"Forks over Knives"....just watched it....

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by kbabe1968, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    So...has anyone else? What are your thoughts? The thought of going completely Vegan totally scares the pants off me, but if there's any merit to their research, it sounds like it might be worth a try (my husband is on 5 meds, I'm on 2 for various things.....we'd save close to $200 a month by not having these meds...).

    Anyone here Vegan?

    Why are you?

    What do you eat?

    ARe you LESS hungry b/c you're eating better foods?

  3. 1mom04

    1mom04 New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    I haven't watched this or even heard of it....I'll definitely be looking into it. We are slowly switching over here. Our son is on a dye/chemical free diet and the difference is amazing! Starting this, has now pushed us into more and more research and we too are switching over. I've spent a lot of the weekend looking at new recipes =) Hope you find something that works for your family and improves your health along the way.

    ETA: just watched the trailer...WOW, ordering the DVD and book now.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2011
  4. Kenna

    Kenna New Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    The healthiest I ever was was when I was vegan for nine years. The only thing that made me stop was getting pregnant in a rural area of a third-world country (!!!) and not having access to ANY of the foods I was used to. Today, in the States, there are so many good vegan milk, cheese, sour cream, etc. options, and such a variety of soy products. The most normal thing is to do vegan substitutions for everything in your normal diet as you start experimenting with other vegan foods. I say that because all the imitation dairy stuff is not the healthiest food you will eat as a vegan, but it is good transition food.

    Today I'm a lacto-ovo veg (still in afore-mentioned developing country) but I'm starting to drop dairy again because of various reasons... Go for it! Get a good vegan cookbook or two and take the plunge! Or just do "Vegan Day" three times a week and then increase as you learn more yummy recipes.

  5. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    are you kidding me............. I take medicine 4 times a day....... about 8 medicines a day. ........................ GIVE ME CHICKEN ....... bacon and Steak..........
  6. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I know. I know!!!!

    But, in the last year, as I've put my grandmother into assisted living, to a nursing home, and now she's in the hospital again, potentially on her deathbed...it changes hourly....seeing her take 15 medications a day, see the side effects on her body, watching her die.....it just makes me thing that there HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY.

    I've always dabbled with the idea of going vegetarian. I can seriously live without meat...well, I'd say 90% of the time. Truly it's the dairy that gives me pause. I mean NO CHEESE? NO MAYO? NO MILK? BUTTER? CREAM CHEESE? Ugh...life would not be worth living.

    About 6 months ago a friend of mine and her family read the China Study as result of her husbands brother nearly dying of a heart attack and having a quadruple bypass at age 47. FOURTY SEVEN! The entire family of 6 (well, okay, the college student is thumbing his nose at it all and he's REALLY gained a lot of weight!!!) has gone vegan. My friend has actually gained weight, but she things it's because they're eating a lot of pasta and she REFUSES to go whole wheat on pasta! LOL :) They do do the Dreamfields that is lower carbed, but....she's been trying to drop the pasta more recently and opting for beans instead as the "bulk". She has been trying to get me to get hubby to read the book for months now. Well, he doesn't read books (well, like that kind anyway....you know....NON-fiction!)....he'll watch a documentary though. And as compelling as this one was, I fear he'd watch it and jump on the bandwagon the next day! I'm much more a "process" person. I have to drop one thing at a time for a WHILE in order to keep it gone....at least for a while.... I'm trying to cut down my soda right now so that January 1st I can cut all soda out altogether.

    Thought maybe I'd try lacto-ovo at least for me at first....then slowly switch over the dairy.

    Ugh.....I could go on all night! My brain is going bonkers right now!
  7. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    why does it have to be all or nothing?

    why can't it be a "sparingly " idea...........
  8. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I could easily be vegetarian, but I'm not so sure about vegan.
  9. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I have been on all kinds of weird eating things, trying to fix my health. I have a theory and hang with me as I get there ok.
    First most of the people who are making up the rules and diets etc are not bible believing Christians who believe that God created the earth, or that sin entered the world in the beginning. They believe in evolution. In evolution the belief is that everything is getting better, we are evolving into better beings. Right survival of the fittest right. They believe that the longer we are here the better we should be getting. If humans were on the Earth in another 2k years then they would be living 3oo years instead of of the average of 70 yo now.
    If you believe that God created the Earth and that sin entered the world along with death at the fall. That Man was created perfect, but due to sin and evil things are not perfect and will never be. ( I am not saying that all illness is due to individual sins) Man lived to be hundreds of years old, up to and around Noah's family.
    First point in the garden God gave Adam and Eve the green plants to eat. When Noah got off the Ark his family was given the animals along with the green plants to eat. If we were not meant to eat meat God wouldn't have given them to Noah to eat. God created us, and he said it was ok to eat meat.
    Second point, most of the "science" behind the diets are based on the beliefs that we as people should be getting better not sicker. I think that the further from the Garden we get the more corrupt and sinful our world is. The more corrupt and broken our bodies are. Our DNA is getting more corrupt and having more problems then it did when it was perfect and not blemished. ( I know I read it somewhere on the Alpha and Omega institute website or some of their information) We are a deteriorating world not an evolving world. Our bodies as humans are not as perfect or as pure as they were, and that is getting worse. It is like the yeast example. A little yeast will mix through the whole batch. If you see disease and sickness in that point, it is like we are not super and cannot fix all things. Because we are not God. I am not saying that you do not need to eat healthy, but just a diet will not keep you alive forever. A diet will not make your life super long, or great. We will die, some die quickly others die slowly of old age. I know of vegetarians who have died of cancer, and my great grandma ate Lard sandwiches and I never saw her eat a vegetable and she lived to be 112 yo.
    Diet is part of that. We are told to do things in moderation, not in excess. Moderation of what we eat ( a little of the different kinds of food instead of all of one kind of thing) and how we eat. I think that if we were suppose to be vegetarians then it would be mentioned in the bible.
    That said, I do know that my RA was helped greatly by a gluten free diet. I think it was finally fixed to the point where the GF diet isn't needed anymore by using progestacare hormones. I do not have symptoms anymore. I don't know how all the works but that is what has worked for me.
    I think from my experience and what I have read, that the best thing is moderation unless you have an allergy or a specific need to eliminate something in our diet. I think that you husband has gout and cannot eat beef. If that is so, then by all means don't eat beef! But don't throw out all meat because of one issue that isn't affected by eating turkey etc.
    Last but not least look back in your life time and think about how the fads have come and gone with the blowing winds about diets. The poor egg was horrible and the most rotten thing you could eat, then it was a gold mind of health. Everything has been labeled as bad for you, only to come back and be ok or healthy. The "experts" really are not experts and most of their ideas if based on any science at all are based on flawed science.

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