Anyone ever grow medicinal herbs?

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by OhioMom, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. OhioMom

    OhioMom New Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Hi all, so today I finally finished measuring off my gardens. I have two for veggies, one for medicinal and one for aromatherapy-non-edible herbs. Then I started a raised bed for cooking herbs. I broke them up because some of the medicinal, you can't eat and some you can etc....I need them separate because my kids like to munch. I'd like to be able to clearly tell them what NOT to eat.
    So anyway, has anyone tried medicinal herbs, do they actually work? I love the ones for congestion, colds etc..., then there's the laxative for digestion problem (celiacs seems to cause this in dd, but in ds it's the opposite), there's herbs for eczema etc...I'm fascinated by all of it. If you had any luck with a specific herb working well for you, please let me know. Thanks a bunch:love:
  3. Jenny

    Jenny New Member

    Feb 4, 2012
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    Lemon balm is great for congestion, sore throat, and breaking a fever. Chamomile is good for menstrual cramps and calming nerves. It also helps you sleep and makes a good calming bath for children. Rosemary and chamomile made into a poultice helps with ingrown toenails. I have ground the dried leaves of these two and added hot water to make a paste. I then apply it to the toe and wrap in Saran wrap, then cover it with a hot damp cloth. When the cloth cools I get it hot again. My husband used to get ingrown toenails a lot and this was his preferred method of treatment.
  4. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    When I opened the page and saw "Anyone ever grow medicinal..." in the list of topics, I immediately thought "pot" and "great, another troll." :lol: Relieved to see "herbs" when the next page loaded.

    No, I have no medicinal herbs, btw.
  5. OhioMom

    OhioMom New Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    :lol: HAHAHA...Didn't even think about that! Yes, it does look like my post goes in that direction:twisted:
  6. mkel

    mkel New Member

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I haven't yet, but I'm about to begin a home study program to become a certified herbalist and certified aromatherapist. :D

    My minor in college was nutrition and over the years I've drifted to a natural / holistic / "hippie" view on many things.

    I'm very excited to learn about the use of herbs and essential oils in daily life! Someday, I hope to open a shop. long term dreams... ;)
  7. mkel

    mkel New Member

    Sep 2, 2011
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    by the way -- one of my favorite blogs is from Mountain Rose Herbs:

    And here are their Pinterest boards. A lot of great links and resources are pinned here:

    On both of the above links there are a ton of recipes for various medicinal and cleaning and other healthy living items.

    Their entire website and blog is chock full of information about the uses, handling, and precautions about tons of different herbs and essential oils.

    This is their store / main website:
  8. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    That was my first thought too, about the pot, not the troll. :lol:
  9. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I grow lavender, chamomile, mint, sage, aloe vera (Still, I sometimes buy it from the health store because it is easier to work with.), garlic, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and basil. I grow others on occasion but the above I use on a regular basis.

    I have found that while herbs and other home remedies help, changing our eating habits and cutting out shampoo and detergent soaps has drastically helped with my and Ems eczema and psoriasis. We still deal with it but we no longer take meds for flare-ups because they are far and few.

    We use mint for upset stomachs. It is very soothing and it also helps with gas. It is a great breath mint too. lol You can make a tincture with vodka, mint, and eucalyptus leaves. It makes a great mouth wash. The vodka cleanses and the leaves freshen the breath. If you keep changing out the leaves, it will get nice and strong.

    We use rosemary and mint as a hair rinse with a small amount of vinegar. The natural oils smooth the hair and the fragrance isn't too strong once rinsed out. I have no idea why, but rosemary really does help make brown hair look darker. :)

    I use aloe for scraps, in lip balm, and in soap.

    I grow echinacea but still buy it in pill form because Handsome likes to take it to work.

    Fresh garlic is great for infections, but leaves you smelly for a few days after you stop taking it. :lol:

    Honestly, there is a lot we can do to improve our health, starting with what we eat. Our intestines feed our brain and body. I am far from a health nut but I can vouch for the changes in my body since we changed how we eat and what we put on our bodies. What did people do before the medical field took off with a bang? People attempted to treat themselves naturally. This isn't to say doctors are not necessary. However, most problems are preventable and many ailments can be treated naturally.
  10. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Ohio Mom, the only WEED I grow is DILL WEED ........... lol.... but the heat and sun kill my herbs too.

    Good Luck.
  11. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I grew Dill Weed for a few of years. I got the seeds from a friend. Since it self sows, the dill spread fast. With the wind we get, it is sometimes hard to contain self sowers. So I finally scrapped the ground and on occasion I find it growing but I pull it before it goes to seed.

    While the heat can dry out the herbs, I find they prefer the heat. I just have to make sure they get a daily watering since the leaves of many herbs are so thin.
  12. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I would like to do a little window box of herbs, so this thread is very interesting to me! I would like to break away from processed junk and go towards a more holistic route, but it's so difficult bc DH is "processed". lol So much so that he prefers mcdonalds and so on to a homecooked meal. Over the past almost 6 years I'm turning him. Slowly. lol
    I am getting a ton of good ideas off of you ladies! lol
  13. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Megan, I do not bring cookies, chips, or other processed foods in the house on a regular basis. I will buy a treat on occasion but our regular meals and snacks are not processed. With that said, Handsome loves cookies, chips, etc...
    So if he buys them, he has to keep them in his work vehicle so he can eat them at work. If I make cookies, I will snack at the moment but the rest go in a bag and in the freezer or his vehicle. I will put them in my belly if they are in my face too long. lol
  14. shellyb

    shellyb New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I thought the same thing!

    In California, some people grow pot in their yards. One of my neighbors had quite a "medical pot" garden last year. After harvest, he got a new car, imagine that!

    I have no idea about growing herbs. The only herbs we grow are parsley and basil.
  15. OhioMom

    OhioMom New Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Same year..LOL I forgot this was here and almost opened a new one. Anyway, just wanted to update to 2013. I got this years seeds in. I'm soooo excited! Gardening is my passion and winter makes it rather gloomy for me. Although, I have been reading about winter gardening. I may actually attempt it this year.
  16. Blizzard

    Blizzard Member

    Apr 11, 2008
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    I'm biting my fingers to keep from going to seed sites and filling out order forms for the dozen or so catalogs that have arrived at my house!! I ordered so many seeds last year, that I have enough for this year, with a few exceptions, but it is so hard not to order more!! I do have lots of medicinal and regular herbs, but haven't had luck with some of them.
  17. OhioMom

    OhioMom New Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    oh yes...the seed addiction! I know it all to well. Poor DH is wondering if we will even have any yard left this year :D It's just sooooo hard to say no. There's just way too many plants out there that I haven't even tried yet!
  18. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    have you guys seen that show on the cooking channel on the weekends (probably Saturday) about the guy that grows "drugs"...... I cought a bit of it the other day but didn't watch the whole show.... you probably could catch it on the guide and see when it comes on.... I think about 9 or 10

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