A two week break from curriculum

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by LittleChoochoo, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. LittleChoochoo

    LittleChoochoo New Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    Does it even matter when you homeschool (as you know, I'm quite new - just started last week)??

    The curriculum for our son won't be in for a week - so that'll mean 2 weeks off of any real heavy routine or learning - is this going to be a problem or am I just in the mindset of PS?
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    YOU set the schedule! Some of us teach all year round, and will take off a week here or there during the school year. Some people teach year round and only teach four days a week. I've been known to take a week off to concentrate on cleaning house. You do what you think is best for your kids.

    Yes, you are in the PS mind-set, lol! It will take a while before you realize that IT'S OK!!! You're not required to conform to their schedule!

    Keep in mind, though, that some states are more picky than others about requirements. You will have to jump through any hoops your state has for you!
  4. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Yes you are totally in the mindset of ps! It will probably take you a while to get out of that mindset. It took me homeschooling all of last year before I finally chilled out for this year. Don't worry!!! The public school police are not going to come get ya! Just take a break! Read a lot and play. It is okay.
  5. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I have to fight myself all the time trying to keep things just as they should be according to my brain washed brain, lol, some call that the ps mindset. I call it following the set program that my ancesstors set up... but I do allow us different times and days off that other people dont have just because I need a break or the kids do.. Tuesdays re a light day for us because I lead a Ladies Study that day. SO it is scheduled in for me, as I need some sort of schedule, but most people I hear dont go to school work for a full day as I do either so I know I am getting my stuff done.
  6. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    We have taken this week off for the most part. DD7 is doing a bit of computer work and reading. Some math review but that is it. Daddy is working nights so the mornings are with him. By noon no one is in the mood to do school. We will do bible review after dinner (AWANA stuff)
    Some of my neighbors and my parents do get it. They think we HAVE to school everyday at X time to X time. Umm no we don't. It's the beauty of homeschooling. Family and then school in our house.
  7. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    yep, thats one of the many blessings isn't it, that we can work for our own families needs. See my dh works pm, sleeps ams most of the time, so we have school during his sleep time which is ps school hours for the most part, but the cool thing is if I am not done with them at the end of the day, we keep going untill we are done, and if we are done early we get free time!
  8. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Yep, Public school mindset. LOL!! We went through that too. I was so afraid that I was going to mess my kids up or not teach them enough. I laugh now when I think about all the stuff I had them doing that first month of school. We are doing math u see for math and I had them doing 3 whole pages of math each day along with EVERY single subject EVERY DAY. It would take us ALL day to get done and I had to fight the kids. I thought I bit off a little more than I could chew but then realized that since I have my childrens best interest in mind I WILL NOT mess them up and they will learn what they should and enough of what they need to. Probably more than other kids their age. So just sit back and relax. Enjoy your child and then when the books come, take it slow and enjoy!! This is the BEST decision I have EVER made. You won't regret it. By the way this is my first year homeschooling too. I have 4 kiddos and I have been amazed at what they have learned since August. Especially my 4 and 7 year olds. Just wait until you realize how much YOU are learning too. I LOVE homeschooling. I wish I would've done it sooner. NO REGRETS HERE. Sorry, Getting off subject here. LOL Hope I didn't cause a threadjack. :)
  9. frogguruami

    frogguruami New Member

    Jul 21, 2007
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    We take a full week off every month.

  10. Kathy

    Kathy New Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    I'm not as hung up in our second year as I was last year. We started (last year) after Labor Day, then we moved in Oct, then holidays,then I decided new curriculum was needed. That finally came in the end of Jan. I felt behind for months. Now I realize I had no one to answer to except myself.
    What's 2 weeks in the grand scheme of things? I just used age appropriate supplemental books while waiting for the new curriculum to arrive. The kind you can find at Walmart or Sam's Club (except I got them at a local Goodwill type store-unused).
    We are a lot more relaxed this year.
  11. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Yep, you're in a ps mindset! :)

    Nope, won't mess the kid up!

    In fact, it's a GOOD idea to "deschool" for awhile, to get used to the change. Then start slowly with only one or two subjects! PLEASE don't jump in with all the subjects at the same time. It helps to start with les until you get in the groove. Example: Start with two main subjects, or subjects the child likes. This helps you both get used to the idea while doing things that are not too hard. After a week or two, add one more subject, etc. Take it easy, because in homeschooling they learn more quickly, and you are NOT behind, because you are doing what's best for your child!!!
  12. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Just as an example of what WE did today. Today it was one math page from MUS, one history lesson and assignment from MOH, typing, Greek and literature. Oh and then we played baseball outside, then gymnastic class.

    We are pretty laid back but we get everything done we need to do with hardly any stress!
  13. LittleChoochoo

    LittleChoochoo New Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    Thanks everyone, I do feel better about it all :)

    "Deschool" does seem to be necessary - our son is constantly bringing up "are we going to do ___ like in school?" He's a top notch kid for routine routine.

    Another week of casual time will help him adjust before we come up with a new routine.
  14. dalynnrmc

    dalynnrmc New Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    yeah, what she said. :lol:

    We school hard and fast through the summer, and take October through December as it comes. Family and then school here, and family demands more time in those months.

    And, we sleep til almost noon and stay up til a little past midnight. (Why am I up right now? They got an extra nap yesterday. UGH.) DH works nights and our schedule is "whacked" according to most. But it totally works for us. If my kids started school at 8am, they'd be up by 7am, and that's the time dh gets home. He'd NEVER get any sleep!

    Go with the flow girlie. Chill. It will be fine. :)
    And... congrats!!!
  15. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    I was so uptight about the schedule after we pulled dd last year. Now I'm a lot more relaxed lol. Last week we only schooled for two days- it was a rough week the rest of the week.
    We started in July and we're lucky if we stick to "my" schedule more then 3 days a week.

    Nope, it doesn't matter. Nobody is standing here with a punchcard telling me to punch in my time lol.
  16. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    My son is in his second year of homeschooling and we still have not completely deschooled. He is still saying things like in school we....

    I think a break would be a great thing.

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