Keeping Diapers on the baby

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by scottiegazelle, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    My 20 mos old is making me crazy. Mind you, this is my FOURTH, so you think I'd have it under control, but every one really is different. This one is my "neat freak" - she freaked out with the snow. And now she freaks out whenever her diaper is wet. She strips down completely.

    I will change her diaper before naptime. She used to only strip if she got wet, but now I think she is enjoying sleeping in the nude. Almost every day, she goes to sleep - naptime and bedtime - with nothing on. If I get distracted by the other three and forget to check her once she's asleep - or if she has to "go" before I get to her - the sheets, blankets, toys, and books all get soaked. :roll:

    First we put her in zip-up PJs. Took her a week to learn to unzip them.
    Tried safety-pinning the zipper to the top, but she undid it; we only did that once, for obvious reasons.
    Put her in pullups, thinking if she couldn't unfasten from the side it would hinder her. Nope.
    Put underwear over her diaper. That slowed her down for two days.

    I am seriously considering duct taping the diaper to her at sleeping times. Any other better suggestions? I know she will freak if I really do use tape, but I'm ripping my hair out. Her bed stinks, her animals stink, and I'm starting to eye the carpet under her bed now, as well. I'M GOING CRAZY!

    ...and she's my baby, I am so not ready to consider potty training, although I'm wondering if she may be ready for it. <sigh>

  3. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    put the diaper on backwards...with the tabs behind her. or if you are using cloth just pin it backwards. We did this with our youngest son because he loved to take off his diaper. Also I would put him in zipper pj's and put them on backward as well, he couldn't get things undone to take it off.
  4. sahmof2

    sahmof2 New Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Perhaps I'm a bad mommy, but I actually did use masking tape on my dd's diapers...she did the same thing as far as she took the diaper off every single nap. I just wrapped it around twice with the end in the wasn't tight, but she couldnt' get it off. After a couple of weeks I didn't have to use tape anymore. :)
  5. TwosCompany

    TwosCompany New Member

    Jan 13, 2009
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    This is what I was going to suggest! Try putting it on backwards and see if she can still get it off. Also with my daughter, who was also a diaper-stripper, I put her in zip-up pjs and used a locking head diaper pin to close her pajamas up. They can be kind of hard to find and I have 3, so if you'd like one, just let me know and I'd be glad to mail one out to you!
  6. skyecamp

    skyecamp New Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    0 first thought when I started reading your post was DUCT TAPE. Sorry, don't have any other ideas...but did like the suggestion of putting on the zipper pjs backwards.
  7. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I do not think you are a bad mom for doing this.:D
  8. TwosCompany

    TwosCompany New Member

    Jan 13, 2009
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    How about a onesie? We also used those on DD as well. Worked like a charm! I'll also mention that we cloth diaper and the diapers with snaps were much more difficult for DD to take off. If you're not opposed to cloth diapers, maybe you can get a few with snaps for sleep-time!
  9. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I was going to suggest potty training. But I potty train as soon as possible because I hate diapers. I have also put them on my ds backwards. He took his off because he wanted to play with what was in there.
  10. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    We used masking tape on Joy when she was little, too. She would get bored, take her dirty diaper off and... well, you can probably imagine. It was moderately funny the first time, but :eek:
  11. eyeofthestorm

    eyeofthestorm Active Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    A few thoughts:

    • Go ahead and start toilet training her. My rule of thumb is they have to be able to take off their own clothes. She's there :)
    • Try putting the zip up pjs on *backwards* (zipper in the back). If they have feet, you will have to cut those off and maybe trim the neckline a little. She probably won't be able to take the zipper down if it's behind her.
    • Get some pads for the bed when she naps. There are those disposable one, and there are also washable ones. I would probably do this first, myself.

    My youngest (25 months) only wants to put clothes ON right now. And he has no clue about where they go, just **on.** He puts shirts on as pants, he puts shorts on like a jacket...

    Toddlers are fun but EXHAUSTING!
  12. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Your problem with the stripper reminded me of a little boy at our church. This will be of no help to you but might give you a chuckle.

