Grade 7 Abeka Math Curriculum

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Tracey, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    I'm using Abeka curriculum this year for the first time.
    I've got the complete grade level kit that includes all the student workbooks and also the parent's answer keys, test books and keys, and daily lesson plans.
    The odd thing is that they include daily lesson plans for every subject, except math.
    I got them all just because it's my first year using the curriculum, and hubby may be helping out sometimes since we're expecting in the fall, so I need something easy for him to follow if I'm not available.

    Does anyone know if it's necessary to have the daily lesson plan book for Math, or is the student workbook self-explanatory - one lesson per day?
    How would I know when to give the quizzes, tests, and speed drills?

  3. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    It should say in the front of your teacher book under "How to use this book" or something like that!

    OhioGrandma uses A Beka, and I think she's using the 7th grade level this year. Maybe she can help you better?
  4. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Tracey, I just pulled my books and in the tests and quiz book, it will say ie. Unit 1 (1.6-1.14) if you look in the Math book, it has sections that relate to the test. You would do sections 1.6 - 1.14 then take the first quiz. Does this make sense?
  5. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Thanks Deena, and Ohio Grandma. That does make sense.
    I checked the tests, and like you said, it shows what each test covers.
    I suppose then, I can just administer the speed drills at anytime, averaging two per week???

    It just seemed strange that in the grade kit, they gave me the curriculum/lesson plans for all the other subjects for both children, just not the math for grade 7. And because it's my first year using this curriculum, I'm a bit paranoid, and don't want to miss anything.

    Also, there aren't any more scheduled motel meetings where I could get the free shipping, until mid-September. By then, we will have begun. So I guess I could do without.

    Thank you so much, that helps.

  6. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    That DOES seem strange! have you called them to see if they do have a schedule? That's probably what I would do!
  7. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    The speed drills are to be given EVERY DAY!!! That is too much. I think 2 a week are plenty.
  8. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    I checked in the order forms, and the math lesson plan book is definitely not included in the kit. It's offered separately as optional support materials. Strange, huh? Maybe others didn't think it was too necessary.
    Because it's my first year with this curriculum, I just ordered complete sets for both of my childrens' grade levels so I can really understand how it works. I'm sure next year, I'll know what I need or don't need.
    The kids' grandpa pays for everything, so cost is not an issue at all. If it were left up to us, we'd just order what we absolutely need.

    Thanks for your help!!:D
  9. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    I'll settle with two speed drill per week since there are only 54 of them. If I did them every day, I'd run out long before the year was done!

  10. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Yes, that IS strange to me too. I don't understand why they wouldn't include it! Are you going to order it?

    I did the same thing my first year, Tracey. I ordered a complete curriculum from Christian Liberty for my then 2nd grader. Since it was my first year of homeschooling, and I had a 4 yo and a baby, I felt like I wouldn't have time to do a lot myself. I loved having the lesson plans all laid out for me! It helped a lot for me to be able to figure out how to set up a curriculum, etc. There were a couple of things in that curric. that ds or I didn't like, so we did other things---my first "branching out"! :) The next year, we still used some core stuff from CLP, but looked around and got other things too. That was 10 years ago---they didn't have much available back then! Each year I branched out more and found more info. until I was hopelessly eclectic! :D Then I found homeschool spot (well then it was on ---which, btw, is a great source of info. too!!!) and have gleaned sooooo much info. from the ladies here! Plus I've made good friends, and even found my future daughter-in-law!!! ---just a joke that her mom [Jackie] and I have! ;) )

    Anyway, glad you're here, and I'm wishing you well on your new journey!
  11. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Thanks, Deena.
    This is my first year with Abeka, but not homeschooling. I've mostly used School of Tomorrow from the beginning. My girls are going into grade 7 and grade 2, and we're expecting our third in the fall.
    I would probably venture out more if I trusted myself, but I don't. So both hubby and myself and my dad (who pays for all the girls curriculum) prefer that we stick with one complete curriculum for the school year, and then I supplement with other stuff during the summer.

    I think I will go ahead and order the math plan book since there was one more thing that I wanted as well. Dad won't mind, and I prefer to do that for the first year until I get familiar with how this curriculum works.

    I have learned a lot here too. I mostly read when I'm on here.

    Thanks for your input, that really helps and makes me feel better too. At least I know someone else did the same thing I'm doing now. No one in our support group orders complete curriculum.
    I think when I don't have my hands as full, I'll be more adventurous!


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