If You Do...

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by mom24boys!, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    We make beds, put clothing away, get dressed and feed our animals before school. I also try to get the dishwasher unloaded and start a load of laundry first thing. When we take our midmorning break I try to go in a fold a load.

    I straighten up the living room, kitchen and our bed/bathroom around 4 pm each day so at least the parts that my dh will generally see is neat. I do cleaning like bathrooms and mopping etc. in the early afternoon, after lunch. (we are usually done schooling by lunch)
  2. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Back when hubby was working-I'd also try to clean the house before he got home. And it's not like he 'expects it' so much as it is I just have it in my mind that the house is my job, my domain and it should be a welcoming, peaceful, comfortable, warm, happy place for him to come home to, ya know? Cause he's good about helping out and after a long hard days work to provide for us he shouldn't feel like he needs to come home and work some more (aka-do my job too). Now don't get me wrong, sick mama or sick kid or something weird happens and I've been busy all day working hard but housework didn't get done-then I don't feel bad saying "hey-will you help me clean up" or "deal with it-I'll get to it tomorrow" but for the most part-I try to have it clean when he gets home.

    Even with him not working now-if he goes out to cut grass (4 acres) then I try to hae the house clean and dinner on the table when he comes in...Or if he gets a one day job somewhere or whatever-I try to have it clean.

    We've also got int he habit of sleeping in-him more than me-so I try to have coffee on and breakfast started and the living room picked up before I wake him...
  3. RTCrmine

    RTCrmine New Member

    Aug 18, 2008
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    No, not weird. At least not to me. I had a huge blog post the other day about cleaning and how a clean home makes me giddy!
  4. RTCrmine

    RTCrmine New Member

    Aug 18, 2008
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    we have very similar morning and evening routines. Waking up to filthy home would be so dooming for me. It would definitely set the mood.
  5. RShaw27

    RShaw27 New Member

    Aug 30, 2009
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    This school year, I plan to have the whole house semi picked up and ready for the next day before we go to bed. Leaving any MAJOR stuff to be done during the day. I would love it if when it is time for me to mop, I am not picking up stuff for an hour before I can even start. Will be nice if we stick to it.
  6. Mom2five

    Mom2five New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I envy all of you.I can't seem to get a routine set up to save my life.The house stays clean and fairly tidy(2 different things,yes?) but there is no day to day routine so that we all know what to expect and what is expected of us.There have been a lot of adjustments since we moved up here,but we are having trouble putting our thumb down on this one.I saw someone posted about chore sticks and I really think this is going to be neat way to get my kids to help more.
  7. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    See, that is where I am at. We all have our "chores" just not a set routine. When I decide the house needs to be "clean" (and yes, I think there is a difference in that and tidy) then we will clean, but some with attitudes. I think if we got in a routine the attitudes would be better. Maybe? I started this thread off with morning chores. We do have those, I guess, I never thought of brushing your teeth and getting dress as a morning chore, but we do do those chores, I call them "getting ready for the day." Anyway, thanks for the ideas. I think we, too, will try the chore stick. We will just have morning, noon, and evening ones. Maybe follow Sonita routine, so we will always be ready for company or for dad to come home. Thanks ladies.
  8. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I like doing some of the chores in the morning--like making up beds and stuff. I also prefer to get moving by doing a chore. It helps me wake up and I get something accomplished at the same time.

    Now, my son prefers to put off doing chores, but I am working on that. I want to start a routine:

    Get up and make up beds and brush teeth.
    Feed and walk the dogs.
    Have devotional time.
    Tidy up and do a small chore-load dishes, sweep the kitchen or something else that takes only a few minutes.
    Eat breakfast and spend some time visiting.
    After a small break, start school stuff.
    After a few classes, have lunch and straighten up.
    Finish school and do any other required chores.
    He gets to relax and I get to go to work.
  9. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    As far as feeling yucky in a messy house, I am right there with you. I can barely function in a total mess. I am not a perfect housekeeper, but I have a level I can tolerate.

    I will find myself getting very anxious in a messy room. I have told my son before--"Can we go out there (out of his bedroom) because if I stay in here I am going to be upset."
    Of course, shortly after I felt that way- I super-cleaned his room when he was at camp.
  10. BrandyBJ

    BrandyBJ New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    We do them so I don't feel so chaotic. Then when we have our "general" pick up times it's easier. Also if I have to "fight" over school stuff-at least the chores have been done and I don't feel like it's a lost day.

    Yeah-it's for me. (then again their chores are pretty easy.)

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