My husband is a slob.

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Meghan, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    There. I said it.

    After spending the first 7 years of our relationship trying to train him to walk 3 feet to the laundry basket BEFORE dropping his socks, I gave up.

    He's scrubbed the toilet twice in 12 years. don't think he's ever scrubbed the tub. And the only time he has vaccuumed the floor was when it wasn't working and he was testing it out.

    Don't tell him I told you though... because then he'll swear up and down that the once-a-month dish washing or taking out the trash means he's a huge house-cleaning contributor.

    Don't get me wrong- he's a great guy. This is, imho, his very worst fault. But some mornings, like now when I feel like crap and my house needs an overhaul, well... it gets a wee bit annoying.

    Feels liberating just to get it out ;)
  3. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Vent away!

    (typed while sitting with a rather large collection of dirty socks at my feet... that are not mine)
  4. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    lol- I hope that didn't sound like a real vent ;). I promise I'm not in that sort of mood.

    Just sighing and shaking my head, kwim?

    There are much worse 'albatrosses' to wear!
  5. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Oh, I know! With all the mess in DH's family, I know I have a fantastic man, too.

    It's really impressive if the worse thing you have to complain about is him leaving his socks laying around. :lol:
  6. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    I find that I can ignore some of his most annoying habits when he is being super sweet, like he is this week. This week the kids have been at camp and he is going above and beyond to keep me entertained and happy, so I don't get all weepy. Times like this, I can overlook all the dirty tea glasses on the night stand, the sticky ice cream spoon, the junk mail just inches from the trashcan....ugh, quit looking at it!!
  7. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Slob??? Oh my gosh don't get me going :lol:

    Socks on the floor, footwear where ever he happens to be when they come off, I'm ashamed to admit that he's notorious for removing undergarments and dropping them on the floor in the bathroom. He eats his meals where ever he pleases and leaves the dishes laying around (a bad habit the boys have picked up on)... he's just a slob and teaching bad habits to the boys.

    BUT it's all cool... I fixed it (after being tired of it for many years). In the midst of packing to move away, there is one plate, fork, knife, spoon, cereal bowl for each person (hope we don't have company - everything else is packed). His clothing that he tosses where ever... I threw every bit of it in a garbage bag and hid it on him... when he couldn't find his clothes, I dumped it on the floor in front of him and told him to clean up after himself.

    I'd like to think he'll learn but he's been like this since I've known him and he hasn't improved any. DRIVES ME CRAZY !!
  8. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    I hear ya! Same here. But, it often works in my favor. He doesn't expect a spotless house (I know he grew up in one since my MIL is a clean freak). His theory is that if he is not willing to get up off his butt to do something about it, he can't complain. Perfect!
  9. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    I can't complain to much about my dh being messy...he has 1, yes 1 pair of pants (which he hates) but he won't go shopping to find more and every pair I buy I end up taking back because he doesn't like them. So, he wears them for 2-3 days and then they get washed. He puts his clothes in the hamper and hangs all his shirts up. At night his pants get neatly folded and sit next to his nightstand. He is the one who gets on my case for not putting my clothes in the hamper. I just jump in the shower and dump my clothes in the empty tub...I mean it is kinda like a big laundry basket, right?? It should count for something!
  10. pecangrove

    pecangrove New Member

    Jan 13, 2007
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    None of us here are neat freaks... I am the one that I prefers things to be neat moreso than DH or the boys, but I dislike housework so much that it tends to just kind of stay messy.
    But that's ok.... a friend once told me that you never see a headstone that mentions how clean someone's house was kept. LOL
  11. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    OMGosh, I am so blessed. My dh not only puts his dirty clothes in the hamper, he puts the socks together and organizes his clothes by, shirts, t-shirts, jeans, etc.

    He will clean the kitchen and wash the dishes before putting them into the dishwasher without even a hint from me. He washes the dishes so well before he puts them in the dshwasher, that many times I have served us food on dirty plates thinking they were already washed in dishwasher. LOL

    He will also help me fold clothes when I get them out of the dryer, again without any expectations from me. If I am sick he will wash clothes on his own, put them in dry, fold/hang them and put them away.

