I think I am addicted to TV

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by aggie01, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Yes it is hard to admit it, but I am truely addicted to the TV. It is so relaxing and peaceful, quite.

    Now to be honest I don't actually watch the TV. But my Kids do, and I hate it. But OHHHH how I love it. We have gotten into the habit of them watching morning shows on PBS..even shows I said I would not let them watch. EVERY MORNING for about 2 hours. I HATE IT It makes me feel very guilty. But it gives me time to play on the internet (not just playing but doing things that need to get done as well, like business stuff, and homeschooling research for the next study etc). Or read one of my books, and drink my coffee.

    We wake up so stinking early ( I get up at 4am, the kids about 5:30am), and it is like a house full of bears grumbling around. So after a little while of time waking up we are better able to meet the world. But that is just an excuse.

    I am really thinking about turning the TV around or unplugging it to break our habit. But I will really have to change my whole day plan. AHHHHHHHH.

    I think I can do it. I never never thought that I would let my kids watch tv. let alone this much. I HATE IT, I hate that I do let it happen, and love it. I hide it from my dh as well. I think that just about covers all the areas of an adict right?

    HELP !
  3. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    well, it seems we all have something we do and don't like in life. Maybe you could have them color and listen to a book on tape at the same time. That would still give you time for yourself and keep the children busy.
  4. mtnest

    mtnest New Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    :shock: 4am? Could I venture to ask why? If it is taking awhile to "wake up" perhaps it would be better to sleep a bit longer? Not bashing, just wondering.

    Me - who cannot even fathom getting up at that time of the morning any longer
  5. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    We get up so early, because dh leaves for work at a little before 5am, that gives us time to get him ready and spend some time reading the bible. We go to bed at 8pm. Most of the time it is enought sleep. I am just not really ready to get going hard core until later. I think mostly right now it is because it is cold in the mornings and it is easier to do things after it warms up a bit.

    I really like the idea of the book on tape and coloring. We check out books on cd from the library, and they love it. I think we will try that tomorrow.
  6. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I'm probably the odd ball out, but I don't see whats wrong with PBS kid shows. I know for a fact my kids learn a lot from them (especially Ruff Ruffman and Cyberchase).................... My kids are up by 5 too and after my DH goes to work, I want them to watch tv so I can go back to sleep for an hour!!

    And we all watch TV as a family in the evening. I mean have you ever seen If walls could talk, its a kind of history show but its so fun the kids love it MythBusters, is just plain fun.

    I don't think its ruining them. They know whats off limits. I think they are learning from it. But you know its each family's decision to what they do with tv, how much and how little.
  7. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    PS I wake up at 4:15 to make my DH's coffee and lunch and keep him company while he is getting ready to go to work.
  8. staying6

    staying6 New Member

    Feb 1, 2008
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    My mom sorta did the same thing when I was younger, and my dad cut the cord on the TV with a pair of wire cutters. He just came in unplugged the TV in the middle of us watching it and he snipped the cord and showed us and said, "Now, get up and do something productive."

    I agree with getting the into other routines. Maybe puzzles, or paint by number, or something they can do alone since they need time to wake up before they are ready to be more interactive? I think the coloring and books on tape is a good idea too.
  9. mtnest

    mtnest New Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    Oh, okay..... makes sense.

    You ladies are much better Proverbs women than I am for sure. I have only ever gotten up 4 times with my DH early in the morning. My boys have always gotten themselves ready for school etc... they were just awesome that way.
  10. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    TV can get out of control in my house at times also.

    Figure out why it bothers you. Is it because it makes you feel unproductive? Is it because of how you think other people will look at you if they knew? Is it because the shows are not good for the kids? Why do you hate it so much?

    Maybe you should cut down to a few shows. If the kids like lots of shows than show an hour or two of different shows per day. Then encourage them to do something else like puzzles or art projects, whatever.

