I need you to pray

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Brenda, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. HeidiPA

    HeidiPA New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    Good for you, Brooke~
    I know you need a break!
  2. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I'm applying for a job that I applied for this past summer (before I started working with Hugh). I went for one interview (with the screening agency), was promised a second interview and then told the company who was hiring thought it too risky to hire me (because I was leaving nursing for this one).

    I'm not sure whether I was being told the truth about having the second interview or not (I have a feeling the screener may have been stringing me along).

    Anyway, I would appreciate it if you would pray about this for me... there's no reason why I can't do the job - it involves customer service, working in a fast paced environment and only requires high school education (which I have) and the employment ad says they will train.
  3. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Oh golly! Here's a humbling moment (more like humiliating)... The episode that threw me into a tale spin involved our can being taken back.

    History of what happened:
    It all boils back to last winter when I was put off work because of my back. I was receiving compensation but it was significantly less than what I had been earning while I was working (they claim to pay 85% of your net income but in my case, they didn't... I was casual prior to the position I was in and so the lower months with little to no work affected my rate. Anyway, I might have been getting 60% of my normal income). At that time I was losing about $1000 per month of my income. Then when they closed my claim saying there was nothing wrong with me, I had absolutley no income for 6 weeks (until my employment insurance kicked in). My employment insurance is even less than what I had been receiving on worker's compensation and so instead of losing $1000/month it went to about $1500 and the 6 week period with no income really threw a twist into it all.

    I did work over the summer, but we were so far behind with all of our bills (my husband was also reduced from his $1500/month to $453) that I spent most of the summer playing catch up... I never did manage to get completely caught up when the man I had been looking after went into the hospital and then died.

    I managed to get my mortgage caught up, some of the car payments, and another loan but that was it. When the car finance company called me the last time, they wanted me to commit to a payment and a specific date... I could easily have lied to them but I didn't - I told them I was not working (for about the 10th time - they never seemed to quite "get it"). They told me they would be coming to get the car... at that point all I could say was "if that's what you feel you need to do then you have to".

    A week and a half later two big husky men show up on my door step to take the car... I was home alone and was absolutley devastated (I knew it was going to happen - but it didn't help to prepare me). Before they left, they handed me a paper saying how much I had for arrears and that if I came up with that amount, I could go get the car back (I had three weeks to do so or they will auction the car off for whatever they can get out of it and leave the rest of the bill to me to pay - I'm now down to a week and a half left). The amount on the paper they gave me and what I actually owe don't add up - it's off by about $700 (and when you don't have it, that's A LOT of money).

    We have a (heap of junk) truck to drive right now but it is not reliable (the gas gauge doesn't work on it - I was out with all the boys and going to get gas... I didn't make it there - we ran out of gas). It's not practical for a family of five at all. We need the car back BUT I need to come up with money to pay for it - not just what we owe the company to get it back, but to be able to continue making the payments on it (or another car without the payments - something reliable).

    I am absolutely humiliated about all of this... how could I get into such a mess, what is God trying to teach me through this (humility might be one of the lessons - I seem to have had lots of chance to practice it), when will it ever end? More questions than I have answers for right now.

    It all boils down to my needing a job and sooner than later. I have EI benefits until March after that... complete faith that God will provide for me because we will be reduced to next to nothing for an income (hubby's income only).

    I feel selfish for asking God to provide a specific amount of money in order to get the car back... I just don't feel right about it - I know He has a solution in mind to it and He will make a way... I just don't know how to ask for what I don't even know what to ask for (confuscious say right). These are the details of my life right now (well some of them - it's far more complicated than this alone, but right now this is one of the urgent ones). Woudl you please pray for God to make a way...
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2005
  4. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Brenda isn't there help you can apply for- social services, etc.? What about a credit counseling place to get creditors off your back? Do they have those up there?
    Especially since thee are kids at home there has to be help available to you.
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I don't think it's wrong to ask for a specific amount. You are asking right now for one specific need, and it's OK to put an amount on what that need is. I'll be praying for you in this!
  6. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Becky... We have sought out credit counselling - we have forms to fill out and then send back to them. The payments they suggested won't start before January (I'm not sure why they chose that date). As for social services... by their standards we're too rich :roll:

    I was in a tither last week (like I'm not on a regular basis)... Andrew's Risperdal needed to be be refilled and of course it has to be the expensive one (we have no coverage) - we had money in the back but it is for the insurance. And then I had a phone call from a lady to sit with her mom overnight - that paid for his prescription and what a relief that was (it sure beats listening to the school if he wouldn't have had his meds).

    I know that God will provide but it looks like a mountain when in reality it's probably just a mole hill...

    (By the way, I like your avatar)
  7. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Are there places to get food so you can use that money for something else?
    We have a thing here where you go and sign up and you can go each week if you need to. It's not connected to social services, so there's none of that crap to slow the process.
    Can't the school point you somewhere to get insurance for the kids at least? The schools here offer a program that's not too expensive. You can get school hours only coverage or 24 hour coverage. It actually reimbursed me for a hospital bill I paid, thinking the coverage had expired. It was almost a year before that I paid it, but the coverage was current during the time of service.
  8. madrae

    madrae New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Brenda, I know that I am knew here, but I completely understand your predicament. My husband lost his job about two summers ago. It was VERY unexpected as he had been there for almost 5 years and the company was suddenly sold. Our house went into foreclosure and everything. We managed to make it and did not lose our house or our car (which we have shared for many years).

