Oh no! I think I broke my kid..........

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by martablack, May 7, 2013.

  1. martablack

    martablack New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    So the "plan" was to HS until High School and then send them off. (Remember these kids went to PS for years...)

    My oldest is getting ready for 9th grade and he looked over the classes offered (to 9th graders) and was like why do I have to take "that" class. I would rather take American History again. (Funny b/c the class in question was designed to help 9th grader pass a standard test that they don't even use anymore.) And wouldn't be easier to take Algebra 2 at my own pace at home instead of having to wait on the class to understand a concept? And English sounds like a total bore, I would rather work with the program we are using at home. (Lighting Lit.)

    My DH is going to flip! I think I've made the kid think a little too much. He started in on school being busy work and how it would be better at home. (Though he wants to take Science and PE at school. And we can do partial enrollment.)

    And I'm still trying to figure out things for my 2nd. DH wants him to take a class or two at school and he is not interested. (At all!) He picked out his curriculum for next year and is happy with it.
  3. Shilman

    Shilman New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    My twins will be in 9th grade next year and they would die if I told them we were sending them back to school. I have read in numberous sources that high school is the most important time to homeschool.

    I bet your ds will come around and enjoy high school, but he may be a little bored with some of the classes! And no, your kid is not broken!!!!! He just realizes that you make the best teacher for him. :)
  4. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I don't think you broke him I think you raised him and educated him right. It is great that he can examine what is offered and really determine what would be best for his education. None of his arguments are superficial which is what you normally find in a teenager. I would be really proud if I were you. Congratulations on doing such a wonderful job in helping him mature and become someone who thinks about what he is doing.
  5. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I whole heartedly agree!

    ps... I even given the fact that Garrett and I do not get along, and the fact that he is really excited that he got accepted into an alternative high school to learn a a trade (he is torn between electrical engineering, electronical engineer, and a computer course that teaches repairing, programing and who knows what else), I cringe every single day that he is going out to school, when I know what we could be doing at home is so much better and wouldn't take 9 hours a day plus homework.
  6. martablack

    martablack New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    I was just teasing! (I'm super proud of the kid)

    We are going to check out partial enrollment so he can get the "best" of both. (We are actually trying to get him into a program called "Running Start" where he will go to college as a Jr. and a Sr. So that's why I think partial enrollment is best.)

    He wants to be around the Sciences (he could learn about Science all day long.) and he might want to be in drama. In our neck of the woods the school is the best for these.

    I'm also going to check out another HS program, but since he would be in a different school district he would have to play sports there and he wants to play for our home-town.
  7. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    Running start is awesome! I never had the opportunity to do it but both my brothers did and they loved it. In fact one of my brothers graduated from hs only 5 credits shy of his associates and all it cost was the cost of books. He really liked the classes at BCC (now BC) too.

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