considering preschool

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Samantha, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Samantha

    Samantha New Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    I can't even believe I'm genuinely considering this but I am. Not really because I think my daughter needs preschool but oh man I can't believe I'm about to type these words, but because it would be free day care for her for a couple of hours a day during which I could better concentrate on teaching my boys. This fall I'm going to have a 3rd grader, 1st grader, kindy, and she's going to be 3 AND we'll be adding a newborn at the end of September.

    To be honest I LOVE teaching her age. I love working with her and my younger son this year, they do a lot together and it's a great age BUT I really feel like I'm unable to focus properly on teaching my oldest and I feel like it will only get worse next year as they all advance a grade and we can't afford to pay a sitter to watch her during the day and I like that she wouldn't be gone ALL day but only a couple of hours and here our town preschool is only four days a week.

    I feel like this :eek: when I think about all the hoopla we'd have to go through to get her registered and what not but it might be worth it if I could better teach the boys.

    I'd love feed back either direction.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I honestly can't say for you, but I'm betting you're selling yourself short. You're quite capable of doing this in the fall.

    I didn't have four, but I had three. I tried to include my "least-un" as much as was possible (and he was able!). I would keep copies of worksheets like his sisters' that he could scribble on when he wanted to "do school". I would give him coloring pages on whatever topic we were reading about in history. He played with blocks when I read aloud. Something I never did but many on her suggest is to keep special activities for the younger to do, that are only permitted dudring "school time", such as lacing beads or sorting activities. And don't forget to take advantage of her naptime!!! Also, don't think you're terrible if you put on a half-hour video for her once a day while working with her brothers.
  4. mom_2_3

    mom_2_3 Active Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    I totally understand. You have a full plate and frankly, I don't think there is anything wrong with letting your younger go to pre-school a couple of days a week. If that's what you need to do to keep your sanity and for you not to become overwhelmed, then do it. Think of it as a temporary situation. You will probably feel that, once you get settled in with a routine with the new baby and school, you will be better able to juggle it. JMHO....
  5. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I concur!!!!

    My youngest was about the age of your youngest when my oldest was about the same age as your oldest.

    We used to tag team her - my middle would play with her some during the morning and I would focus on my oldest. Then my oldest would play with her while I worked with my middle. Then when she napped in the afternoon, I worked on things we did together or just with my oldest more.

    You really can do it. You just don't feel like you can. And definitely, make her her own school box, give her things to do that she's ONLY allowed to do when you're doing school with the others. Relate it to what their doing if you have to. Look into "Preschool Activities in a bag". I used those, too....she had so much fun with them. My homeschool group and I did a swap. We each made 25 of one of the kids (helped because you could buy stuff in bulk and save $$$). Then we had a Mom's night where we swapped, We all brought a grocery bag, then dropped on of OUR kits in all the bags, At the end of the night - not only had we had great fellowship, we walked out with 25 different preschool activity bags! It was awesome!!!!

  6. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    With all the dropping off and picking up and extra colds that may hit your household it may not make your life easier. ;)
  7. Samantha

    Samantha New Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    ah napping sounds great! She only naps on me. Literally, on days she's tired enough for a nap she climbs into my lap and conks out. It's about the sweetest thing ever but not really conducive to using her naps for together work.

    If she went to preschool it would only be for this coming school year. She'd come back home after that. Bringing home extra colds is definitely something to consider. I'd probably put her on the bus to and back though because yes, having to drop off and pick up would make it less advantageous for sure.

    I don't know. I'm sure we'll survive either way. I just wonder if my oldest esp is getting a more lackluster education because I can't focus on him and what I should be teaching him the way I want because my attention is being diverted into a million directions.
  8. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    I typed out a response and then deleted it because I thought that it could be interpreted as offensive. I really hope that what I say doesn't come off that way. I don't mean to offend, just give my opinion.

    IMHO I wouldn't do it. When they are little they need to be home with either mom or dad. I can tell you from experience that little kids and homeschooling older ones can be hard. However I can't imagine sending my 2yo or 4yo off to be taught by someone else. Here are some of the ideas that I do that can make it easier working with older and younger kids:

    1. I have 12 "busy boxes" for my 2 little ones that are only pulled out during school time. Each box has a different theme. One box has rice and shovels, another has stickers and paper, another has water beads and plastic fish, another has beads and pipe cleaners. You get the idea. I got most of it from the dollar store and it was only $50 for everything including the plastic buckets. I always have at least 1 older kid supervising them while I work with the other older ones. Then they trade places and the older one that was supervising comes to do their school work. I hope that made sense.

    2. Each little kid has a "school" bucket that has a preschool workbook ($5 from walmart) and crayons, colored pencils, doodle paper, a coloring book and flash cards. When they feel like joining us for "school" they each get their bucket and pick one thing to do out of it. My 4yo always picks her preschool workbook and since she isn't really interested in learning her ABC's and things I let her color all the pictures and tell her to try to stay in the lines. My 2yo just colors everything and says "See mom! I do school!"

    3. If busy boxes and school buckets are not keeping them interested or they get tired of them, I put a netflix movie on the laptop and have them sit on the couch and watch it. Usually they want Dora or Diego.

    4. When they get really restless I give them a snack and try to have them eat it in a fun location, like, building a fort with a blanket and letting them eat in their "tent". That usually keeps them occupied for 45+ minutes.

