Baby Quiz

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Ava Rose, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    0 know how those pregnant women are...ALL they talk about is their pregnancy. How annoying! So, in light of that I wanted to quiz you all on baby stuff. lol. This is my LAST pregnancy and I am relishing every moment of being an annoying woman who works her pregnancy into every conversation. I have never done that before but I will now. LOL. I even threatened my dh that if he didn't treat me right this time, like getting me take out at 2am, we would have to do this again until he got it right! LOL. He never was the kind of guy to run out of the house just to satisify a craving. LOL. However, he does dishes and laundry. lol.

    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Pampers diapers but Huggies wipes. lol.

    How long was your longest labor? 12 Hours... Unless you count me being induced at 10am and not giving birth until 1 AM on my 3rd pregnancy. lol

    What was your best shower gift? a crib

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? YES! But only knew with one so far.

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? two were breastfed and one was bottlefed.

    What did you crave? Right now, ice cream!

    What made you sick? Meat! Smells or any kind!

    Did any of your babies have colic? No...but my 1st was very fussy.

    Favorite first your baby did? Laugh! I love a good baby belly laugh!

    How hard was it to name your baby? TERRIBLY! I am just awful at deciding on a name. I never know what I like when I am pregnant.

    What was your favorite baby item? A net thingy that allowed my baby it eat anything without choking...always forget the name!

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? Geesh...I am asking the question and now I can't answer. LOL. I see things all the time that I wish I had for my other kids...but right now can't think of it. LOL.

    What was your baby's first solid food? sweet potatoes for one, green beans for the other two.

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? I keep forgetting...YIKES!!! I think I forget at least once a week.

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? My first three were delivered by three different doctors. LOL. My last will be delivered by the same as my third though.

    What was the theme of your nursery? Pink, lavendar, mint green and girly! Alot of Beatrix Potter also.

    Who was in the delivery room with you? Only my dh. I wanted everyone else but him and the docs and nurses to leave!
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2008
  3. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? I use cloth, but when I had to use 'sposies, it was Pampers all the way (Huggies were too rough, imo).

    How long was your longest labor? 22 hours

    What was your best shower gift? I never had a shower.

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? No.

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Breast, except my oldest who wouldn't come near me after his surgery at 4 months old. After days of not eating we bottle fed.

    What did you crave? McAllister's Broccoli and Cheese Soup and Sonic Tots w/Cheese with my oldest. Andy's Frozen Custard with my youngest. Nothing with my middle.

    What made you sick? Everything... including water.

    Did any of your babies have colic? Yes, my middle son. But wearing him always took care of it.

    Favorite first your baby did? Smile in response to me (as opposed to the gas thing).

    How hard was it to name your baby? It was agonizing!!!! God had to name my first. DH named my second and third. DH also picked the middle name for our first (it was a family name, and really sort of decided for us since it was a tradition). I had no trouble picking middle names for the other two once the first names where chosen.

    What was your favorite baby item?
    Any cloth carrier (like ring slings or mei teis)

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? It's only been two years and I haven't seen anything.

    What was your baby's first solid food? Green beans for all three.

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? No, I chose not to take them. I ate organically grown whole foods, negating the need.

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? No, and if I ever have another I won't have an OB at all.

    What was the theme of your nursery? My bedroom is done medievally. Baby's were all in with us (one still is).

    Who was in the delivery room with you? Dh and my Doula. My mom was there for my first.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2008
  4. hmsclmommyto2

    hmsclmommyto2 New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? with dd it was Huggies (pampers didn't work for) for ds Pampers (huggies didn't work for him), but I still prefer Huggies wipes

    How long was your longest labor? technically, 7.5 hrs. I woke up at 5am with pains (didn't think they were real contractions) & dd was born at 12:29pm

    What was your best shower gift? a matching crib, dresser & changing table

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? Yes

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? dd- breastfed for about 4mos then bottle, ds - breastfed about 2.5 mos then bottle (because he was in the NICU, he never really latched on & had been fed through a tube or bottle for 2 mos, but it was breast milk. The pump hurt too much & I wasn't producing enough milk, so I stopped pumping & went to formula)