    I am blessed!
  12. squarepeg

    squarepeg New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    yea yea....rub it in why dontcha? (teasing)
  13. NYCitymomx3

    NYCitymomx3 Member

    Jul 9, 2008
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    Hey, that's 2x more than mine has. :p

    LOL, our dh's have to be related. Mine washes 5 dishes and says he's cleaned the whole kitchen - complete with sweating, huffing and puffing - then he has to lie down. :roll: . His underwear never seems to leave the bathroom floor, either.

    He is the cook in the house, though. He also does all the grocery shopping, the laundry, and most handyman stuff. Oh and we do split the chauffeur duties. So, I really can't complain. He's great. I do like poking fun sometimes, though, lol.
  14. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    mine is decent. We tease each other. He is the floor nazi....anything at all in the floor means this house is WRECK! Yet the counters, dressers, sinks and desks can be piled to the ceiling as long as the floor is clean things are ok. I am the counter nazi. I can step over junk all day long, but if my surfaces are cluttered I cannot think. So he vacuums quite a bit more than many husbands do.

    He does clean up after himself. I don't think he's scrubbed a toilet or tub since we've been married, but his bathroom mess tolerance is higher than mine so I usually do it before it get bad anyway.

    One day I moved the dirty clothes hamper. For a couple weeks, he kept depositing his clothes in the same spot the hamper used to be except in the floor, till I finally moved the hamper back to the original place. Can't teach an old dog and all that.
  15. SeekingSanity

    SeekingSanity New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Bit like Marmite...

    I love him - I hate him....

    He (my DH) wears glasses and admits he is tantamount to blind without them. But of late I am beginning to come to the conclusion he is blind with them too!

    He can step over stuff on the floor all day and not notice it needs picking up but when it comes to washing - he's a demon (my joke is he is anal with his

    He also seems to think that filling the dishwasher and doing the laundry (a job I am most grateful he does (BTW I am only a woman and couldn't possibly know how to fill the dishwasher correctly) he takes so long over everything I could do 10 jobs bless him while he does 2) he sometimes thinks this is all there is to do....

    Love him - like you say - not a rant...its just one of those perhaps its an inbuilt gene like girls have in the main for shopping / shoes / chatting etc? do you think?

  16. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Mine is a slob too.. Where ever he takes his clothes off is where they stay until I pick them up. He shaves and leaves hair all over the sink. Which drives me NUTS!! Most of the time, the cedar chest at the end of our bed is piled up with his stuff. I moved it the other day in hopes that he would stop doing that. He'll find somewhere else to put the stuff I'm sure. We have a love seat and a chair in our room that will be piled up soon I'm sure. I'm tempted to get rid of all that just to keep him from doing this. And don't even get me started about the table beside "his chair".. UGH!!

    Ever seen the series Horders??? Well, he's not quite that bad but sometimes I think if it weren't for me keeping him in check he could very well be on that series.:eek:
  17. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Brenda! My husband is the exact SAME!!! Are we speaking about the same MAN!? I need to try the garbage bag trick, but if I did he'd probably look at me like I'm his venting mother instead of his angry wife. lol

    Since we live with my parents and brother it gets hard because they are always coming up to me saying that X is on the floor can I pick it up? X is in my way can you PLEASE move it?! Like his shoes! The man knocks his shoes off when he comes home and they land wherever he puts them. ARGH!!! The madness.
  18. Emjay

    Emjay New Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    My DH was raised with his mum and 3 sisters doing everything for him which has resulted in a lot of work for me. I love him but his tolerance level is very unhealthy. I'm not perfect either, leaving housework till 'later' but it's mess not filth. At least he'll do something if I ask him to, even if it is only half way done. Just wish he'd show more initiative and moan less:lol: still love him though
  19. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Footwear... outside the door it goes and I don't hesitate if it's raining (I admit, I've run faster to toss them out them door when it rains to make a point). If I trip on them once.. WATCH OUT !!

    This may sound nasty of me to do but this has been a 17 year pattern... it gets tiresome afterwhile... and now I have to correct each of the boys too (well, except for my middle son... he's a bit of a neat freak - like me, he wants to konw where stuff is when he looks for it).

    Before we got moved, I had every single dish in the house packed up... and bought paper plates. Pfft, that was a total waste. Instead of having to wash dishes I found myself picking them up all over the house and putting them in the garbage. We're renting an apartment with a dish washer and they're all clueless on how to fill it :x Box by box, I'm unpacking and throwing more stuff away. I'm not going to live as we have for the past 17 years... I HATE clutter.

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