I NEED to loose some weight!!! Suggestions please..

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by mommix3, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Confession: I had a crush on Richard Simmons as a child....

    Don't judge me! :p
  2. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Bahahahahahaha!!! No judgment, just laughter :) .. That's too funny..
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I DO love Richard Simmon's walking tape! At one place, he's waving at Jane Fonda and Liz Taylor. And he also says, "Shirley McLain, you're wrong! I'm NOT coming back as a football player from Ohio!" It's SO funny!
  4. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    He's a hoot!!
    The girls and I are about to pop the Sweatin to the Oldies DVD in right now.. Having a hard time getting motivated to do schoolwork so maybe exercise will get us going.. :)
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Funny that this topic was posted yesterday and then this event/challenge was created by a friend on facebook. I believe it's open to anyone who wants to be a part of it. If for some reason you can't open the link (it should work), let me know and I'll figure out how to invite you to it :)
  6. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Takes me to my event page :) I REALLY need someone to partner with me to help keep me motivated.. It's hard to do this alone..
  7. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Mommix, look into SparkPeople. I used them about 4 years ago and did really well for a while. There are groups based on interests (like homeschooling) that you can join for support.
  8. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I think it must have been the glitter and sequins he wore.......
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    ...and don't forget he was a "star" on General Hospital!!!
  10. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    I said don't judge me!

    It was TMI wasn't it.....I'm going to be blocked from the Spot for sharing my childhood crush! Oh the shame!

  11. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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  12. BatmansWife

    BatmansWife New Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    I have a bunch of Richard Simmons workout videos. By far my most favorite is Disco Sweat. I LOVE that one!!!

    Do you have a wii?? If so....try to get some Just Dance wii games. They are soooooo fun. My 9 year old and I LOVE to dance to them. We have almost every one of them now. You do work up a sweat too.

    I also Love, Love, Love Zumba!! Both of my daughters and I have been going to a Zumba class for over a year. It's so fun! We have the Zumba wii games too.
  13. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    I am also wanting to loose some weight but mine is higher. I want to loose 50 pounds and have lost 5 pounds in January.
    Cutting the soda to just weekends has helped. Drinking water with meals when we eat out helps. We do eat out quite a bit and won't stop until we are stateside again. I try to buy foods that I have to make/bake. Also cuts down on garbage. Walking the dog one or two times a day. Forget the gym, I have tried but always feel guilty for leaving the kids at home when I go.
    We are moving really soon and there is talk of my staying with my husband for 3 months minus the kids. During this time I'd work on the weight. We will be in a state where it's really nice to be outside so I'd be doing alot of walking, going to the gym and since we are in a hotel with a microwave and small fridge we will be eating quite a bit of fresh veggies/fruit and sandwhiches/salads with water and going out just on the weekends for a nice meal. During this stay I can focus on loosing weight and health and not worry about the kids since they are with their grandparents.
  14. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    AHHHHHH this thread is sooooo long! I want to read it and my brain is in ADD mode and I can't think! I need to go get my coffee maybe...I haven't even poured a cup for the day yet!

    I have A LOT of weight to lose, probably more than all of you. :( I was doing great last year, lost 15 pounds in October, then I blew out my back. I had to quit exercising. I soon quit eating properly and I quit logging all my food (I use sparkpeople), I also quit getting on the scale every day... this is a must for me just as much as the exercise and food.

    Ok, I'm going to go get my coffee and start reading.
  15. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Ok, still couldn't read every word, but I scanned.

    :cry: Reading everyone who said they want to lose... I think, given my quick math, I need to lose a little more than all of you combined!

    Ok.. that said, all the advice here has been great, most of it is what I have used myself, and been (temporarily) successful with in the past. I need someone to keep me moving... my first "quit" every time I try is exercise... and I'm all or nothing and once the exercise stops, so does everything else. Until this last time I was on a good roll and was stopped dead in my tracks with my back going out... I had quit because I just wanted a day off which became weeks and months.

    I don't like the word diet. It's all about change and commitment.

    To answer the OP.... honestly, if you change what you eat it really isn't more expensive. Meat is crazy expensive... veggies are way cheaper than meat, so change the bulk of your meals into veggies. I usually have about 250-300 for all of our grocery needs every 2 weeks. This includes all of the things we need... food, cleaning, paper, pet food, etc. I go to the farmers market for veggies. They are fresher and cheaper than any grocery store. Now, I don't go to a little market where each farmer has a table. I go to a flea market that has 2 different farm markets there... they are each pretty big and aren't just selling things that they grew themselves. I have a feeling that their competition keeps the prices low. We don't eat much red meat, we eat lots of pork chops/loin that I buy as whole loins at Sams Club and bring home and cut into chops. We also eat lots of chicken breast that I buy there in frozen bags. I also buy Sweet N Low there and sweeten our tea with it. I also buy frozen veggies there, baby carrots, and "fresh" spinach. Most other things I can get cheaper other places. Oh.. I buy their cheese ummm it's like 5 pounds 160 slices I think, each slice is 50 calories. At Walmart I buy eggs by the 60 count box.. I eat 4 egg whites every morning when I'm on plan. I do not buy snack food for my house... at least when I'm on plan. 1. they are expensive, 2. if it's here I will eat it.

