Please Help me,get prepared for 9th grade!!

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by scootles, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. scootles

    scootles New Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Hi! Sorry I hadn't posted,but I am needing help! 7th grade with my son ,went well.It was our first year in HSing! Then came what we are now in 8th grade! Mind you,he is a special needs child,with several learning difficulties,especially in reading and reading comp.and in writing!We have done very little this year and if we get Math done its a major success! I feel like alot more should be done,but things get done haphazzardly or not at all.My son had a nero eval done,and scored at about a 5th grade level(as thats what were are working on now0but I looked over the test after he done it,and I told the examiner,he knew much more then he scored onthat test! I asked him why did you not do the problems that I know you know.He said he didn't want to do them and this has been the source of our struggles this year not wanting to work,moaning and groaning and just dwadling to get it done.He knows the work but will not apply hisself.I get so frustrated that I end up giving up.I feel that I am a failure most times and I have no idea what to do if he is going ot go into 9th grade next year.I have contacted both the Educational Allience in Arkansas and Helsda.Helsda will not give you any info unless you are a member but did tell me that all they can offer is encouragement.As for the Ed Allience,they told me basically that if my son is not working at a 9th grade level then he cant get a diploma,and then she offered that if he is a special needs student they issue a certificate of completion instead of a dipolma! She then told me which is not taken as the same as a actual dipolma and it just means he completed elementary school! So what do I do? He will be working on a 6th grade level but will be in the 9th grade next year.I have a text called Streams Of Civilization,it is a history book,and its for 9th grade,I was looking at that the other day,and I do not think he can handle it without midifications and accomidations.But How do I do that?How do I make a lesson plan for highschool? How do I figure out credits?How do I teach for 45 minutes up to an hour for a full credit if the teen is strong willed and just doesn't want to work?Not to meation how do you teach a subject for 45 minutes to get a complete credit? Can some one explain credits to me as I will have to record keep for transcipts..I would need to have it broken down in to a daily thing...How long should I teach ,from when to when, each day?Right now,my son is on Math-U -See Fractions,we plan to work thru the Summer on Math.I am needing help as what to do,I also was told some of the texts I am using will not be good for credits such as Mystery Of hIstory and The Story Of The World,and would need supplimenting to get the credit,I am not sure I understand this and there is no way I can afford a curriculum package.Most books I get are given to me,or bought very cheaply.We are working on Easy Grammer 4/5 now,and I don't know where to go from here,as He still has not done any writting assignments at all! The Nero examiner said to refrain from this if at all possible.But what do you do if its needed for credits?Is there any good books on homeschooling special needs children in highschool?There is a slew of just basic ones but when it comes to highschool I haven't found any! Is there a good site for modifying 9th grade ? Or should I? If I do modify 9th grade,I can probably do everything but the Math,Would he still be able to get the credits he needs to graduate??
    I figured I am not the only parent who has a child that is not working to his grade level and is entering highschool,I hope thats someone can lead me to sites,forums,groups and people who can help me make this road easier !
    I look forward to hearing from all of you!'
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    "I also was told some of he texts I am using will not be good...." SAYS WHO?

    First, you are NOT the first to have hs'ed a special needs child. As a former special needs teacher, I can assure you that not all 9th graders are doing 9th grade work! I have a friend with nine children, her one boy is 15, and is doing 5th grade math! But the idea of homeschooling is to work with the child AT THEIR INDIVIDUAL LEVEL.

    I think HSLDA has a branch that can give advice about special needs children. Also, is a homeschool place for special needs. Melinda will answer your questions, or can possibly direct you to someone who can.

    What state are you in?
  4. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    We are not a school system, we are individuals helping our children do the best for their individual future.
  5. momto5dds

    momto5dds New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    If you teach a subject everyday, its worth 1 credit. In high school classes take that 45-55 minutes because of many factors, class size, class discipline, roll taking, etc. The same information being taught at home should only take 15-20 minutes for Language arts and math. That is not to say that the work would be finished in that time frame, just that a days worth of instruction would. For history and science, you would divide the number of reading pages by 180, then add in days for tests and reviews, and any other supplemental work. That way you have an idea of a days worth of instruction.