    5. If all else fails, I assign an older kid to go play with them doing whatever the little kids want (within reason of course). Usually I am told later that they played house and the older child was told to be the cat or dog or some other pet. ;)

    6. My backup plan if they are just too restless and NOTHING works...take the day off and focus on the little kids.

    Also, with having a new baby just take a break!! I had a baby last Sept. and we ended up taking off 6 weeks because I needed a reset with a new baby and re-adjusting to homeschooling. In the past when I had babies I usually got right back to school within 2 weeks. I can not tell you how much of a difference it made to wait 6 weeks. I actually felt like I could function!

    Of course do what you feel is best for your family. Only you know your limitations and what will work best for you. I have been where you are and thought it would be easier to send the little ones to preschool. Looking back I am so glad I didn't.
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    She needs to nap without you. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS TO YOUR WELL-BEING!!! You NEED to have some time to yourself. For me, that started off as nap time. When they are old enough to not need naps, it becomes a half-hour of Silent Reading Time. Set a timer, and you ARE NOT to be disturbed unless the house is on fire!!! (Exception was when my then 5yo came running downstairs all excited because "I KNOW WHAT THOSE WORDS SAY!!!" in the book she was "reading".) During this "mommy time", you can read, visit us here, have a cup of coffee, call a friend... What you CANNOT do is anything related to housework or schoolwork. (Exception would be if you're cooking something and your timer goes off...obviously, you don't want to let it burn!) It really does take training, but it is well worth it! If you keep hearing, "Has the timer gone off yet?" (and you will at first!) you can tell them not yet, but if it continues every five minutes, you can tell them that, if they ask again, they will have to wait until it goes off TWO TIMES. Then, when it goes off, remind them they have to wait for it to go off again and set it for five minutes.

    I know you say just this year, but it really is difficult to bring them home. You get use to having one less, and when you try to bring her back, it will be all that more difficult. Plus there's her missing her friends. I would also be afraid of her feeling she's not wanted if you send her off and keep her brothers.
  10. Blizzard

    Blizzard Member

    Apr 11, 2008
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    We sent my younger child to private, Christian preschool for a few months, mostly so that I could get a break alone with my older child. It was a low-key preschool that just did fun things like play, read stories and work on crafts for a few hours twice a week. He enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. Older brother enjoyed it.

    Riding the bus would concern me, though. Do the little kids have someone to supervise them other than the bus driver?
  11. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    The bus would make it easier than dropping off and picking up. I had my youngest nap on my back until she stopped napping. I put her in a backpack carrier while I walked around reading aloud to my younger kids. Once she fell asleep I was able to sit down and work with my older kids (in quiet).
  12. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Samantha - I totally get it!! I'm in the same boat. My 4yo DD is busy. I only have 2 others in school next year, but a 2 yo and a new baby coming in June. I've thought of preschool too. Here they have no buses for that sort of thing, so I'm definitely not going to.

    I think I'm just going to plan out a preschool type curriculum for her and treat it as if she was required to do it. Otherwise she's into things or begging me to teach her, play a game with her or do a craft. If I plan out a couple of good activities and a craft, she'll be more able to wait when it's not her turn - I hope!
  13. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    While I won't have a new baby, I do have a preschooler who never slows down. I would never consider sending him to preschool. I do, however, encourage him to play with all our math manipulatives (because he loves them), tell him to look at books, hand him his leapster explorer to play on, turn on Nick JR, give him crayons and markers and either coloring books, a preschool workbook or blank paper, or tell him to go play with his super hero stuff (which is his favorite right now).

    I know that others do it, it's just not for me.
  14. Mouseketeer67

    Mouseketeer67 New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    I don't have little ones anymore, but when I did I always included them in school time. I had coloring books, workbooks, picture books, alphabet books, pre-school & Kindergarten video games, & lots of videos (thank God for Disney Sing Along Songs!) to keep the little ones busy if I was needed to help one of the older kids. I also took advantage of the little ones nap time to get some work done with the older kids.
    Looking back on our homeschooling journey, I'm so glad that kept all of my kids home. There were times when I worried that perhaps I wasn't giving each child enough of my attention to give them the education they deserved, but I can say today that those worries were not justified.
  15. Tina Razzell

    Tina Razzell New Member

    Sep 2, 2011
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    My opinion is that if you are planning on homeschooling, then preschool is not a good idea as a huge purpose of preschool is getting them in the routine of school. Having said that, I put my daughter (4th child) in preschool at the age of 3, just for the summer months because I was having difficulty coping with 4 children. She stayed there until February. I got a little break from her, she learned a few things, but by February I decided I didn't need the childcare any more and she was so cute I wanted to enjoy her company and so pulled her out.

    So, you really have to do what works for your particular situation and remember it can just be temporary.
  16. CadenC

    CadenC New Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    I didi the same thing with my youngest. I had two daughters who I was teaching at hom and my son (a toddler at the time) who would not sit still. I had no choice, but to put him in a half day preschool a few days a week so I could get some quality instruction in with my girls. I did that for two years and had him with me for Kindergarten and it worked out just fine!
  17. momomany

    momomany New Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Minthia - I love your response. I have considered busy boxes but did not think about having one older kid "supervise". Brilliant! I am expecting number nine in Sept and I can't even fathom how much crazier our homeschooling can get. So maybe the busy boxes will be the answer. Thanks!!

    Samantha - you really have to do what is best for you and your little one. I sent one of my kids to prek just because I thought that he needed it. So it really depends on the child and your own mental sanity!!! I have eight and expecting nine - i know very little about sanity - lol!! Good luck - go with your gut!

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