    What did you crave? with dd, pineapple, I had to have a can of pineapple every day. with ds chinese food

    What made you sick? with dd - anything her bio dad's family cooked, with ds - hospital food (I ate ramen noodles for 5 weeks while on bedrest in the hospital, the hospital food tasted like plastic)

    Did any of your babies have colic? nope

    Favorite first your baby did? it's a tie - smile, laugh, say mama

    How hard was it to name your baby? dh named ds, so that was easy. dd was kinda hard for me, I knew what she'd be named if she was a boy, but had a harder picking a girl name
  5. hmsclmommyto2

    hmsclmommyto2 New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    Oops, I forgot something else that made me sick. With dd, once I hit 7mos, anything solid made me sick. I was on a liquid diet for the last 2 mos of the pregnancy.
    I did have 2 other pregnancies that never made it to term & for both I couldn't eat or drink anything without throwing up. I lost a lot of weight & my body was eating my muscles to give the baby nutrients. I couldn't even take vitamins. But I did find out that it is possible to survive without food for more than 3 months.
  6. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    That's how I was with Eli. I spent many many many days/nights in the hospital getting IV fluids. I couldn't any water down (in truth, I couldn't even swallow it), so I had to go in at least every other day to get a bag of fluids. That was a long, miserable 9 months. But at least things where a tad better with my subsequent pregnancies. I couldn't imagine spending as much time in the hospital as I did with other children at home. We'd have gone broke hiring sitters.
  7. hmsclmommyto2

    hmsclmommyto2 New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    It was my 2nd & 3rd pregnancies that didn't make it, so I already had Joslyn. It was horrible. I was always going to the hospital & getting IVs. When I was about 4 or 4 1/2 mos, I called my mom & told I was dieing. She rushed over & took me to the hospital. I was told I was severely dehydrated (what a shock) and starving. Then the ER doc told me about a hemorrage & some abnormalities that my doc had neglected to tell me about. I was not happy. I talked to my doc the next day & he told me thought we'd talked about the hemorrage & denied the abnormalities existed (the ER doc told me that they had done the ultrasound specifically to check on the hemorrage & abnormalities that had been found in previous ultrasounds).
    I was terrified when I started having problems with the pregnancy with Evan. I didn't want to lose a third one.
  8. Dani

    Dani New Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? cloth, but for Dh we get Target brand

    How long was your longest labor? 17 hours with my first, my second was only 4.5 hours

    What was your best shower gift? stroller, car seat combo

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? Yeah

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? breastfed all the way, 17 months with my son, still going with DD at 13 months

    What did you crave? ketcup

    What made you sick? the smell of the dishwasher when running

    Did any of your babies have colic? I guess it was colic, my DD had it for the first 5 weeks.

    Favorite first your baby did? smile

    How hard was it to name your baby? both very easy

    What was your favorite baby item? bouncer, it saved my sanity

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? really dont know

    What was your baby's first solid food? sweet potatoes

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? yes all the time

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? yes, love him I hope he can be mine for all my kids

    What was the theme of your nursery? No nursery here, we cosleep for the first year

    Who was in the delivery room with you? nurses, doctor and DH that is all I wanted
  9. Mrs. Mommy

    Mrs. Mommy New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Luvs

    How long was your longest labor? 3 days

    What was your best shower gift? Drawstring nightgowns....wonderful for changing baby at 2AM

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? No, but DH did

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Wanted to breastfeed but had to bottlefeed

    What did you crave? Arby's potato cakes with 1st; nothing with 2nd

    What made you sick? EVERYTHING

    Did any of your babies have colic? Yes

    Favorite first your baby did? Discovered their hands

    How hard was it to name your baby? Not too bad....DH did first names I did middle names

    What was your favorite baby item? Onsies

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? Been too long....have no idea what is new now.

