We're "Not all there"

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by nancy sv, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. nancy sv

    nancy sv New Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    someone posted about us on another forum, and I got the link from our website stats. They posted to say we were staying in their campground here in Watson Lake and that we're "not all there". Then they said they feel bad for our kids.

    It's so strange for me to see messages like that - I can't help but feel we are giving our kids the absolute best education and childhood imaginable. but others just don't see it... Granted some people piped up and said they thought what we are doing is awesome, but the naysayers still blow me away.

    Then they went on to bash homeschooling - thought you guys would get a kick out of some their commments.

    "For the next two years the kids will be getting homeschooled. how many textbooks do you think they are carrying? I have nothing against homeschooling, but these kids definitely are not a prime example of it. They are little machines with legs"

    "Yeah, homeschooling. I'm not against it but it creates real FREAKS, IMO. No exceptions."

    I suppose I'm raising a couple of freaks...
  3. elphaba

    elphaba New Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    The hs'ing/traditional school debates remind me of the "mommy wars". I think it is just plain sad that people feel the need to bash other people's desicions, no matter which side they come down on. I think the best thing we can do as mom's is to step up and to support and celebrate each other. Not only does this take some of the stress out of a very stressful job, it also sets an example for our kids to grow up and follow their hearts even if it goes against the grain!
  4. jacqlyn00

    jacqlyn00 New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    No kidding.... that really upsets me!
  5. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    well since they don't really know.......

    Anyway I hope your trip goes well and you run ino some nicer people.
  6. jacqlyn00

    jacqlyn00 New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    How's your trip going? I miss seeing you around here. You have inspired me to start riding my bike... I'm dying. I did 5 1/2 miles yesterday and I'm sore now. I didnt think I pushed myself too hard but the backs of my legs sure hurt today.
    Oh well... I'm committed to getting my hot bod back WOO HOO!
  7. nancy sv

    nancy sv New Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Good for you Jackie!! Keep going - your legs will get used to it in no time.

    Overall out journey is going amazingly well. Everyone is talking about all the rain they've been running into, but we have had surprisingly little - a lot of cloudy, dreary days, but not much rain at all. This area is absolutely gorgeous, and we are truly enjoying being here together as a family. I feel so fortunate to have this opportunity.
  8. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I think you are providing you kids with an absolutely awesome opportunity. I hate that you had to hear those nasty comments, but you know in your heart you are educating your children. Remember that those who are against homeschooling are usually uneducated on the subject. Off to catch up on your blog.....
  9. Carla W.

    Carla W. New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
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    How sad. I'm still amazed at how ignorant people can be.
  10. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I guess people think that if kids are not in front of the TV, playing video games, and of course the "s" word, then they are being deprived, of what, I don't know. I would love for my children to experience the things that you are doing for yours. Keep up the education and family fun. Will be praying for you.

    Love the Coke story, you go Vic!!! Maybe there will be other suprises along the way.
  11. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Nancy, I think its total rocks what you are doing for the boys. You know when we traveled in the RV for 5 years I heard so much I could write a book and they weren't always nice things. I know biking and RV are two differnet things but what we do for our kids is our business, some people think they have to run the whole world. They can't mind there own business.
    My DH told me one time when I told him I was tired of people telling me how to raise my children and what we were doing was the worst thing you can do for a child, he told me they are so jealous it's not funny. So, look at it that way. Laugh if you can, I know it hurts. But, remember those boys are loving it and will talk about it for the rest of there lives, yes I am sure they will have some bad days but hay who don't they would if they were home in a ps too.
    You and your DH are doing a wonderful job, something I wish I could do, but to old oops young and out of shape. I think its so neat.

    Oh its great to hear from you and see you all are doing great. I love reading your blog. remember we are behind you all no matter what those people say.
  12. jacqlyn00

    jacqlyn00 New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    We went on a 5 day mini vacation up into Colorado a few weekends ago. We went to a state park in the mountains. (That could actually fit our mongo 5th wheel...we need something shorter than 40 ft thats for sure.) The kids fished, sat by the camp fire in the evenings roasting marshmallows.... we rode bikes and hiked. Noah and I read some of his read a louds while we sat under the trees. We all enjoyed the family time we had. It's moments like that, that seal the deal for me. Homeschooling allows so much family togetherness I know we are all benefiting from this special time we have with each other daily. I know my kids. I couldnt say that when Noah was in Kindy... I'd have to ask him 40 questions each afternoon just to get to know him better. I was such a small part of his life, the school had him more than I did as far as waking hours go. When homeschooling we can spend our time how we see fit. We can pack up and go on a whim if we want to. I enjoy the freedom we now have.
    Yes there are those "ruts" when I'd like nothing more than to ship my kids off to school, but I always take a step back and remind myself "this too shall pass". My kids are happy, healthy, and most of all not "freaks" LOL.
  13. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    hmmmm I have met my share of campground entrepreneurs, and where do they get off saying someone isn't right? Have they looked in a mirror lately? lol

    I am never amazed at the comments that come out of peoples mouths (or fingers, which tend to be even worse). Stay strong.. I think you are doing great for your boys!
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    What does THAT mean???

