Overwhelming fatigue

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Brenda, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I don't remember a time in my life when I can say I ever felt THIS tired before. I get up around 7 am to get the boys ready for school and then I'm ready to collapse into bed by 10 am. I sleep through the night (unless we have some rowdy neighbors out fighting in the middle of the night). This is becoming a daily thing lately. If I nap, I don't feel any more rested than when I laid down so that's a waste of time.

    I don't know whether it's the meds I'm on (Metformin, Crestor and Altace) or whether it's something else (I've been on those meds for quite some time now so I'm doubting those would affect me at this point). I know my thyroid has been monitored for quite some time now but I'm assuming it's within normal range because they're not treating it (even though it is diffusely enlarged). My iron levels are checked every 3 months when I have my blood work done and that has been within normal range as well. These "lovely" diabetic pills are (in my opinion) a waste of time and money because normal for me has become 6-8 range which is slightly up (but not enough to cause this extreme fatigue). I had a screening test for sleep apnea done and I passed that as well.

    I'm watching very closely what I eat (cutting out any foods high in carbs or anything that will make me feel like trash). I've increased the amount of physical activity hoping that it might help but so far it isn't (long term it will). I don't drink as much caffeine as I once used to (as a means of healthier eating/drinking). So far, my efforts are fruitless.

    Anyone else ever had this happen to them? Any ideas on what to do to see some kind of improvement (without having to resort to energy drinks etc)?
  3. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I do not have any ideas, but I'll be praying for you.
  4. CarolLynn

    CarolLynn New Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    I haven't been on those meds, but I did have an experience with extreme fatigue about 12 years ago. I thought I had Lyme disease. I was so tired, I couldn't even function. I also ached all over. After a thorough medical work-up, my doctor concluded that I had a physiologic depression. We had recently sold our house, and purchased another house in the same neighborhood. It was a very good move for us, and I was thrilled. I didn't feel in anyway despondent, so I wondered if the doctor was just giving me a last resort diagnosis. She had been very reliable in the past though, so I decided to follow her advice and take an anti-depressant. It worked. Plain and simple it worked. I stayed on it for a little over a year, but then weaned off it. I do have a history of osteoarthritis, and my lack of physical exercise definitely had been making that worse. I understand that some physical achiness can be associated with depression, but in my case I think it was the lack of exercise.

    I don't know if my story is at all helpful to you, but I would encourage you to continue pushing yourself to exercise. It most definitely will be helpful in the long term, and talk to your doctor about the fatigue. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Actually CarolLynn, you bring about a point that really makes me wonder.... I wonder if my body is just starting to catch up with being on "extreme alert" for the better part of this year. What started in January with my son being in the hospital to the many other things that took place afterwards, I wonder if now that the stress of everything up to the sale of the house has subsided, my body is playing catch up (and I hadn't even really thought about that as a factor).

    In any case, the walking feels good (I walked 4 miles in an hour last night). :lol: I texted my husband at one point and said "RESCUE ME" because I was moving at such a fast pace but once I started going down the hills, I was good to go again.
  6. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Brenda - I'm assuming that you're diabetic and that is why you are on Metformin. My husband is a diabetic and is on Metformin AND Insulin. He says he's exausted when he forgets his insulin shot.

    I would bring this up to your doctor, too....
  7. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I am diabetic <sigh> and was put on that junk last fall but I admit I was non-compliant about it for many months, convinced if I lost weight I would fly under the radar again (I'm only just slightly above it) but with so much that took place, I couldn't get my blood sugars controlled on their own so I started taking my meds like I'm supposed to... but they're not doing a whole lot as far as the diabetes is concerned. My normal range used to be 4-6 now it's 6-8 (and when it's in the 8 range I feel absolutely horrible... worse than I do at the best of times).

    I'm trying to get a hold of my doctor... he's on call on maternity more than he's in his office so that in itself is a challenge. I'm not big on taking any kind of meds so if this stuff isn't going to do the job, take me off (the four pills a day) and find one a day that will do the job.
  8. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    You've been really stressed for a really long time, Brenda. I wonder how much of this is just your body still trying to recover.
  9. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    After CarolLynn posted this morning that thought occured to me and so that's how I'm looking at it.

    On a side note.... I'm LOVING the dull moments... absolutely LOVING not being emotionally strung out or stressed !!:love:
  10. Sue May

    Sue May New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I did not read all the replies so hopefully this is not redundant. I have suffered from the same symptomese, especially since my last son was born 15 years ago. I still do suffer at times. I too had blood tests, etc. Everything seemed fine. The conclusion I have come too for the fatigue is due to my restless leg. Restless leg is a lot more, at least for me, than just my feet jumping at night. It affects my whole body and all day/night long. I believe a lot of the fatigue is because I do not go into that really deep sleep. Also, I think it is also due to my body feeling a bit on edge, for a lack of better words.

    Just a thought. Perhaps you of restless leg. If you think this may be the case, go to a neurologist. Many GP don't know enough about it. There is a lot of misunderstandings about RL (restless leg).

    Good luck. Hope you get your energy back soon.
  11. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    I've experienced exhaustion after stress. It totally makes sense that your body would want to kind of shut down to do repairs...of course, what makes sense in my head doesn't necessarily correspond with reality. I hope you find you energy again. It's frustrating to feel wiped out all the time.
  12. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I really think it's related to the extreme stressors this year. Now that we're chilling I think my body is telling me I pushed myself way too hard and now it's time to look after myself.

    But I'm still going to keep moving... LOVING the walks :D
  13. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Take care of yourself. Praying you feel better.

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