    What was your baby's first solid food? Sweet potatoes

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? Couldn't take them as they made me vomit

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? Nope, thank goodness

    What was the theme of your nursery? I was a poor PFC's wife, no theme

    Who was in the delivery room with you? DH for 1st;
    but he couldn't be there for 2nd
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? We used the off-brand from Sam's Club.

    How long was your longest labor? 24 hours, with Rachael.

    What was your best shower gift? A $50 gift certificate for a children's bookstore

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? No

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Breatfed all three, even while working full time with Rachael

    What did you crave? nothing I can think of

    What made you sick? Nothing

    Did any of your babies have colic? No

    Favorite first your baby did? EVERYTHING!!!

    How hard was it to name your baby? HAd them picked out from the very first! Phillip was the hardest.

    What was your favorite baby item? My port-a-crib, especially with Rachael. We kept it at my mom's house, unless I needed it to take elsewhere.

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? Not sure

    What was your baby's first solid food? mashed potatoes given her by G'ma

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? Nope!

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? Not only did a different person deliver each one, but each was born in a differnt hospital, in a different county. (But we lived in pretty much the same place!)

    What was the theme of your nursery? Rachael/Faythe was clowns/balloons in bright primary; Phillip had a neat boy-looking teddy bear theme

    Who was in the delivery room with you? Carl and my mom for all three
  11. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Cloth

    What was your best shower gift? The gift of our neighbor girl coming over regularly to wash dishes and fold baby clothes. She kissed them before she put them away--all just to get a chance to hold the baby!

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? Didn't matter

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Breastfeed

    What did you crave? I nibbled a lot out of anxiety

    What made you sick? No food made me sick

    Did any of your babies have colic? Yes

    Favorite first your baby did? Everything seemed like a miracle--the first latching on to nurse, the first staring at me in the eye, the first smile and laughter, the first word, "Mamamama,"...

    How hard was it to name your baby? A pleasant problem. We considered the meaning of names as well as how they sounded with our last name.

    What was your favorite baby item? The baby back-pack carrier. They lived in it for many months.

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? We had the most important things.

    What was your baby's first solid food? Ground up apples, then apples ground up with raisins.

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? 'Took vitamins fairly regularly

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? No ob--just social workers, FBI people for fingerprints, lawyers, and judges. And no, not the same ones each time.

    What was the theme of your nursery? No nursery, exactly. We did have a crib. 'Didn't use it much, though.

    Who was in the delivery room with you? My husband each time, Grandma once.

    How long was your longest labor? Twelve and a half years of excruciating pain.

    Pardon me, Ava Rose, I couldn't resist! :D Most people know our children came to us through adoption.
  12. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Ava, you crack me up girl.. LOL go for.. doesn't bother me.. LOL
    I never made term with either baby...
  13. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Baby Quiz

    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Pampers diapers but Huggies wipes. I did use Luvs some, too, since they were cheaper.

    How long was your longest labor?Just over 4 hours. That was my 2nd.

    What was your best shower gift? handmade blankets for my oldest 2 from my hd's great-aunt. They were beautifully crocheted.

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? No, with the 1st, did with the middle 2. I didn't want to know with the last, but dh did, so we found out.

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Breastfeed (only 6 months with 1st and I still regret it!!), til 2 1/2 with 2nd, til 15 mos. with 3rd, and til 2 with youngest. They all self-weaned.

    What did you crave? McD's chicken McNuggets and pimento cheese with my 1st, nothing with the others

    What made you sick? Strong smells of any kind- almost anything. I stayed sick the whole nine months with all 3 girls.

    Did any of your babies have colic? No...but my 2nd was very fussy.

    Favorite first your baby did? Laugh

    How hard was it to name your baby? TERRIBLY! Two weeks before my oldest was born we still didn't have a named picked out. Dh actually named our 1st 3. I picked the last. Girls names weren't as hard for me.

    What was your favorite baby item? exersaucer

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? I'm sure they were out, but not readily available- a sling. Those snugli things were horribly uncomfortable, but I did use one. If I had one now, I would have a sling!!