    Tanner was about four years old and second oldest of four boys. He and his mom and brothers were at a church dinner and were sitting with me. His mom was feeding the baby when suddenly Tanner said he had to go to the bathroom. His mom told his six year old brother to go with him. The bathroom was just a few yards away in the hallway. They were gone several minutes and the older boy came back. I said I would go check on Tanner. I pushed the door open a tiny bit and said Tanner are you okay? Then I noticed on the floor from the door all the way around the partition that blocked the view, was a trail of little boy clothing. Socks, shoes, jeans, and underwear! I went back to get his mom and she just laughed and said he does that every time he has to poop! I laughed and said what do you do in stores? She said he can't go unless he takes everything off except his shirt. He is in school now. I sure hope he got over that little habit. I don't remember if he took off diapers when he was smaller or not. Good luck with your little one. Beth
  13. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    It would appear your dd is ready to be potty trained. I would take her shopping and let her pick out big girl panties and go for it! That is how my youngest ds told me he was ready.
  14. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I'm laughing at this because this sounds like MY son!!!! LOL :D

    He's 7 and he STILL strips down to just his shirt to poop (oh he'd be mortified if I told someone! so Ssssshhhhhh). He actually will not poop anywhere but home (well, okay A HOME, not OUR HOME...but it has to be someplace he's comfortable). To my knowledge he hasn't pooped in a store in years!

    It drives my husband nuts...although we've finally convinced him he doesn't need to strip for pee...LOL :D

    To the OP: I would agree, YOU may not be ready for potty training, but it sounds like SHE is! As frustrating as that is (and as hard as it must be to have your youngest want to potty train and not be a baby anymore WAAAAHHH - mine did it this past summer!), it might be best to do it while she is showing signs rather than wait and have the timing pass! I did almost 9 years with diapers (kid, after kid), I'll tell you as reluctant as I was to train my youngest, when she was ready, it was done. period. And freedom from diapers is so amazing!
  15. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I know how you feel about wanting to hold the 4th one back! I felt that way with my 4th, especially knowing that she was the last one. The problem was, she did EVERYTHING early! She's been the hardest one to watch grow up and she's 13 now.

    On the potty training side, my dgd has been trained for several months now and she won't be 2 until March. She loves to be "nakee" as she puts it. She is doing better at night than the 3 yr old! No suggestions on the diapers other than to try what the others have suggested. She may actually improve if you give her a chance to be a "big girl".

    Beth's story reminds me of my dgd. With her, though, she pulls down her pants to tell us she has to go. She did that to my dd in the gas station one day! Thank goodness she had a coat on that covered her up!
  16. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    <sigh> Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I just can't believe she's ready. I finally just finished training my 3 1/2 year old.

    Thank you everyone, for the support, advice, and chuckles. I'll flip her PJs around at night - why didn't I think of that? I know we've done that before! duh! - and maybe her diaper, too.

    Thanks again!
  17. DebinTn

    DebinTn New Member

    Oct 26, 2008
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    I tried the backwards diaper and pjs,it actually worked pretty well.My dh thought I had lost my mind though.He came home from work and found the baby in backwards cloths.Then when he changed her,he noticed the diaper was on backwards too.He gave me an odd look,I had to explaine why she was dressed like that,lol.
  18. jomama

    jomama New Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Putting her for a nap in overalls might help too. My girlfriend used to dress her daughters in overalls all the time because it was the only thing they couldn't get out of. They were strippers too!
  19. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    well I haven't read everything, but what I read I would say she is ready to be potty train and trained now. She is telling you she doesn't like them...
    Why you are training her go to the store in the puppy area get some blue chucks and lay on the sheet and stuff they will save you from washing so much...
  20. MamaKittyCat

    MamaKittyCat New Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    My girls were like this. They were Mini-Houdinis!

    We tried everything.. duct taping the diapers, sleepers backward, duct taping the zipper top and backwards. It didn't matter what we did they got out of it all. I was so frustrated and since they were twins it was double frustration!

    I tried to potty train them starting when this all started as they just wanted to be naked all the time but yet wouldn't train. We kept revisiting it. It took over a year to get them to finally "go" on the potty -- then one stopped doing number two on the potty, that took another 6 months to get through that. It was a long couple of years.

    I hope you can get it all worked out.

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