    Ever since my dh has started on 2nd shift, tv has been on more at night. I keep thinking I will do something else but I haven't yet. In fact, my toddler is watching tv right now. UGH. LOL.
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    There's nothing WRONG with it, Amy. For us, it's how much time is being spent in front of the TV. One half-hour program is fine, but 8 half-hour programs is NOT. So I have to be selective about what and when. For example, there's nothing wrong with Curious George. But my kids are not allowed to watch it because it's such a "little kid" show, and they're "too old" for it. And when you add that to Arthur, Clifford, Cyber Space, videos and Computer games, it's just too much for my family.
  12. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I think the reason it bothers me is because I just don't want my kids watching tv. I would rather they read, play or do anything but watch TV. We don't watch it very often at night. We will sometimes watch Extreme home make over on Sunday nights, or Funny videos. But that is it. The only reason we still have a TV is because there are two great bible studies that we were thinking of hosting and they are both on DVD. I would also haul it outside to the shed but the shed leaks and it would get ruined.

    I worry about the assumptive reasonings and things that are taught in some of the story lines (millions of year ago etc). It is much the same reasons I don't want to send my kids to public school (plus i can do a better job of schooling them)

    But I also feel like a looser parent who lets them watch tv all the time. It drives me nuts when DS quotes something from a TV show.

    One thing I do like is we have the Matthew videos from the visual bible. Which is the entire book of Matthew on tape word for word. I let the kids watch that all the time. If they are going to memorize something let it be scripture.

    One good thing is that Ds Loves Super Why? so he does his reading lessons eagerly so that he can learn to read like Super Why. He has also jumped off the bed of the truck trying to fly with his cape, so there are postives and negatives with that as well. :)
  13. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    You are one of the few wives who I have found who wakes up like I do. Most people tell me I am crazy. My dh said it is a great help to him, and makes him feel loved. I am sure your dh feels the same way.
  14. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I get up with my dh every morning too, pack his lunch and make his coffee.
  15. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I'm with ya Aball!

    We don't have cable so PBS is pretty much all my kids get to watch. Every morning while Samantha does her school work Grace watches PBS while playing other things like puzzles, barbies or in her little kitchen. I don't see anything wrong with it and it works for us.

    So if you're odd so am I!:lol:
  16. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I wake up with Handsome at 3:30 am to send him off to work. I understand why you ladies do it. I enjoy spending this little time in the morning with him.

    As far as addictions go, LOL! My problem is with the computer! I am horrbile and sometimes feel two faced because I wouldn't dare allow Ems to spend the amount of time as I spend on it.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We all get up at 6:00 so we can be up with Daddy before he leaves. The next time they complain about how early it is, I'll tell them to be thankful Daddy doesn't have to be at work at 5:00, lol!!!
  18. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Well, Aggie, your reasons sound as if you need to find another solution or be very selective in what you watch. Just have them watch educational videos and only a few mindless shows. lol.

    I can relate to it driving you crazy when your kid quotes TV. LOL. I feel the same way!
  19. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    ME too!!! I am worried about how much time the kiddo's spend in front of the TV and lots of the time I am on the computer at the same time.
  20. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I think I am going to limit the tv to George and Super Why. Those are his two favorites and I can handle a shorter amount of time as well.

    Thanks for you help,

    It is also encouraging to hear others get up with dh as well. I think it is great for the Dad's . I have a hard time because some times the kids do wake up at 4am with us as well. Do you know how terrible it can make a day with a 2yo who wakes up at 4am!!!!!!
  21. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    I usually let dd watch tv when she gets up in the morning. She has to ease into her day if she's up before 8. She usually watches something on the History or Discovery Channels so I figure it's educational lol.

    I used to restrict it a lot, but since I've been pregnant, I let go of a lot of things and that was one of them LOL. Mornings were horrible before. At least now she comes to school a little more awake and happier.

    I wouldn't feel guilty personally. It's not like they're sitting in front of it ALL day long.

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