    What was your baby's first solid food? rice cereal

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? more than I should have

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? I used the same OB group for my 1st 3, one dr. delivered my oldest and another delivered my middle two. I wanted a midwife with my last, but insurance wouldn't cover it. I did use a different OB with her.

    What was the theme of your nursery?1st- Pooh, but it wasn't really decorated. He came early- the day after we closed on our new home (moving day). The 2nd was nursery rhymes, and the last 2 got nothing special! Actually, they all started out with me anyway.

    Who was in the delivery room with you? Only my dh. The hospital where my first 3 were born only allowed one person for delivery. I wanted my sis to stay for my last birth, but her dd was with her, and she didn't feel comfortable with her in the room.
  14. Smiling Dawn

    Smiling Dawn New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Pampers for the newborn and Luvs thereafter. Liked Huggie Wipes, also.
    How long was your longest labor?
    Baby #1 was induced on a Tuesday, didn't work, came back the next day, induced again, didn't work, dh told the dr. to leave me alone, we came back a week later to be induced again, it worked, but still took nine hours. She was then 20 days later than her due date...
    Other children were 14 hours labor, 11 hours labor and then ds came in the best at just over 10...whew!

    What was your best shower gift? a battery operated swing that didn't have the bar over the top of the swing.
    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? No

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? three breast fed and one bottle.
    What did you crave? Cousins Sub Sandwiches, and all other food just tasted sooooo delicous it was quite remarkable!!
    What made you sick? I was just sick... but I do remember having the flu run through the house and getting sick while cleaning up...Yuck!
    Did any of your babies have colic? No

    Favorite first your baby did? Smile right at me!
    How hard was it to name your baby? Not hard for us...Dh and I had fun!

    What was your favorite baby item? Over the Shoulder Baby Holder...a sling to where the baby!

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? I like the pack and plays now with the changing station built in.

    What was your baby's first solid food? Don't remember

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? I keep forgetting...YIKES!!! I think I forget at least once a week. (I just kept your answer here, Ava Rose...:) )

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? First two had different doctors and the last two had the same one...three docs in all.

    What was the theme of your nursery? Didn't have one...
    Who was in the delivery room with you? Only my dh, doc and nurses. With baby #2 I was having such a hard time there were two doctors assessing the problem while I was trying to push![/QUOTE]

    Very fun survey, Ava Rose. I am looking forward to reading the other replies after I check mine for spelling, etc and hit Submit Reply. :)
  15. CrystalB9

    CrystalB9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Cloth or Huggies if we are out and about.

    How long was your longest labor? 16 hours

    What was your best shower gift? A crib

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? Nope!

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Breast

    What did you crave? Taco Bell

    What made you sick? The smell of the grocery store

    Did any of your babies have colic? No

    Favorite first your baby did? Smile

    How hard was it to name your baby? Very hard. They were all born until we could decide.

    What was your favorite baby item? Diaper Bags! I love bags!!! :)

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? My youngest is 11 months, so I dont think there is anything new yet. :)

    What was your baby's first solid food? Bananas

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? No and folic acid.

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? Yes, all a midwife, except for Ezra was an emergency section with a doctor from same practice.

    What was the theme of your nursery? My Dh painted a beautiful forest mural.

    Who was in the delivery room with you? My Dh, mom and sister for most.
  16. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? We used generic H-E-B diapers and Huggies wipes

    How long was your longest labor? 4 hours with the first one. I had the second one in 90 minutes. (I was induced with both.)

    What was your best shower gift? We got this musical toy thing that was meant to hang on the crib and it had a big button remote control so you could turn it on from the doorway without the baby seeing you. Both of the girls pretty much ignored the music thing, but they LOVED that big red button! LOL

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? no

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Breastfed the first, had to supplement the second with formula

    What did you crave? never had any cravings

    What made you sick? raw veggies with the first, anything with too much grease or fat with the second. I thought it was just indigestion, but it turned out being gall stones. :eek:

    Did any of your babies have colic? No

    Favorite first your baby did? Laugh :)

    How hard was it to name your baby? We had 2 girl names and 1 boy name picked out, so we had to choose between the girl names on the spot with the first one (Joy Elisabeth). The second one (Katerina Jo) was also a girl, so we never used Zachary Allen.