    Easier said than done, but it sounds more like you need work on discipline. Maybe let him look at some jobs he thinks he'd like, then look at which subjects that job needs, possibly even talking to someone who does that job. Maybe that would help his motivation. Then again, if he feels like a failure already, that could have seriously damaged his motivation. Find something he is good at and encourage him in it.

    Here are the requirements for public schools, you get to decide what your requirements are. You are issuing the diploma, not the public schools. These are what Arkansas considers their smart core curriculum.

    If he's going to be a plumber (like my dad), he needs basic math proficiency and basic skills. He needs trouble shooting skills, typing skills (if he's gonna out bills), and a working knowledge of how to pay taxes, payroll taxes included. Look at a technical school for what they require for enrollment, if that is the route you want to pursue.
  6. scootles

    scootles New Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Jackie I am in Arkansas,What i expected was that he Educationa Allience would help me through this,but basically said well,if he isn't at the nibth grade level,then no he can't graduate or have a Dipolma. All the information I got from asking people,who told me that I wasn't teaching enough to even give him credits! So back to counting credits...So even if I teach English for 20 minutes,Does that count as a full credit?? Most days we start at 10 and get done by 2:30,when I tell people this they tell me I am not doing enough for a 8th grader,and he should be doing alot more going into 9th grade! But I don't know what more or how to extend the lessons further.My son would like to go into the viedo game field(doing something in that area),but because of reality and his special needs,he will not be able to attend college,with out proper guidence through out the day.He could not go independantly as even now he can't work independently.Now that said its mostly guidence and reminders.Here is what we've been doing and maybe you guys can tell me what I need to do or give me tips on what to try or what not to do,I would like to eventually write down a daily plan to follow.
    7-8am:breakfast/personal needs
    9am-(Tuesdays andThursdays) Start Math-U See Lesson.I assign 4 pages and skip if he knows them well)
    Todays schedule:
    10 am- Living Skills/Chores
    11 am-Math U See Lesson
    12 am-1pm- Lunch/Break
    1pm -1:20 -Story Of The World w/activity book
    1:20-1:30-Sequential Spelling
    1:30- 1:55- Easy Grammer
    I give no breaks in between these lessons,should I ?
    Sometimes,I switch out things or add things,like workbook pages,Konos discussions,Life of Fred reading of Fractions and Art
    We do very Little of Writting here(Only what is required in his lessons) and very little extra reading.He has never written an essay,which I think is what people or telling me he needs for 9th grade.Most of all the above is at his learning level of 5th grade.
    On Tues and thurs he goes to O/P/and Speech for about 2 hours. 3pm up to 6 PM daily he has free outside play with his friends,which is his P.E.
    We occasionally go out to visit a farm and feed the animals as well as go to church activities + socialazation.
    So as you can see we are done most days about 2:30pm...
  7. momto5dds

    momto5dds New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    For a boy, I'd give a wiggle break after every subject. 10-15 min. of some exercise (ask his O/P if there are some that would be beneficial).
    Otherwise, ignore what school teachers are telling you for time. Books are broken down by the number of days it takes to finish them (ie,our Saxon math has 120 lessons and and 23 tests, then 12 investigations, that's 155 days of instruction) So however long it takes to complete a lesson isn't what you judge by, it's finishing the lesson for each day. Unless Arkansas is issuing the diploma and since you don't see him going to college, who cares what they consider to be high school curricula! The beauty of homeschool is that unlike most public high schools you will not graduate students who are reading and doing math at an elementary school level just to get points for their high school graduation rates. Making sure your sons has math proficiency and is getting the professional help he needs to succeed in reading and writing are what you are already doing, keep going!

    Having looked at the Arkansas department of education website, I see they want all students, including homeschool students, to use their smart core curriculum. If you don't, you can't get whatever the college scholarship thingy they have. Since that sounds like it isn't a factor to you, you choose whatever will help him. I can't remember off the top of my head, but someone has "drive-by history" which is an auditory recital of history in a more interesting way. I have heard they are good, but can't vouch for their depth of detail. Stick with the math that is working for him. Ask his therapy team to help him work towards writing essays, it may take a while, but if you don't ask, you won't know how they can help.

