

    Amie, given the part of her post I made very clear to be read, I do not think she was being sarcastic at all.

    I happen to be a larger woman, do I like being fat? Not really, but I am very healthy, my blood pressure is always good, my sugar is good, my cholesterol is good, I rarely get sick and in the last 10 years have not been to the dr for an illness.. only check ups and pregnancy (which were all healthy pregnancies.. no high BP, no gestational diabetes)... Oh.. and those visits weren't on government run health care, just so you know we pay for our insurance thank you very much. My hubby is still just as attracted to me as the day we were married... so I'm not worried. Would I like to lose weight, yeah probably it would be nice... am I going to lose sleep or go live on a deserted island since I should be "culled from the heard".. heck no.

    Oh and my kids.. none are overweight.. one rides at the very top of the growth chart (99th percentile usually), 2 that are right in the middle, and one that is actually not on the growth charts for weight and barely on them by height.... my dr says they are all perfect healthy kids and he is proud of my parenting ability.
  6. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I took it to mean that she thought that's what the government folks were saying (meaning, "The feeling I have is that this is what the government officials think about "fat" people.") Of course, until she comes back and clarifies, we won't know for sure, but that's how I read it.
  7. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    While, peanutsweet has not been back...I really think she was being sarcastic. At least I hope so...I don't remember her being a cruel poster in the past. However, if she did mean it in a cruel way than I am quite surprised...moreover surprised anyone would or could hold that point of view.

    Jo Anna: I am 5 foot and never weighed much over 115. I only gained about 30 pounds during each pregnancy and normally lost it all. My largest was about 125 after having kids. That is a bit big for 5 feet but still in the normal range. Then I had my 4th! Mama Mia! lol. I only gained 30 pounds but lost NONE of it. In fact, after her I've gained weight so easy it's surprising. I'm now...hold your breath...157 pounds! That's 50 pounds more than when I got married. I am now obese. My BMI is shot. Am I am actually starting to work out again and eat better.

    I don't have a scale now...I only know what I weigh based on the Wii Fit I don't make a big deal about weight in my house. I try to emphasize health. Sure, we all want to look awesome but looking awesome cannot compare to feeling awesome. At my healthiest and in my best shape...I had no idea how much I weighed or what size I was..I just didn't think about it. Never much paid attention to what I looked like as far as too this or that. I felt awesome! Looking back I realize I was thin and looked good..but that was not my focus. I want that person back in my life..the one who felt great...felt energetic and healthy...not a person concerned with dress size. I was the person...even thin..before working out and I am that person now after gaining weight. But after a few days of working out and getting back on track health wise...I find that I am less concerned about how I look. okay..I'll stop because I lost my
  8. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    yeah, that's what I thought also. Let's hope so...let's also hope she comes back to explain.
  9. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Honestly, I think the author was trying to convey her perception of the government's attitude - not her attitude. In Britain, for example, people classified by the NHS as obese are ineligible for certain medical treatments - a very real example of this attitude.
  10. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I would sure hope so.. but the statement "well that is the feeling I have" definately has me thinking otherwise.
  11. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Peanutsweet, I hope you don't mind me posting this with my thoughts since you haven't gotten back on to clarify....

    I took the other post to be completely sarcastic, much like my "y chromosome" post. Based on peanutsweet's first post to this thread, I think we know where she stands on this issue.
  12. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Thanks Brooke...I am sure she would appreciate that. I have never known peanutsweet to be insulting or combative...and even if I would have thought she was being sarcastic. even if she doesn't get back here for some time...I think we do have our answer. :) Thanks again Brooke!
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I also believe it was meant sarcastic, and not her true feelings!
  14. Jo Anna

    Jo Anna Active Member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    I took it as offensive. Now if she was being sarcastic than maybe a slight note at the bottom would have really cleared that up.
  15. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Well, it did come right after the nazi germany I think she was just using the same tone...ya know? I reread her post a few times and cannot see her as meaning that literally. It sounds too outlandish to be a real thought. I think she was expressing what she believes is the attitude of the government. I never recall a time when she was cruel and she did first respond by thinking the whole thing was creepy. I think she simply failed to be certain that everyone saw it as sarcastic. However, she may not have thought she needed to since the view expressed was so insane.
  16. peanutsweet

    peanutsweet New Member

    Nov 18, 2009
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    No I wasn't necessarily being sarcastic per say. Do you think Hitler was being sarcastic when he sorted out the 'undesirables' from the rest? I think the issue is extremely serious, way past what we even realize. We are discussing BMI. Uh, not actually. The real issue here is government control. Not even gov intrusion. Intrude is one thing, but having the power to enforce something against your will is a chillingly terrifying thought, that most people laugh at, let alone think could really happen 'to them'. Somehow we think the USA is exempt...
    This really has nothing to do w health, or your benefit, or what is best for you. It is all about what is best for Uncle Sam and ultimately goes far beyond him.

    Let me ask this, 10 years from now, if I am pregnant w a baby said to have XYZ disease, and I CHOOSE to have that baby (you know for Christians, there is no 'choice'), will that baby be denied med care because he is not a desirable human and the gov did not give him permission to be born?
    So if I am overweight, smoke, drink or have multiple sexual partners, how will the gov know that? Well probably because they will have the ability to actually ration and record every purchase you make. Already bought milk this week, beeeeep, sorry, we can't sell this to you. After all we have to spread the wealth!
    Oh, you're a christian? Well, we don't feed those kind. Or give them electricity. or whatever.
    What does the Bible say about the mark in Rev? Well that 'mark' in some form is on every object in a store. Scan it, the price comes up. Scan your hand, and 'money' comes out of your virtual account of rations. Scan the hand and press ABC on the screen, and we can see all of your purchases for the past 6 months. Sound paranoid? crazy? I don't think so. And that is exactly the kind of thing Hitler was doing. Complete control, a way to design a following of people that would do anything the gov wants out of total fear, and brain washing. This is the kind of crap our kids are fed in PS. Can't do this, can't do that. Say what I tell you, believe what I say. Your parents are 'old school', religion is bad, you came from algae, your rights are less important than the benefit of our society, morals aren't the same for everyone, sin is an opinion, absolute truth is false, and on and on. It is spoon fed to millions of kids, and after a short number of years, the country that thousands of men fought, died and gave up EVERYTHING for, will not have the value of a worm. There is no way out of that. Who will save us then? Why should God bless us? He's been thrown out of schools, courts, and even ironically-churches. That is our gov at work- daily finding more ways to oust God, and IN themselves, greed, lies and all manner of evil.
    Americans do not need the gov to 'save' them from themselves. The only One that can save anybody is CHRIST. We do not need gov telling us what to eat, what to say, where to be, what to think or how to feel, how many kids to have, where to live, where to work, or who to worship.

    ok that was my soap box post for the day LOL, pretty sure I just made that 'list' Beck was talking about the other's a wonder he's still among the living..
  17. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Great post, peanutsweet.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, very well said.
  19. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    side note....Have you had your thyroid checked recently? My nurse practitioner does this for all women over 30 since the thyroid tends to give women problems.
  20. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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