    What was your favorite baby item? an exersaucer

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? Hmm.. can't think of anything.

    What was your baby's first solid food? Rice cereal and then sweet potatoes.

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? I probably forgot once a week, too.

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? Yes. I really like him.

    What was the theme of your nursery? none... When Joy was born, we were living in a very small apartment and her pack'n play was in the living room. When Katie was born we put her crib in our bedroom for the first few months and then moved her into Joy's room. Their room is very very blue - does that count? :lol:

    Who was in the delivery room with you? Only my dh and the doctor and nurses.
  17. Magic

    Magic New Member

    Jul 6, 2006
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Luvs for the first two and walmart brand for the second two

    How long was your longest labor? 8 days! Kathryn was 27 days late. The week before she was born I had to have daily stress tests at the hospital. Every time they would tell me that I was having contractions every four minutes. I would just tell them that I knew that but that she was not coming. When I finally did go to the hospital to deliver her, the nurses were relieved that I was finally there. With the three boys I had to be induced. I actually had two seperate two day inductions with Ryan. David was my longest labor of the boys and he was 38 hours.

    What was your best shower gift? a double stroller

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? We did with the third and fourth since we already had boys and wanted to know if we needed to buy anything.

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? They were all exclusively breastfed

    What did you crave? With #1 mashed potatoes and salad, #2 cheese and Chinese food, #3 ketchup and fries, #4 chocolate (I knew she had to be a girl after I wanted chocolate all the time.)

    What made you sick? Everything!

    Did any of your babies have colic? They were not easy babies and were fussy but I never took them in for colic

    Favorite first your baby did? Smiles, Laughs, and Rolling over

    How hard was it to name your baby? It was hard for our first but easy for the other three.

    What was your favorite baby item? #1 a swing, #2 a double stroller, #3 exersaucer, #4 snuggli

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? those motorized swings that go side to side, attached baby bed for co-sleeping, the nice two+ kids wagons, and so many of those neat things that I see in the baby aisles

    What was your baby's first solid food?
    I have no idea. Our first had some baby food but the others all ate what we ate. It was probably cheerios or some other cereal.

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever?

    Did you have the same ob for every baby?
    Yes! He is a very close family friend and was there for the birth of all four of our kids

    What was the theme of your nursery? I did not have themes

    Who was in the delivery room with you? #1- husband and mom, #2- husband, mom, and dad (My dad had not planned on being in there but came in to check on me and Christopher started to come out in one push. Everything went crazy and he ended up being in there for the birth of Christopher- who was born on my dad's birthday.), #3- husband, my MIL was going to be there but Ryan came out in one push and she got to the hospital shortly after he was born, #4- husband. Of course the doctors and nurses were in there as well.
  18. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Wal-Mart

    How long was your longest labor? Don't throw tomatoes, 2 hours.

    What was your best shower gift? Clothes

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? YES!

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Both

    What did you crave? Food!

    What made you sick? Meat! Sorry again, didn't have morning sickness.

    Did any of your babies have colic?

    Favorite first your baby did? Laugh! I love a good baby belly laugh!

    How hard was it to name your baby? Not hard at all.

    What was your favorite baby item? The bottle.

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? Dunno

    What was your baby's first solid food? green beans

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? Not once.

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? Yes

    What was the theme of your nursery? Disney

    Who was in the delivery room with you? First one, dh, doc and nurse, 2nd just doc and nurse, dh didn't make it for the delivery, came too fast, parking car.
  19. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? We used cloth, couldn't afford Pampers.

    How long was your longest labor? about 5 hours

    What was your best shower gift? sleepers

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? I would have liked to know, but that was before altrasounds:)

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? I tried breastfeeding with the oldest, but didn't work, bottle fed both.