    I know this is scary, but know that God is in control and rest in Him. He loves you more than anyone else could ever and He will provide according to His will. We all go through hard times and just like gold is refined through the fire, sometimes things get hot and painful before they become beautiful.

    I will be praying for you. I am very sorry your family is having to go through this. It is comforting to know God is by your side every second though. Big hugs!
  9. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    LIfe is hard and that is how you know you are alive. LOL Laugh today about something to take some of the stress off.
  10. Anne

    Anne New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    Praying here, Brenda.

  11. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I hate that! It's the middle class that always gets screwed. We live paycheck to paycheck trying to make ends meet but yet, we for some reason don't qualify for anything. Makes no sense!
  12. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Brenda, I know times seem dim right now, I know things will get better, I think most of us have been there (when the twins were born, my husband got laid off just weeks before, we had to sell our truck to get money for the cobra insurance) then the hospital bill for the twins were over a million dollars (our million dollar babies!) I do hope things will work out soon for you. I know here we have state insurance and even though my husband makes more than what they say we should we don't get it for free but we pay a very resonable premium. Keep looking for a job.
  13. skippy7781

    skippy7781 New Member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Brenda, I am new here and I dont have all details.It seems to me if you have an injury that prevents you from doing what you know,there are programs to help educate you so you can do something else.My mother in-law was an RN, After a mastectomy she could no longer do her job. She retrained as a drug counselor.
    I am not a fan of human resources. I am sure there are services to help you. you might check into getting a grant to go to school,pay bills ect... Look for them at your main library. One more thing you might think about. You mentioned your husbands accident.I don't know if this has anything to do with his job hopping. Sometimes people don't want to admit they are having trouble. Or they may not realize they can't do what they used to. There is a thing called Gainful employment. You or your husband may qualify for disability benefits.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2005
  14. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    How does Canada compare to the US as far as disability goes? Sometimes I forget you are in a different country :lol:. Love ya, girl! You know we are praying for you here :).
  15. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    well... I don't consider myself to be disabled to a point where I would qualify for a pension of any sort (there are too many people who milk the system illegitmately and I really don't feel like I fit the legitimate profile). I think in my case, it has to be a matter or retraining to something else (which I am looking into)... something that will suit my physical needs but also be something that I enjoy doing.

    The biggest hurdle I face right now is the "over qualified" hurdle... I could be working if people could see beyond a title (LPN) and then look to see what I can actually offer them... but they haven't reached that point yet.
  16. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Oh goodness Brenda, you just reminded me of my cousin. This March she will be eligable for disability because she has a life long illness, even though she's perfectly capable of working and can manage any kind of desk type job. It's not that she can't work, it's because she doesn't want to. The only reason why they approved it is because the cancer she has (and any cancer really) is a life long battle.

    I'm so glad there are people like you who are honest about it and don't take advantage of the system.
  17. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I have degenerative disk disease and the MRI in March showed two herniated discs to varying degrees but I can still do a lot of stuff - there are things I wouldn't dare do because I know what it does to me (gardening, HEAVY lifting, wood piling, etc) but I still do a lot of things that maybe I shouldn't - life has to go on. Mine is lifelong... it will get worse as I get older, but for now I can still do a lot of stuff and I won't give in and let the issues I have with my back get the best of me... I know what I can and can't do, I know that there are so many more things I can do and will seek out those avenues. Unlike your cousin, mine isn't cancer so I can be thankful for that.

    I have a friend whose husband has back issues far less serious than what mine are (osteoarthritis) who is trying desperately to get a pension (he just doesn't want to work anymore) - he has "disability fever" (according to his wife). He claims he can't work but he can go out and pile wood, plant a garden, pick berries, etc :-? but he can't work... that makes me SO mad. I just don't get it.

    I don't think it does any good to try to "pull one over" by cheating the system. To me, it's the same as stealing... In the case of my friends husband it will only be a matter of time before he gets caught and I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when he does get caught. My father is another one who needs a swift kick in the behind... he has a disability pension (of like $400/month) - I guess because of his heart, but he still works and makes money hand over fist - like $40,000/year - go figure! He has to report it when he files his income tax - I don't know how he gets away with it (can you tell he isn't a Christian). I guess I don't want to be associated with those who really mess the system around - not my cup of tea.

    I try to keep my head up... some days it isn't an easy task to do but the encouragement you guys give to me is a help for which I am so thankful.
  18. skippy7781

    skippy7781 New Member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Brenda, I think it is so honorable that you would rather work.If you have worked and paid into the system and you have a degenerative disease. I don't think it is bad if you apply for something that you qualify for. You are obviously not a something for nothing type person. It's rough when you are overqualified for positions you apply for.I think you should at least apply. If doctors decide that you are disabled you can still work. They just take a certain amount out of your check and you are still eligible for medicare benefits. Perhaps they will pay for surgery to fix it. Go to ssa.gov and at least see what your options are.Then If you are unable to hold gainful employment they will reinstate your check without going through the process again.I can understand not wanting to be judged because you are disabled. But I think God should be the judge. They can also get you retrained. That is what they do. good luck
  19. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I was actually wondering about Tracy. For some reason it was going through my head that he was unable to work a typical job now. Nothin' would keep you from movin'! ;)
  20. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    You know though... the funny thing is... he would qualify for a pension because of the brain damage sustained in the accident and the fact that he is now blind in one eye and reduced vision in the other eye - he's often thought of applying, but he hasn't (it's a 27 page application). He seems to be content where he is right now so I'm not going to push it - if I do, he might just quit his job - wouldn't that be a disaster :roll:

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