    Work on his self-discipline in other areas. For example, have him wash dishes, then if he does a poor job, have him redo them. Give him a standard to work toward and make sure you've taught him how to achieve it, instead of giving him a standard and requiring him to meet it without knowing how to do so.

    Jennifer, mom to
    Caitlyn, 21 y, college senior
    Ashley, 12 y, 7th grader
    Megan, 11 y, 5th grader
    Sarah, 8 y, 3rd grader
    Rebecca, 4 y, she's in "play" school
  8. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Ok, I think you can homeschool within the "system" or you can buck the system and homeschool according to what your child needs.

    I think you can decide what he needs to do to "finish" high school and lay out a plan (be flexible) and if he does it--he graduates.

    ONE BIG thing to think about--- There is a great deal of public high school graduates who can't balance a checkbook, can't read at a "high school" level, can't remember most of their science or history studies, etc. So, for people to say you aren't teaching proper high school level stuff- why are they worried? I would rather my child actually KNOW and remember some basic stuff than fill his head up with facts and empty knowledge that he will soon forget.

    I once spoke to a fellow homeschooling mom and I was asking about math. She said she didn't even worry about covering algebra for her kids in high school. I think her daughter did do algebra and maybe some of her younger ones will do it, but I don't think she makes it a requirement. She did graduate her kids that are grown.

    There are differing opinions even in the homeschooling community. Some like to follow the public school scope and sequence, some modify it and some go a whole different route (unschooling and such). I modify our plans, we do some traditional stuff with some unconventional stuff thrown in.

    Here is one of the unconventional things: My son shoots at targets all the time. He also uses sling shots, slings, and bows. He reads about wespons and watches documentaries on weapons. I am going to give him 2 full credits for this. I don't know exactly what I am going to call it, but it is valid learning.

    I just thought of something else. Back when I was in high school, I took "office aid" for a semester credit. It was a joke. All we did was collect attendance reports and write down who was absent. That was a credit of learning? Yes, but it was a blow off.

    Also, think about this. Back when my parents went to high school they didn't push the same math as they do now. I know my mom took algebra, but I don't even think they were pushed to take algebra II or trigonometry or calculus. I would imagine the sciences were at an easier level than now also. Did they graduated? Yes! I don't care that the times have changed, it is time to step out of the system and do the right things for our families.
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I graduated with only Alg. 1 and Geometry for math; General Science and Biology for science. And I was COLLEGE-BOUND!!! I graduated from college, held down a "professonal" job, and took several graduate level classes. (And yeah, I'm old enough to be the parent of some of you, lol!) But I also took four English classes my Senior year, and had four years of French. Alg. 2, Calc is fine for those who want to go into Engineering or science, but NOT for every single kid in the program!!!
  10. scootles

