Gotta Love it...

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by chicamarun, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    When DH talks you out of something because he knows it makes you cringe ;)

    With AOP's 20% off sale - I was about to just order Alexis workbooks, Jake workbooks for 1/2 his subjects... and Karina the same thing.

    Worked out all the numbers - told DH how much $$ - everything was good.

    He looked at me and said "why workbooks? you hate workbooks... school isn't about finding what they LIKE and find EASY - it's about making them learn" (i even had to tell him he was :eek: right

    After a night with little sleep - came out - looked at everything again (4am - and my brain was going full force so now I need a nap) ....

    I already had gotten TOG Year 4 to do.... and I'm going with it for all but a couple things (older 2 still enrolled in Kolbe so they have to do their religion)... of course math is different (Alexis gets her workbooks there and the 2 older ones will still use Aleks)

    I even printed out Year 3 Unit 1 Weeks 1-2 for Alexis this morning as she is finished with 7th grade (amazing what happens when you lock down the internet until all work is done)

    All the kids will get summer stuff to get them ready for Year 4 (I'll pick out reading books for them over the summer etc) and we will start in August.

    Glad I got most out of the way.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Many years ago, I was all set on SOTW, based on what everyone here was saying. I found it at the library, and liked what I saw. So I made the "mistake" of asking DH his opinion of it. He told me straight out no, because he wanted history from a Christian perspective. Boy, that set me in a whirl, because I had already decided! And then I took him to the vendor's hall the night before the conference. And he had PLENTY to say about what I should and should not use, lol!!!
  4. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    This is the first time he has EVER spoken up about it. He KNOWS how much I dislike workbooks ;) He DIDN'T know I had already gotten the TOG Year 4 Digital Edition and downloaded it months ago. It's what I really wanted to do because I can get so many of the books etc from the library or I even have a lot of them.

    Of course when he actually speaks up .... he's right... ugh.... hate admitting that - LOL
  5. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    What a good hubby you have.

    Mine is often quiet, but lately I've been rather impressed. With Rylee and her math struggles he has been all about helping me find things to help her "get it". That is all new to him.
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    What I've discovered is that if I actually ASK his opinion, he'll give it. And then because I DID ask and would listen to him, he became more informed to curriculum choices, and was more willing to give me his input. But it took me several years to discover that! Up to that point, I'd tell him what I was planning, and it was always, "OK, Dear!", lol!
  7. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    All I did was lay out the cost for him - and for the first time in what.... 6 years??.... he asked what it was!! SERIOUSLY - LOL

    See if I give him beer anymore ;)

    No it was a good discussion.... and I'm happy with it because I would rather have a literature based education for the kids. I'm adding in monthly book reports from TOG year 3's units 3 & 4 for them from now until we start Year 4. I've been so frustrated and upset with so many things lately - since right after Thanksgiving - that I was honestly just giving in to the ease of a workbook based system. I LIKE workbooks - but at the same time I don't like workbooks ;) Instead of LifePacs I ordered CLE Math 8 for Alexis.... I'll get her elective once April rolls around. I bought her next grammar supplement as well which is CLE.

    Then when I told him what I planned this morning he said "See now don't you feel better?" Ugh... I swear we've known each other too long ;)
  8. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I always "discuss" what I'm looking at with hubby, I never let him know what it costs... I'm the money manager of our house... he has NO CLUE how much we have. He often stares at me blankly, gives me a few generic responses and says "Honey, you are with them all day, you are the one who has to help them learn, so I trust you to choose what you think is best."

    I get this same response when I if Im just spewing out a list at him or I'm telling him the specifics of 2 or more different things I'm thinking of using. He is an awesome dad and very involved with the kids, but as far as "school" goes, that is up to me... though he is great about planning fun educational field trips.... like to the worlds largest Cabela's store yesterday to look at all the taxidermy animals and see the huge fish tanks.
  9. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    Mine is starting to ask more about it too. It's nice to having the husband involved.
  10. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    it's nice - but also a little annoying - LOL.... I was all set dang it.... ;)

    Actually it was pretty good to actually have him respond and yap about it and remind me of my own opinion
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Faythe threw me into a tail spin. We were thinking a two-year associates degree for her, and so I wasn't worried about taking math past Geometry or science past Biology. And a few weeks ago, she announced she wants to be a Marine Biologist!!! I sure didn't see THAT coming!!! So we're now looking into more math and science, which are NOT her strong area, and a four-year college. DH and I have discussed putting off her graduation one year to help with some of the classes we weren't planning on her taking, and possibly picking up some through dual credits through the community college. The only problem with that is that she's not driving yet. She's got her temps, but it's been VERY slow going. She easily distracted, and isn't always aware of what's going on around her. So if she takes classes out, she can't drive herself.

    DH and I have had MANY conversations over this in the last week or so! I'm SO thankful he's understanding!
  12. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Yep - we have the same issue with our 17 year old... she'll be a good driver - but she hasn't PASSED the temp test yet UGH. I'm taking her and Jake next week to test for it again because I NEED another driver in this house.

    I think the BEST part of all of it was that it showed that after all these years he HAS been listening to me - even if he had a glazed look on his face while I ranted and raved ;) He KNOWS I dislike workbooks for certain subjects - I just don't think it's the best way to actually LEARN and learn to LEARN (if that makes sense?)
  13. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Yes, that makes sense. I also understand exactly where you are coming from.

    One time I ordered some individual lifepacs in history to see if my son would like them. The first day or so he thought it was OK. He liked that he could write in the workbooks. So I had the great idea to order 9th grade lifepacs for all of his subjects- all inclusive, all done, and not too expensive.

    Now for the bad part. It turns out that the first day or so were the only days he liked the history in lifepacs. He was nearly in tears after that. I looked over the lesson and I saw what he was upset about. It was terribly boring and just fact after fact with numerous questions over a small section of reading and no interesting stuff at all. I didn't go with lifepacs for that next years. How much I wanted to love them, but....:oops:
  14. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Yep - I'll stick with them for Alexis for Math (but we used CLE instead cause of the price and I like the new Sunrise editions which break it down into lesson). She likes the workbooks for math and "gets" it - so we will go with it ;)

    Everyone else gets that "I don't get it" look plastered to their face...

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