Do you ever feel just dumb?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I am on my 14th year of schooling. I listen to my kids talk, I know what they have learned because even now that they are in College I pay attention to their studies and question what they learned attentively because I am really interested.

    I know that dd is extra bright, and now ds is showing signs of that too as he is grasping Algebra1 better than the other two and volunteering to do Honors level questions even with out looking at the lesson for it first he got 4/5 correct.

    I know when I was in 8th grade I had to have extra help in maths, we had to go over my work a million times to try to get me to stop overthinking it and just do the work as it was set up to do.
    My ds goes there now and then but mostly he really 'gets it'.

    Some mornings I set up for school and think.." Who am I to be :shock::confused:teaching my kids? I don't even know what I am doing!"

    Now if I can teach all these years and still
    have these days some of you must have some..
    So what do you do when you start wondering what on earth you were thinking? Do you ever second guess your choices?

    Have you ever thought of sending out one of your kids because you want them to have the fun stuff of high school but not want them to go out for the lack of learning levels? (The schools not yours)

    Ha this was a loaded thread1
  3. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    :lol:It sure is loaded. More then one question really. So I will start my response this way.
    I sometimes feel 'dumb' when my kids have read something and can tell me more about it then I know. They are elementary level.
    I usually realize though that everyone is made up of their learning and experiences in life. Which means that they will learn things I don't know and that's ok. It gives them a chance to teach me and for them to realize learning is life long.
    Somedays I do wonder where I am going with the material I am teaching and I flounder. Thats when I move into a different topic for the moment and look the material over later.
    I do wonder am I going to be able to provide them with the tools necessary to navigate the world today. And then I realize no one is fully equipped to deal with ALL life has or could have or may possibly have.
    All I can do is the best job possible. And from the sounds of your children you have succeeded in leading them through the waters to the other side so there is hope for someone else who once in awhile ponders. Am I dumb.:p
  4. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Dumb moment this morning, when I gave my ds a worksheet that was WAY too easy. He had a breakdown, and it took a few minutes for me to even understand what he was saying.

    Dd is easy- and a step-by-step kid. Teach her one step at a time and she's golden. She isn't about flying through concepts... needs time to work them out for herself to really get them, needs opportunities to practice and build confidence.

    Ds... it's all about the challenge. I'm not even sure how to teach him right now. This morning was truly horrible.. we are still all adjusting, and I'm trying to realize that.. but I already feel like I'm failing.

    (((hugs))) As I keep telling myself.. the 11yos are the ones who create the computer virus. I'm the moron who had no internet for hours because I didn't think to push the 'reset' button on the cable modem :roll:
  5. kristinannie

    kristinannie New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I definitely want to teach my kids through elementary, most likely want to teach them through middle school and will probably send them to PS for high school. I LOVED high school and I don't want them to miss playing sports, being in the band, singing in the choir and taking a variety of classes. However, I am worried that, by the time they get to high school, they might be really far ahead in a lot of subjects and feel bored in PS. I have heard some kids taking college classes or online courses. I don't know how I feel about all of that, but we are a LONG way from that decision. I know I will feel dumb quite a bit teaching my kids, but I have to believe that PS teachers feel the same way. If there is something I don't understand, I can just learn it myself before teaching it. I think this is a great chance for me to take a refresher course in a lot of these subjects...especially grammar. I moved around a lot as a child and never really had grammar. It is so great that your kids are doing so well and are so smart. I don't think you are giving yourself enough credit!!!!
  6. babydux

    babydux New Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    I think we all have moments of feeling like were not quailfied or dumbed down because someone knows something more than we do. I try not to give in to it and always try my best to learn that particular topic. Everyday is a learning and gaining wisdom day! It's what we do with and how we apply it that makes the difference.

    Here's to homeschooling our lovely children and learning right along with them!!!
  7. jenlaw31

    jenlaw31 New Member

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Last night I felt completely stupid :eek:
    My 9th grader goes to PS and I was "trying" to help her with her science homework. I have no idea what half of the stuff they were talking about was. It makes me very nervous about my younger dd's if they want me to continue homeschooling once they reach high school.

    I think this was a question of yours :confused: but my dd LOVES high school and all the activities it offers. She goes to the football games on Friday nights with her friends, and is on the softball team. She has always been in public school (her choice), so she doesn't know any other way :wink:
  8. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I try to remember that homeschooling isn't teaching your child what you know, but facilitating an education. That may be through teaching what you know, through finding curricula or resources to teach your child, or finding someone or some class to teach your child.

    When someone asks a question on a topic that I know my ds knows better I will defer the question to him. Well, actually that specific topic (my ds's specialty) I know very very little about. People give me quizzical looks sometimes when I defer questions to him, but I already know that I have no idea what the answer is and he probably knows it. I gave up teaching him what I know on that topic long ago. I provide resources for him to learn more on that topic and find ways for him to learn from people who know what they are talking about.

    At the same time I realize that I will always know more about some topics that ds. We all have areas in which we are more knowledgeable.
  9. CarolLynn

    CarolLynn New Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    Very well said. It is true that I don't have all the answers, but my kids are getting a better education than I did.
  10. ivanna

    ivanna New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    I am so blessed that I have chance to "go back to school" with my son! We definitely learn together. He pops a question I have no idea how to answer - we go online together and learn. I pop questions myself now about things I forgot far back - and we together search for answers...This is a wonderful feeling!
  11. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Embassy I so get what you mean. lol My son, 7, is a robotic enthusiast. I have no idea half the time what he is talking about. But I listen and provide more reading material. And I think it is wonderful he is so ready to jump in with both feet to learn something he is passionate about. :)
  12. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I know there will be many times when I will feel dumb. I hope that we can sit down and tackle the subjects together. As of right now we are hoping to homeschool through high school. I know I won't be able to offer them the same experience, but hope to make it a wonderful one. Luckily there are lots of enrichment activities available to homeshoolers in my area. They can be in band, take art classes, participate in a drama group and etc.
  13. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    This is SO what I've been going through lately. Yes, I feel poorly equipped to educate my children in some areas because I had such a hard time with them when I was in school. Math being one. BUT, I have come to realize that I can learn ANYTHING that I am willing to learn and I do just that. I learn it right along side my kids. My kids are getting a GREAT education tailor made just for them. I have to keep reminding myself of this.

    YES, I have been second guessing my idea of homeschooling through high school. I have one that is a freshman this year and it has been EXTREMELY challenging. HE wants to go back to school to socialize I want him to stay home to be educated. Most likely I will be giving into him going back to school next year. The other 3 want to stay home and I can totally see me educating them all the way through. But there are times when I think about how much easier it would be to send them back. I think that it's hard at times when life happens and kids are difficult. You loose your vision as to why you chose to homeschool in the first place. I have had to re-evaluate my "vision" here lately and remind myself of the reasons I chose to keep them home for their education.
  14. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I honestly think its the time of year. I can recall years gone by when I struggled in January with schooling on track. My dh was wise today and asked me why I am worrying about next year already? I have 8 months to go! The planner in me ( I am part Melancholy) says move it you need to get organised! The day will be upon you and you will be found lacking!

    The same feelings I am having regarding ds2 are what I felt with dd when she reached this level, that is when I started here on the spot I think. I feel as if it is too important for little me to do, but with God on my side I know I can.
    I am also planning our our ladies ministry stuff with our team this month so that should help my plan need eh? HAHA!
  15. David Brown

    David Brown New Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    I like this quote:

    “The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing.”
    – Socrates

    So any who thinks they're extremely knowledgeable, has a lot to learn;)

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