Grammar for visual-spatial learner

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Embassy, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    What grammar, usage, and mechanics program/curriculum would you recommend for a visual-spatial learner?

    Rethinking what to use for one ds next year.
  3. Shelley

    Shelley New Member

    Apr 23, 2007
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    You might check out the site Little Giant Steps. They often list curriculum that works for kids with learning differences. My daughter has an auditory processing disorder and is visual-spatial, so I've found their recommendations helpful at times.

    You might check out what The Critical Thinking Company offers. Their stuff is often very visually pleasing; we use them as a support to vocabulary and for fun logic/reasoning puzzles.

    We've actually been using Easy Grammar this year, and she's done fine with it. That surprises me a lot since it's very plain - no pictures or anything remotely colorful. I think it may help that they have kids learn from the start to mark out the prepositional phrases to get rid of stuff that doesn't pertain to what they're really looking for.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    You might want something that teaches diagramming. I think that would be a plus for a visual learner. They can actually "see" how the words fit together.
  5. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    I agree! My son is a VS learner, and HE LOOOOOOOOVES diagramming! You can also brainstorm ways to teach visually. He wasn't "getting" the difference between topic sentences and detail sentences within a paragraph until I gave him the mental image of a train. The engine tells the cars where they're going, and the cars take all the information there. (Oh... and we're using R&S. LOVE. IT.!!)
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I do not know the age of your child but have you considered Winston Grammar. We love it. It allows the student to read it, say it, visualize it, and apply it. It is done by diagramming using color coded cards. So the student takes a sentence and places the color coded cards where they belong rather than simply penciling it on paper. This is also done but only after the student can do it with the color coded cards. I find breaking grammar down into colors works far better than seeing only pencil lines which can be confusing.
  7. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Thanks for the recommendations. I'm looking for something around the 2nd-3rd grade level. I'll check out Rod and Staff again. Maybe it would work. Winston Grammar sounds interesting. Does it cover grammar only? I do love Critical Thinking's curricula. I have been perusing the LA books for awhile. Maybe....

    I have MCT Grammar Island sitting here. Some part of me wants to give it a try and another part of me screams that I am crazy to think that an auditory story type program will work with him. I hesitate to go to a workbook method. He doesn't seem to mind it, but his head gets into the clouds and his workbook/worksheet ends up being filled with numerous drawings from his imagination.

    He doesn't need a lot of repetition to get a concept, but I often need to repeat something on my end to get it into his head. Once I get through to him he gets it quickly.
  8. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    I would suggest R&S 3rd, then (regardless of age). The 2nd and 3rd grade books (in my opinion) are almost identical. We zoomed through the 2nd grade book in only a few weeks, because there was SO MUCH repetition, and the concepts were so simple. The 3rd grade book only reinforces what was learning in the 2nd grade book, BUT it also comes with worksheets and tests. I LOVED this! You can skip all the extra writing in the book and just do the worksheets. You can also pre-test to see what areas are able to be skipped entirely. This is why I'd recommend R&S for a child who needs a whole lot of repetition or one who needs no repetition at all. It's very adaptable. We're on the 4th grade book now, and it's finally starting to get a little bit challenging. I think 5th grade is where we'll slow way down and take our time. That's where the actual writing begins (taking notes, outlining, creative writing, and so on, as it relates to grammar and usage specifically).
  9. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Yes it only covers grammar; sentence structure. Since it focuses on grammar, it has been wonderful for us.

    Winston Grammar is suggested for grades 4-12 and Advanced Winston Grammar is suggested for grades 6-12. Basic Winston Grammar covers articles, nouns, pronouns, contactions, interjections, ellipses, subjects, direct and indirect objects, predicates, nominatives, nouns of direct address, and appositives. Advanced goes a lot deeper and has review then goes into, possessive pronouns, possessive nouns, and possessive adjectives. It also covers reflexives, interrogative pronouns, present and past participles, correlative conjunctions, simple infinitives, simple gerunds, clauses, and more. I wouldn't suggest the advanced unless your kiddo covered the basic. It is suggested that the lessons be broken down into three a week. The lessons are short and to the point. The advanced also has short lessons but might take a few minutes longer to complete. I was amazed at how well it works. I am sure you will find some people who didn't like it but for us, it is a must.:D
    There are a few reviews under the photo.
  10. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Thanks for the recommendations! I've been searching today. I was able to look at Rod and Staff and Winston Grammar, but I'm not sure how my ds would do with them.

    I then ran across these: I like free and they seem to be worksheets that are more interesting so his mind won't wander so much. Then I also saw In the Hands of a Child Operation English Grammar Lapbook. I'm not sure about the lapbook part, but the instructional part seems up his alley. It approaches teaching grammar by having a child decoding English in order to teach an alien planet how to speak English. Anyone used this? Samples are limited.

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