    Exercise: I love Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. My favorites are the Express series, but I have a LOT of her videos. I also have Zumba videos, and like them, but because I am so big, they are just too hard for me right now. They really make me hurt, and I'm afraid of injuring myself. I like Richard Simmons too, but only have an old video cassette of Sweatin to the Oldies that is sooooooooo worn out it no longer works.

    Water, I drink almost a gallon of water a day when I'm on plan. I have a 32 oz mug that I fill a minimum of 3 times a day. I use a straw to drink it and will chug it downn in a few minutes.
  16. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    We were getting bountiful baskets but have stopped.. I think I'm going to start getting them again.. We REALLY liked it.. All the fruits and veggies were WONDERFUL.. I bought a case of peaches from them this past summer and they were literally the BEST peaches I have EVER had!!! SOOOOOO good! I've been drinking water and have been watching my portion sizes. Still drinking cokes cuz hubby brings me every single day.. GRRR. i LOVE that he tries to spoil me but I'm really trying to get away from those things.. They really make me feel icky when i drink them. I have only exercised one time this week.. Once is better than none I guess... We haven't eaten out at all this week either.. I just realized that!! YAY!!!
  17. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I have about 30 more pounds to lose (I've lost approximately 40). I'm using weight watchers - but I only do the online version - I do NOT have time to go to a meeting and I don't want to talk to people about my weight loss needs.

    I like myfitpal as well. And I do a http://bodyrock.tv workout. It's a free workout that is usually 12 minutes long. Some days I can't even get through the workout - but it's ok with me!

    I do Tae Kwon Do with the kids 2x per week as well which kicks my butt (I'm 1 of 2 adults in the teen/adult class and 1/2 the kids are mine)... it's a lot of fun though and I do what I can.

    I also like Fighter Diet. She's hard core, rude, and honest all in one - you really have to be able to deal with it. Her diets are really tough - lots and lots of veggies.

    In a previous life I was 105lbs with 3% body fat (yes that's a 3) and I worked out 2+ hours per day. I loved that look and the feel back then - but I am being realistic at this point in my life and going for healthy and looking better all in one.

    After being sick for a year - it's taking awhile for my body to catch up and rebound but it's getting there.
  18. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Another thing that helped me is to schedule a park workout with friends. I know some of you are out in the boonies, and some of you have freezing weather right now, but it is a thought. We would meet at the park (usually summer when kids are out of school, so bright and early to beat the extreme heat) and kids would play for an hour while moms either did same workout or simply walked/jogged around the park. My ds told me I don't jog, I wag, more of a walk than a jog :lol:. There were many mornings that I just did not feel motivated, but knowing that my friends were waiting for me got me at least moving.
  19. MomToMusketeers

    MomToMusketeers New Member

    May 2, 2011
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    oh wow, thanks for this thread!!

    I am not trying to lose weight per se, but just a healthier lifestyle. Here is what I do, and I realize that most of this has already been mentioned :)

    1. I do NOT bring any unhealthy snacks into the house, at all. My children have no choice but to grab baby carrots, or unsalted nuts, or an apple, etc for a snack, and same goes for me.

    2. No sodas. At all. I stopped 3 years ago, and I dont miss it at all. Sometimes, if it is a special occasion, I will get a bottle of Apple Cider.

    3. Exercise for about an hour before the kids wake up. Have a DVD from the fitness ball I bought, and follow that, or youtube vids...treadmill, some weights, all in my own living room.
    I also sneak in exercise during the day. I sit on an exercise ball, instead of on a chair. Run up the stairs every time, instead of walk. Park far from the entrance of a store, and jog my way there. This can get weird, in the winter, with a big coat on, so this is a summer thing :)

    4. Lots of fluids. I have some large (1 1/2 liter I think?) water bottles I got from Costco. Fill them up in the morning, and keep drinking as much as I can hold at one time, every chance I get. Also, I make a nice big thermos of green tea and mint leaves and ginger in the morning, sweeten with raw honey, and drink it throughout the day.

    5. Sweets. Can't live without them. so substitute them. I make a banana bread with honey instead of sugar. Or eat some pecans dipped in honey as a snack. I find that sweetness is my weakness, and if I try to eliminate it, I end up craving and then caving. So if I make a homemade chocolate cake for the kids, I will eat a tiny slice. Slowly, with a small spoon. :)

    6. Veggies with every meal, whole grain almost everything
  20. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Wow!! Lot's of GREAT ideas!! Can someone do me a HUGE favor and tell my hubby to stop bringing me cokes and candy bars EVERY SINGLE DAY!? I'm trying to get away from that... Every now and then is fine, but every day is too much.. I still have half a bottle of DrPepper sitting here along with 1/4 of a candy bar... I made him take half of it.. LOL!

    BTW: this is his substitute for flowers.. He brings this to me to show me how much he love me.. :) So I'm having a hard time saying NO..

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