Bad public school dream last night

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by momofafew, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I have posted in the past, maybe a while back, about how with my oldest in public school, he has been "punished" a certain amount because I have homeschooled the others. In addition to may other things, he was mistreated over registration due to the fact that I homeschooled his younger sibs. They were very nasty and then the principal told me it was because I homeschool so therefore, it was acceptable. I did complain about it and then he claimed to not remember it and assured me, in front of many other people (so it was performance) that my child was welcome in their school regardless of religious, or otherwise affiliation or what my other children are doing for school, etc.

    So, I have been getting weak and have started to wonder if ds should go to the high school. I know..I already told you all what I feel is wrong with the local school so clearly, I have been being weak and foolish. But on to the dream. In it, I had to go to the school to work. I used to be a sub in this district. Remember, this is all a dream, but it reflects a bit of how we have been treated in real life. So I was standing in line at the counter in the main office and some bitter angry woman working there tells me to get out because I homeschool my daughter. I told her I was there to sub that day. Then she got angrier at me and was telling me I had no business to be there and said because my daughter homeschooled. To which I said that homeschooling is legal and I can homeschool if I want. Then she went on to say I could be charged with stalking because I homeschool. She said it was wrong for a parent to spend this much time with her child. So she claimed I could be charged with stalking my own child for spending time with her and homeschooling. To which I said until she is 18 yrs old, I can be with her 24 hrs a day and it is called parenting and is legal. At which time, I was grabbed by my arm and pulled in to the principals office. The guy who was the principal in my dream was the one at the middle school my oldest had attended. He had his angry face on and was telling me that I am a liar and I did not belong there and even told me I was not even pregnant and was lying about that. In my dream I was even pulling out sonogram pictures and trying to prove I was pregnant and he kept saying I was lying.

    Then I woke up. But, I thought about it and realized that this dream was based on how I have been treated to date by these people. Why am I starting to fold and considering sending my child to the public school knowing how cruel and harsh they are? I know the dream was not real, but the fact that this is how they always treat people (who are not footballers) is very real.
  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    im sorry you made me laugh a good belly laugh.. you re pregnant? Right?

    I think it is funny how we homeschool moms are so protective of our children that we get worried about how others perceive us.
    But the part that made me laugh is the stalker part! Lol! OH MAN< and the sonograms!

    I feel for you with thinking of sending to ps, we chose private school to protect our child but he was still put up against scrutany and put downs for having been home schooled. Theyjjust dont get it sometimes.
    His teacher this year is a former homeschool parent so he got it!
    Check out the high school really well and see how ti goes before you sendhim,
    I would pray about it but I dont know ifyou re a praying person or not.

    I hope things work out okay for you, I know private school is not always the answer nor is home school always the asnwer.
    So maybe your high school principal will be nicer?
    It couldhappen!
  4. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    The high school principal..the real one..was the one who told me last fal that I deserved to be treated so bad because I homeschool. Then later, he denied having said it when he was in front of several people and would have been held accountable for it.

    Yes..I am pregnant. Want to know what I dreamt about night before last? I dreamt that the delivery man brought me the baby and a nice potted plant. It was just a routine delivery. Now talk about not needing painkillers for the birth! LOL
  5. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    lol I love it!
    I loved the dreams I would have when prego!

    been years since then but... as far as teh principal goes , is there another high school I forget if you live in rural area or what, but can you cross boundaries?

    more and mroe I want to sendmy ds out for high school for sports reasons... wish I coudl do it without having d to deal with cost but oru highschool is in the worst area of our city so its not an option. and the nearest cross boundaries would be quite the drive
  6. hsingscrapper

    hsingscrapper New Member

    Jan 30, 2009
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    I would think that dream was major divine hint to pull your child.

    And if the principal decides to get crappy with you, you can tell him to stuff it and walk out.

    But that's just me and I've never been accused of being normal. Do you think it's because I homeschool, too??

    :D :D :D
  7. ediesbeads

    ediesbeads Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    I had a dream the other night about being stuck back in college as a freshman and being asked over and over to pick my classes, pick my major, make tons of decisions RIGHT NOW that would affect me for the rest of my life... and there would be no option to change my mind later. I think I'm stressing over curriculum choices for my kids for next year! LOL!

    I think those stress dreams (the ones where people are mean and angry and over the top no matter what you try to do to stop them) are just our emotions trying to work themselves out. I'm guessing you are feeling stressed about the whole public school/homeschool choice? It's a hard choice to make emotionally. I would recommend doing a pro con analysis based on dry facts plus the emotional stuff. Write it all out, add weighting to things that are more important than other things, and see which side is better for your family and your kids right now! I think a lot of people ignore the idea of weighting pro/con lists. Yes, there might be xxx more things on the pro side... but if there is one big honking con that you feel really strongly about... maybe you should look at it more closely. Make sense? But seeing it on paper can really help you sort it all out.

    Good luck, and keep us updated!
  8. SeekTruth

    SeekTruth Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Lol. Isn't it funny how real dreams can seem and how stressed out we can be when we wake up. Obviously this is really bothering you. Just keep in mind that we still have peer-pressure even as adults and you don't have to give in to it. Just because they are adults doesn't mean they are right! :) Listen to the ladies on here that have been homeschooling for a long time (not me, I'm a newbie). They know what they are talking about.
  9. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    They have actually behaved that way. Not those specific details, but that angry and irrational and punitive toward my son over my homeschooling and such.
  10. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Could you see the baby's face?? When I'd dream about a baby while pregnant, I could never see the face! GRRR!
  11. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I saw his face in a past dream. He has blue eyes and freckles like my 4 yr old, but a head full of black hair like my 12 yr old had when she was born. Her hair was blond by the time she turned 18 months though. Now it is brown as it has gotten darker with age, so the black hair was just the newborn hair. But he had tons of it. My 4 yr old is turning 5 in a few weeks and has blond hair still.
  12. ediesbeads

    ediesbeads Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    Just curious, since I'm fairly new here and don't know your situation... why do you send your older child to public school when you homeschool the younger ones... especially if you and your child are being treated badly by the school administrators and teachers?

    Not being snippy or anything... just truly curious about what's behind the decision.

  13. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I did not really make the decision, it just happened. When I started homeschooling, oldest ds was going in to 4th grade. In 4th grade, they have the swim lessons and then 5th grade, the big camping trip. The school had made a big deal of the camping trip since they were in kinder. Then 6th grade was middle school and he got in to the gifted program. Issues all through the grade school and from middle school. But then we moved and I went ahead and sent him to that middle school. We had a fantastic principal there that was pro homeschool it seemed and staff members who had family members who homeschool and so on. o that was 7th and 8th grade. But, this year is 8th grade and I had to contact the high school over transcript issues. That is when it started happening at the high school level. Registration for next year was a couple months ago and they gave us a hard time.

    In the begining, I guess I thought I would homeschool grade school. Then middle school happened. He is the oldest so I never felt compelled to make him come home as there was always something the next year. But you know many years have we done the "next year" thing? The main thing I got out of him being there is seeing how little the public schools really do. I think most people who homeschool often doubt themselves and wonder if they do enough. My oldest is in the gifted program and the accelerated classes, yet, I think in how little we do, we STILL do better at home.

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