law banning sale of Childrens used clothing??

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by mommix3, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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  3. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Well gee...
    EVERYTHING in my home comes in contact with my three critters under
    the age of 12.... In fact they get their hands on everything in my car, too. They have also been known to get their hands on EVERYTHING in Walmart, Target and Dollar Tree....

    So, they plan to enforce this on EVERYTHING kids under 12 come in contact with? This oughta be fun to watch. I'll spring for the popcorn!

    As far as used clothing sales.....
    Huge Garage sale!
    My Place...

    Seriously, remember the "Year of the Recall" when everything out of China was found to have lead, etc... And tales of how all toy stores would go out of business? And how resale shops would have to dump all the toys?

    What happened?
    I still see 12 year old playpens at thrift store, round these part and we are the fourth largest city in the US.

    It is just a badly written law that is buzzing around the email circles like lightening tonight. It should make the TV news in a couple of days.

    But I just doubt the tales of Armageddon are gonna come to pass.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    OK, that makes sense! The economy is in bad shape, so let's hit thrift/resale stores so unemployed folk will have to buy new children's clothes. I don't think this is far-reaching enough! Let's hit Michael's and JoAnn's also...after all they should be required to have ALL material, buttons, etc. that might be used to sew children's clothes tested, too! HEY!!! Wouldn't it just be easier to make a law against sewing children's clothes at home? After all, how many of those moms have a DEGREE in clothing manufacturing? Plus, think of the money the government could make by fining everyone who sells children's clothes in a garage sale. Oh, and no more hand-me-downs!!! (Which is actually good also because think of the poor self-esteem of kids who are forced to wear hand-me-downs!)
  5. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I just wonder who decides which items are for the under 12 crowd. My ten year old can wear some of the smaller teenage tops and a 23 year old at our church can wear little girls clothes. This law seems very flawed to me.
  6. daddys3chicks

    daddys3chicks New Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Ugh - whatever happened to personal responsibility?
    Yes, you take a chance on getting something that has been recalled or has lead in it. Guess we are not capable of educating ourselves and being informed consumers.

    Oh wait - that's why we homeschool.
  7. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    This is also a law that is going to put millions of work at home women out of business..... many of which make things for children. It's very sad that we all have to be punished for what the big companies do. I have will most likely be making most of our stuff now, because the cost for the testing is outrageously high, and I'm sure that the companies aren't just going to eat that cost... the costs are going to skyrocket for sure. Like we don't struggle enough.
  8. gwenny99

    gwenny99 New Member

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Thanks for the heads up on this - I have 4 bags of kids clothes in the garage, just waiting for a garage sale - looks like that sale will be this weekend!! :0
  9. GLOWAcademy

    GLOWAcademy New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    WHAT! banning sale of used clothes, ok now that is just plain STUPID!
  10. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    Only in California......:roll:.
  11. GLOWAcademy

    GLOWAcademy New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    the places that sell material (For frugal moms that sew there kids clothing) OUGHT To be made to test, they are the ones that SELL the material, and No telling how long there stuff has been on shelves, like Walmart,Hobby Lobby and ANY other material stores,
    They after all are NO better then thrift stores or us parents.
  12. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Someone also mentioned toys and books being included as well.. I sure hope not. I buy LOTS of used books and what about the library book sales??? And will the library have to test all their children's books for lead? OUTRAGEOUS!! Hopefully there will be a way around this..

    We have 2 resale shops here in town that we shop at for clothes. If not for them my kids would be almost naked.. I can't afford to buy new stuff for all 4 of my kids. Especially when they grow so fast.
  13. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    I think my sewing machine is going to be working overtime if this is indeed happening..
  14. GLOWAcademy

    GLOWAcademy New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    I agree Momm, here in Texas we have ALOT of thrift stores, that would be putting alot of HARD working people in a HUGE Bind, I do not think they can pass it, too many will lose jobs
  15. pdalley

    pdalley New Member

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I'd like to know what is going to happen to the children's sections of the library? Or all of the library? The books will have to be tested or replaced.

    There goes my wonderful library and all of the classics (some of the very same books) I loved as a child.

    I emailed and I'm faxing Congress. I can't believe this bunch of idiots just voted themselves a pay increase after passing a poorly worded law like this.

    This will cause on an economic disaster. Worse than the one we're already in. I don't know what I'll do without Goodwill or hand me downs. I cannot sew. I've tried. I've taken lessons and everything. It is just not something I can do.

  16. DanielsMom

    DanielsMom New Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    I think it's already been passed as a law, it just hasn't gone into effect yet. But if people yell loud enough it should make all the difference!
    I think it's a great idea though. Kids running around half naked in the middle of winter is a much better choice than wearing clothes that might be unsafe. It's not THEIR fault you can't or don't want to buy new clothes. Get a 5th job for crying out loud.
    Next I think they should really crack down on lead paint. Condemn all houses that have even a trace of it. So what if it puts millions of elderly out on the streets!
    Just being sarcastic here, I think the law is absurd. My oldest is 6 and I don't think I've spent as much as $100 on new clothes for both of them in their lives so far. So this would impact us big time.
  17. DanielsMom

    DanielsMom New Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Someone on my local homeschool group said the ONLY one who voted no on this was Ron Paul. Go Ron Paul!
  18. skyecamp

    skyecamp New Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Is this only happening in California or is this everywhere??
  19. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    If you read all of your replies, at the stupidity of this law, you will understand that although it has passed, it is unenforceable...

    It is technoically impossible to pull this off and I think that it comes down topolitics..
    Here's what I mean...

    When people go up for re-election, they want to be able to say, "My record speaks for me!"
    And this "Law" will most likely get buried by way of NOT being enforced...

    But come election time, all those politicians get to say "I voted FOR American Children"
    I voted FOR safety regulations for children's clothing" etc etc etc...
    Get it?

    Kind of like one of those nonsense laws that are still on the books about how a lady in red cannot spit on the sidewalk if a horse is within ten feet of a salon on a Sunday in the winter....

    This is the same thing..
    They just do not expect YOU or ME to actually READ the laws... so this kind of splashed back in their face....

    Don't freak. They can't possibly make all of this happen.
    I expect it to either die quietly, or hit the newspapers real soon.

    Not unlike the law that had to be repealed real quick about dropping children off at a hospital, this past year. it is kind of unenforceable...

    You said it yourself, I would like to see how they enforce this...

    They won't.

    You know being in the US is also illegal...
    But you don't see them rounding up every person they suspect to be illegal by the droves in big dump trucks, do you? (Yes we all here of busts, but you get my point.)

    So I am not worried.
  20. gwenny99

    gwenny99 New Member

    Aug 8, 2005
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    From what I gather, it is not only in CA - it is a federal law! Why not just look at stuff coming in from overseas? That would make the most sense , but this is the federal gov't after all!

    What, they think the mom down the street who makes dolls is dipping them in lead?
  21. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    It is a federal law. I have heard that exisiting items are going to be exempt and kind of grandfathered in... but the law does not say that so how do we know?

    The fabric retailers, yarn retailers etc (well actually it's not the retailers at all, but the manufacturers who have to have the testing done, retailers just need proof that the product has a certificate stating it passed)... aren't going to be responsible for testing because fabric, yarn etc isn't usually sold to be sewn, knitted, crocheted, etc by children 12 and under.

    It is a very messed up law, and really does hurt the little guy, I don't think members of congress thought about us.

    By the way, the law was passed and signed in August of last year, and takes effect Feburary 10th.

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