    I'm not against it.....but it creates real freaks....no exceptions. That's one of the stupidest statements I've heard! Not against it--even though it creates, with no exceptions, real freaks?

    Number 1--If that is true, why aren't you against it? We don't want to not be against something that is the cause of total freaks!

    Number 2--I'd LOVE to see the research evidence on that bit of wisdom! Where are the doctors that have pronounced these homeschooled people as freaks?

    Number 3--Where do they keep the real freaky homeschoolers, anyway? In a "special place" somewhere? Has this person seen these freaks? Are they allowed out? Are they dangerous?

    Number 4--Just how, exactly, did homeschooling cause this bizarre freak disease? I'd like to see the dr.'s reports on that as well!

    Number 5--Where did this person go to school? PS?

    Ohhhhhh, I get it now! PS, the saviour of children! The place where they always get superior education, high scores on tests, the ever-needed uber-important socialization, and other important stuff--like getting pregnant in 6th grade, doing drugs and alcohol, having no respect for teachers, giving in to peer pressure, knifing someone when they disagree with you, being disrespectful to parents--who needs parents anyway, they just don't let you do anything you want---either that or they DO let you do anything you want and don't seem to care, AND, of course there's the danger that someone will get mad and shoot you and all your friends.

    I can't believe you're allowing your sons to miss out on something so IMPORTANT, Nancy! Shame on you! All you're doing is giving them an experience of a lifetime--family working together and being together, holding up family values and beliefs, seeing the country in a way many never have nor ever will, learning to fend for themselves, learning to deal with the good and the bad things life throws their way, learning math too, by the way!!! :) Oh, and so much more!!!!!!!

    See, those things mentioned above DO happen in public school, a lot. But, I am wise enough to realize tht not all students end up that way, and not all the teachers are bad! That would be ridiculous for me to think that, because I homeschool, I have to stereotype ALL ps teachers and kids that go there, as bad. It's just not true! So then, as JenErix would say, they are just showing the results of their ps education research skills!!! We've done our research, it'd be nice if they did some research too!

    You KNOW, Nancy, that we are behind you 100% keep up the good work Hon, and keep us updated when you can!

    (((((BIG HUGS!!!!!)))))
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  15. lovinhomeschool

    lovinhomeschool New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    Hey deena

    I almost snorted my hambuger through my nose!
  16. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Nancy it's good to hear from you. I hope that other than dealing with online knowitalltwits your trip is going well.

    Now.......I just bet you that the same people who typed totally moronic crap like that have kids at home, going to public school that would just die for a chance to do what your kids are doing. Seriously these parents are completely clueless - well that is obvious by those comments. I always have to laugh and just shake my head at people who don't bother to take the time to really look into, research, or study anything before opening their mouths to spout off masses of nonsense they know nothing at all about. Those poor pathetic loosers.

    Oh and the comment about the textbooks........guess what.......i don't travel liek you do and I still dont' use any text books at all. In fact I shudder at the thought.

    You rock girl! Keep up the excellent parenting!
  17. jacqlyn00

    jacqlyn00 New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    Go Deena!
  18. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Deena, I just lost my soda water through my nose, buddy. Thanks so much.

    that is so true, Freaks hmmmmmmm I wonder where the Freaks are?
  19. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I am so sorry you had to see that.
    People byte.

    Let's concentrate on how sad it is to be HER.
    Nah, never mind... too depressing.

    At least you know who is NOT your friend, eh?

    Well, we are not going to please everyone, and you got to hear, out loud, what many people say under their breath about us crazy homeschoolers.

    Please do not let it get you down.
    She speaks from ignorance with a forked vile tongue.
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Hi, Nancy! Just where were these ignorants post? Maybe we could visit and give them an understanding of what REAL education is....

    Of course, NO ONE has ever learned ANYTHING by EXPERIENCE, right? The ONLY way to learn ANYTHING is to sit at a desk, listening to someone lecture ad naseum.
  21. LittleSprouts

    LittleSprouts Member

    May 8, 2008
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    It's my opinion that most (if not nearly all) of the people who say things against homeschooling and homeschoolers, have never spent the day with one. They have no idea what we do.

    I wish TLC would air a show about the daily life of a homeschooling family... and not show a small discussion of it on "Kids by the dozen."

    ....BUT then again may it's better they didn't because
    homeschooling families are as different as the methods they choose to homeschool with.

    I think you are doing a great job with your children..!

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