    scootles New Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Again,I appreciate all your responces,so I am going to try to answer you all...LOL
    Jennifer-Smart Core Curiculum huh?Never heard of it and never went to the Dept.Of Ed of Arkansas for info,went tot he Education Allience of Arkansas who issue transcrips and Dipolmas to Homeschool students.....
    Is there anyway I can tweak the Smart Core?to his level so he can do the 9th grad work at his pace??What about modifications and accomidations? I guess I am askings is how to do this appropriatly dso that he will learn?What about my schedule?Is that ok? Or should I tweak that as well? How do I count the credits of my schedule as is??I know that the Education Allience bais it on grades...But again I want everythign covered. I want him to have this as a sence of accomplishemt for him,and his self-esteem,as well as if he decided to change his mind and even go to a tech/vocation school,he will have it....I still am not sure how to break down subjects to count for credits...I know some families that have thier children do work from 8am-to 7pm and tell me thats what I should be striving for with my son...I am not sure what you meant in your last paragraph,I make sure either my son knows how to do somethign before I assign it,or I gladly teach it to him before I assign it with clear directions...
    cabsmom and Jackie-hing is I don't know what I need to do to prepare of how or what to teach him so that he can graduate/head to the 9th grade,I was hoping with the layout of my daily schedule,someone would have some ideas....I will see if I can get to the smart core curriculum,but then comes the tweaking and modifications to teach him,which will envoke another slew of
    I was said to have ADHD as a child,back then when I went to school,you had to bring a folder/colored type check off list(sort of like a report card)to the teacher to fill out each week for the doctor,it was an ADHD report...I was so embarressed,but the stigma was there,once your in SN every kid knows and you are labled,period. he choice of medication back then,was Ritilin and Millirel.Later on I was mainstreamed,as it took me awhile to grasp reading,but when I did,I really took off,so to speak!LOL Any how the lable followed me,through out highschool,didn't even know why I was still called SN,as I took all main stream classes and took all level work.At that time,it was belived that once you hit puberty Adhd dissapears. All this to say,I never learned Algebra,the furthest I got,was fractions,we did decmials and precents but for the life of me,now I cant remember how to do them!I graduated with a regular Dipolma and got it in Genral,basic corses.So my question is why can't it be done now??My son is very much into Greek Mythology and Wepons too! I would like to find curriculum on these...Is there any? Also what would you count it as for a credit or two? If ,I can add these things to next year,maybe everything will turn out ok....Anyone have any ideas>>???? My son likes to watch top shot,the deadliest worrior,and Full Metal Jousting.We also watch quite a bit,Storage Wars,which they give a little educational back round in each item they what about that?
    Look forward to hearing from you all.
  11. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Scootles, honey, what we're trying to tell you is forget Educational Alliance, forget credits, forget Smart Core, and just do what your child needs! YOU decide what he needs to know. YOU decide how to get him there. YOU decide when he's graduated. YOU help HIM decide what he wants to do with his life and how to get to that point. If he's working at "fifth grade level" (whatever that means), then just work with him where he IS and get him as far as he can go! Outside of a public school, "grade level" means nothing and learning goes on forever. It doesn't stop at some certain number of years of age or certain number of years after beginning. It's a lifetime pursuit. It's not a race and there is no "finish line". It's good to have goals in mind, but they don't have to be the same goals as every other kid in the state of Arkansas! As an example, you might decide that your son might work at academics until he's 20 instead of 18, and that he might go to a technical school instead of UA. NO BIG DEAL. IF something like that might be best for him (and I wouldn't presume to know, it's just an example), then it's NOT a problem. Find out what the technical schools in your area require and aim toward that.
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    YEAH!!! THAT'S what we meant!!! Well said, Lindina!
  13. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    HEllo Scootles!
    I have a 14 yr old son who also decides he does not want to do things I work with him on why he doesn't want to and explain it just needs to be done. I did find that with History and sometimes English it helps for me to read along with him. We sit together and take turns reading the text and then discuss it as we go until he says "Mom, you know I have this.." or something similar Then I go do housework or play on Home School Spot! lol
    I stay near by, because that is what it takes to keep him on task some days.
    I know he is bright enough to pass an exam but occasionally we have to fight to get the work done properly. He hates redoing things, but if its not done properly I make him.

    That said, you have all the right things down!
    I do not give breaks between lessons unless it seems we need a stress break.
    Civilzation was boring looking to my dcs back when I considered it, it looked awesome to me!
    I think that there are some programs out there that actually use it for parts.
    Do you actually use the activies in SOTW?
    Does he enjoy that part? Cause if so try Mystery of History next year instead. You can keep your Civ but use it for a side read on a subject if needed.
    Also do not try to push him along when you reach something he is interested in. Go with extra research either online or in library books. When my son finds something he thinks is cool we stick it out there for a few extra days at one time we did a week of one lesson in History because he really enjoyed it!

    I could also suggest Drive Thru History ! That is one thing I am considering for next year, because you can actually get the work books/text to go with now on
    youtube has it listed if your ds wants to check it out. My ds loves learning with videos!

    I am also glad you are doing MUS< sounds like how we do it once he gets it we test out of that level.