    What did you crave? Chunkies - candy bar

    What made you sick? garlic smell

    Did any of your babies have colic? No

    Favorite first your baby did? Smile

    How hard was it to name your baby? It was a hard thing, husband wanted to name my boy, Nevada:eek: We settled with Jon, our daughter, I didn't have any say and he named her Lalena:eek:

    What was your favorite baby item? That would have to be a swing.

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? It's been 32 years since my last baby, (not including the grandchildren we are rasing) a lot of things, onesies I think are in first place. We had the t-shirts that snapped.

    What was your baby's first solid food? Cereal

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? Couldn't afford them.

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? No, they were born in different cities.

    What was the theme of your nursery? There were no themes, we were dirt poor.

    Who was in the delivery room with you? My husband was, with the first one, he was the only one allowed in my room after I delivered, that was boring. It was a small town hospital and they kept you for 5 days:eek: With #2, he was in the delivery and I had all kinds of people in my room. They still kept us for 5 days. I had her 2 days before my birthday, so I celebrated my birthday in the hospital with friends and family.
  20. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Pampers, but also use Huggies sometimes cuz they are cheaper

    How long was your longest labor? 22 hours

    What was your best shower gift? We never had abby shower

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? YES!

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? breastfeed both of them ( I am still breastfeedign my second)

    What did you crave? pickles, chocolates

    What made you sick? eggs with first, nothing with second

    Did any of your babies have colic? Yes - first one

    Favorite first your baby did? Smile

    How hard was it to name your baby? Was very easy. We were just talking to hubby and picked two names (for a girl and a boy) which we both liked

    What was your favorite baby item? I don't know

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? don't know

    What was your baby's first solid food? banana with both

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? Of course I did, so I asked one of my friends I lived with to keep them and bring them to me at needed time which she faithfully did

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? What is ob?

    What was the theme of your nursery? they both live with us in the bedroom. Right now it's the sea theme

    Who was in the delivery room with you? with first- doctor and bunch of nurses coming in and out, with second- hubby, midwife and best friend
  21. *Angie*

    *Angie* Member

    Jun 22, 2007
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    Do you prefer Pampers or Huggies? Pampers diapers and Huggies wipes... though we switch to cloth diapers after the 1st month.

    How long was your longest labor? Almost 48 hours of constant contractions, with my 1st, due to the dr stripping my membranes a week before my due date and labour starting as a result but not progressing.

    What was your best shower gift? I can't remember

    Did you want to know the sex of the baby? Absolutely. We've found out each time.

    Breastfeed or bottlefeed? Breastfed both and plan to again this time.

    What did you crave? Cereal with milk and Kraft Dinner.

    What made you sick? Everything for the first 3 months, after that I'm good.

    Did any of your babies have colic? No, and I'm very thankful!

    Favorite first your baby did? I have to agree with the laughter!

    How hard was it to name your baby? We always came up with a girl's name really easily and then never got to use it. Boys names are harder.

    What was your favorite baby item? Jumperoo.

    What do you wish they had out when you were having a baby? I don't know. I wish I'd discovered slings with my first two, I'm looking forward to using one with this baby.

    What was your baby's first solid food? Rice cereal. Peas or Green Beans for first veggie and applesauce for fruit.

    Did you forget to take prenatal vitamins ever? All.the.time. I'm a total scatterbrain when it comes to taking anything on a daily basis like that.

    Did you have the same ob for every baby? Not even close. With #1 I went back and forth between my family doc and the fertility specialist/OB I worked with getting pg. The doc on call delivered.

    With #2 I didn't have a family doc (so no referral to an OB) so went to a clinic with 6 women docs who also did deliveries. My least favourite of the 6 ended up being on call to deliver.

    With this one, I'm seeing a new OB, the only one in the city who was taking new patients when I got pg.

    What was the theme of your nursery? Classic Winnie The Pooh for the first two. This one won't have a nursery.

    Who was in the delivery room with you? Only my dh besides the nurses/docs. Once I hit active labour, I don't want anyone else around besides dh.

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