Odd question

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by mamaheffalump, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. mamaheffalump

    mamaheffalump New Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    I know that the Lord led me into hsing and our homeschool is a Christian one :D. My husband agrees to hsing for different reasons (he does not profess to be a Christian).
    Does this make us an odd couple, or is anyone else in the same boat :? ?
  3. HeidiPA

    HeidiPA New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    I don't think this makes you an odd couple at all. I'm sure there are many other couples out there that are just like you.
    Both my husband and I are Christians. Alot of people homeschool strictly because of Christian/religious reasons. I can't say that's our only reason for homeschooling.
    If you would have asked me 7 years ago if I would ever consider homeschooling, I would have said "no way". Yet, the very next year, I was homeschooling my daughter! The county we live in has a very poor school district. I've seen some good changes over the years, but I've also seen some not-so-good changes. SO, we are homeschooling for educational purposes as well. I feel that I am more qualified to give my girls a quality education here at home than the teachers at our local schools are. This isn't to say I think that all teachers are bad. I've had some great teachers. Just that they are limited, and I'm not!
    Anyway, you're lucky that your husband agrees with the decision to homeschool- even if his reasons are different from your own.
    Good for you!
  4. zsmomma

    zsmomma New Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    I don't think that that makes you an odd couple.

    We did not start out homeschooling because of religion. We do now, but not 2 years ago. We are in a great neighborhood with a lousy school district. That is reason one but not the biggest. The biggest reason is my husband is a second shifter. He would go to work before he saw his kids every day. The only day that they would see there father for more then a few minutes would be Sunday and time is already limited there because of church and fellowship hour afterwards. So we decided to hs so that we have family time. Our whole family is second shift. We don't get up and moving until around 8:30-9 am. Its just better for us!
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I wouldn't say that it makes you an odd couple at all - I like the idea that even though your husband is not a professing Christian and you are home schooling for that reason it says something about the entire situation.

    We home school not only for religious reasoning but also (a huge part) because the public school experience has been a disaster for us and I can't sit by and watch it continue and not do anything about it.

    My husband backs the decision to home school when we're in the midst of some really tense situations at school but now he's half considering public school as an alternative (I DON'T THINK SO TIM :x Been down that road too many times, and I won't go there again.

  6. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I don't feel you are odd couple. I am in the same boat you are and not afriad to say it.
    But, my husbands backs me 100 percent in anything I do for HS or any church things. He just don't practice it. He had a bad childhood in a church and has a hard time with it.
    Other then that he is a lovely father and husband of 21 years wouldn't trade him for anything. Just because he is not christian doesn't mean I can't love him.
    He's a good man.
    Theres nothing wrong with it. Everyone homeschools for a different reason. :lol:
  7. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I don't think you are odd, but (don't take this personally, because we are all different) I couldn't be married to someone who wasn't a Christian. That's just me personally. Not all are like that. I was once engaged to someone who was not a Chrisitan. In fact, he didn't even like to talk about it. That bothered me, then I met my now husband. I need to be able to share in the joys of God and Jesus and believe that when you marry, it is you, your spouse and God together in the relationship.

    Please don't take what I said personally because I would never judge anyone for making a different decision for themselves. Everyone has different needs. That is just a need for myself and a personal preference of my own. In answer to your question, no I don't believe you are odd. You just have different preferences than I do.
  8. Anne

    Anne New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    I don't think you are odd! I'm glad your husband backs you up about homeschooling your daughter. That's great!

    Sometimes couples are "unequally yoked" because one spouse accepts Jesus as their Savior after they are already married. I have several friends who are in this situation. Just have to keep praying for their spouses and for the wives to have a great testimony. (I'm not trying to correct you, JenPooh! :wink: Just thought I would mention this.)

    Rumpledoodles, I think you're husband's support speaks wonders of your testimony to him. Keep it up!

  9. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    No worry. I was thinking about that too while I was writing. My parents weren't saved when they were married either and each came around in their own time. They actually were not saved until I was about 12 years old.
  10. mamaheffalump

    mamaheffalump New Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    Neither my husband nor myself were living a Christian life when we met and married :oops:. I pray daily that he will find the joy that I have...... I hope to set a good example :D.
    I do suppose that between our reasons, Poppet is getting the best education possible :wink:.
  11. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Welcome to my world..... won't you come on in.....

    I am a Christian, my husband is not. It actuallt turns my stomach to hear him sign hymns at church, because I know how he really is. He thinks a believer is a Christian, but even the demons believe and tremble.
    It is so hard to raise Jeannie like this, and it doesn't make it easy to handle Kevin, either.
    Sunday, after church, my husband got mad at me and called me a b*tch- right in front of Jeannie. I can't imagine what she thought. I took some of her games and we went up to her room. I told her her dad was speaking inappropriately and we needed to be away from him until he stops.
    I have even explained to her that he doesn't love God like she and I do, and I have told him to just stay home each week .

    The frustrating thing is, he sees nothing wrong with his behavior. I've got to be ready to explode before I'll say a swear word, and then I would NEVER misuse the Lord's name.
    He sees nothing wrong with that, either.
  12. mamaheffalump

    mamaheffalump New Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    Bless your heart :D ! Though my hubby is not a Christian, he would never call me names :x. He seldom uses a curse (has to be REALLY mad) at all. He respects my feelings, and is aware that Poppet is like a big ole sponge (absorbs EVERYTHING). About the only thing he does that irks me is that he will watch tv shows that have bad language (I insist not in front of Poppet). There are so many words in our language that I honestly think that it is sad for people to only use these tired, ugly ones :?.
  13. ~PeaceB2U

    ~PeaceB2U New Member

    Jul 10, 2005
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    rumpledoodles...my hubby and I are both believers, but there are many, many families that homeschool for reasons other than faith-based. I personally know a few. I think it's great that you and your husband are together on the schooling issue. I know several women who want to homeschool and their husbands do not.. And many times women don't have the support of their husbands in their homeschooling efforts, whether or not their spiritual beliefs are the same.

    So I don't think there's anything odd about your particular situation. Even if it feels like it to you. That's what's great about these boards...so we can see that we're not alone and also encourage one another in our daily walk.

    Vicky...even though you don't know me...I wish I could hug you right now. God bless you girl!
  14. mamaheffalump

    mamaheffalump New Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    Thanks for the support all :D . I have had a hard time finding a "spot" where I fit in..... I have felt so welcome here.....
  15. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Warm fuzzies to all! I love this board! :D

    There is a book I once saw....something like "Everybody's normal till you get to know them" or something like that :lol: . There are not any of us without our quirks...with or without taking our marriage into consideration :lol: .
  16. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Brooke, So true. Another good book other to read is " I am not Crazy the rest of the World is ! " can't remember who wrote it but wonderful book.
  17. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    What about me Brooke ? :wink: :wink: I'm just kidding - I have several quirks... Of the forums I go to for home schooling, this one is by far the friendliest one I have found and that's all i have to say... (for a change :D )

  18. mamaheffalump

    mamaheffalump New Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    Hmm.... are you saying that if I had put "Quirky Homeschoolers" in the search engine, I would have been led here :lol:?

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