    One other idea is to tell him "you have this many days of school and this much work to complete" then allow him to decide if he wants to work through summer break or get the work done now.

    We don't do a lot of writing this year either, 9th grade mind you should have more but it is like pulling teeth at the moment. He has come up with story lines for a video game though so I allow that as his writing projects for creative writing.

    I recently started working more detailed with him on his Science because he was bored with it. he is on earthscience this year and I love this stuff! Even though I had been working toward a more independent year this year I decided to jump back in when I saw him lagging because it was "hard" or "boring" on any given day its just laziness of wanting to play instead of work.

    our boys are at the ages of change from a child to a teen, then teen to a man, and sometimes I think the world would push them too fast. So I am getting the work done, but also adding in some flavor. I count days of work myself, but don't have to turn in hours , I do follow how many hours of baseball he does for PE though so I know he has already completed a year of PE for High School.

    Your days sound like mine really.
    We are:
    830 try to start--- Bible about 30-45 mins,
    915 latest he is working on Lang ARts or History then the other at 10
    11 we start MATH U SEE , I have him do at least one sheet in the lesson practive, if he gets an A he goes on, and occasionally if he can show me before I show him what he did wrong I still let him go on to Test out. but--- if he fails, ( more than 3 wrong) the test we redo a lesson then take the test again.
    (that only happened once this year!)
    we have a lunch break ( when he usually checks things online )
    1pm he is supposed to start his SOS class this does not always happen because he gets caught up or I am off running an errand ( thus the sitting near by or doing housework during school works better)
    so from 1 to when we are done with at least 1 lesson in each class often 2 or 3 in some because we are WAY behind in science and spanish right now according to the lesson list, but we are right where I want us with myself. I try to get him to try harder by telling him to knock off some check marks. He does and all is well!

    Side note-- SOS SPANISH IS GREAT! but there are12 lessons.. we do a lesson a month normally so I am holding off two lessons for next year. OR just jumping to the last one which will be most likely a summation of the year.
  14. scootles

    scootles New Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Teachermom_Good to meet ya
  15. scootles

    scootles New Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Hey There Teachermom! thanks so much~ It does seem like we have the same fellas!LOL
    Lately its been a strugle to get him to do anything! I found that MadLIbs is a great way to break from Easy Grammer and still count it as Grammer and spelling and Reading! He gets a kick out of them and rather do that then Easy Grammer!
    I am dealing with a bout of the flue and allergies,so we have been lacking.But am so suprized that my son has picked up a Mythology book and read it and ...I love when he says"Mom did ya know".... which we lovingly call it the "know it all syndrom here"ala George Lopez show...But I am going to do what I can,because it will make me crazy worring about it otherwize.I am going to try to add a Lanuage-he is wanting to learn Japinese or Chinese,keybording/typing for next year....I do have MOH voulme 1 but was told that wasn't good enough for Highschool credit. Streams of Civ seems overwhleming even to me,and if I don't tweak it down a great deal,my son would be lost. As for SOtW,we do the Maps(he lves Maps-Geogrophy) we read the story,do the coloring pages(art)and some of the cooking activies but thats about it.We do Draw.Wrote.Now for added Art.Coloring may seem for the lower levels,but its still art and it goes with the lesson...(visual)I am sure it will all work out at the end.thanks so much all of you.
  16. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    If you are looking for something "structured" for your OWN piece of mind - then maybe something like would work for you?

    They have a "technical diploma" if you think that would work.

    No 2 kids are the same. I have a 15 year old in PS who is pretty much being walked through just to pass him. He barely tested into 7th grade math (he's in 9th grade right now).... so I'm starting him back in 6th grade math with the CLP workbooks.

    For budgeting sake - I like the price and I like that I can buy 1-3 at a time vs all of them. if needed.

    I'll be working on personal finance with both my sons as well over the summer as I think it's really important to know!

    But this type of program may be an affordable option to help keep you on track. If you are completing the books - no one can say you aren't doing the work, etc.
  17. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    For MOH you can check out the book 4
  18. scootles

    scootles New Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I am still gathering resouces and will look into all you guys have suggested.Thanks

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