Infant allergies \diaper rash help Please!!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by aggie01, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Hey you all,
    I have been super busy and haven't posted in a while. But I need some help. My little boy is almost 4 months old. He seems to be allergic to everything. He either spits up to the point of loosing weight, or breaks out in rashes when I eat milk, eggs or nuts. Or if I drink anything other then water. He also can't handle the dyes and such in soaps and detergents. He gets way terrible diaper rash when I tried to use disposable diapers. He has eczema on his cankles, and in a few other spots.

    My older son had a slight problem with dairy when he was born. But other then that nobody in the family has any type of allergy.

    So now on to my current problem. He has terrible diaper rash. But it isn't normal diaper rash. I used a full tube of destin, and a&D and it didn't work. I use cloth diapers, without a cover and that didn't work. One doc told me to use hydorcortosin cream and that did work, but I had to use it at each diaper change. Then the next doc told me that I couldn't use it at all on the infant.

    So it is a rash/redness/little raised bumps. That is only on the front part of him. it is more sevear around his waist and legs. It is ichy, he is very fusssy I will soak him in baking soda and he calms down. The only way I got it to go away was to not put a diaper on him at all on Monday (which yes it means I got pee'd on a ton but at least he didn't poo on me) On Tuesday I put just cotton, non bleached double rinsed prefolds on him without a cover. (for the non CD ladies it is just the cloth part ) So I changed him immediately every time he wet. He was red by noon, and by that evening he was just as bad as if I hadn't done anything on Monday.

    Please any advice or help? I am going to try to avoid wheat, because there is some kind of rash that goes along with that allergy. i am thinking it has something to do with his pee hitting his skin. I have lathered him with different kinds of lotions, and vasiline, nothing has helped.

  3. lovinhomeschool

    lovinhomeschool New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    I HAVE BEEN THERE! I feel for you!!!
    For us, my daughter was allergic to milk protien. Including MY milk. She had horrible "diaper rash" which I later figured out was eczema, not true diaper rash. She was nursed until she was for months and had eczema so bad that her face and ankles would crack and bleed. I remember her leaving arcs of blood on the blankets because she was using them to scratch. It was horrible.

    What we had to do was take her off all milk. If you are breast feeding, you have to stop and give them soy formula. Within a day it had all started to clear up. I thought she had allergies to dyes, soapes, ect...but once we put her on the soy, all of it went away. It was like her system was overloaded already so the dyes and stuff just added more.
    If you have any more questions, feel free to pm me. It's so hard, and I've been there! Keep your chin up!
  4. SeekTruth

    SeekTruth Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    It could be a yeast infection. Ask your pharmacist for a topical anti-yeast or antifungal cream and how to use it with your baby. After a couple days of use it should go away. If not, I would take him to the doctor since it may be more than diaper rash. :)
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I'm in agreement with SeekTruth. When Phillip had it bad, a friend in the church nursery suggested an anti-fungal cream, something you'd use on Athlete's Foot. At that point I was willing to try ANYTHING. It worked right away.
  6. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Exactly! My ds got a yeast rash also. My dr had us use Gynelotrimin.
  7. Apryl H

    Apryl H New Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    We had the same problem with our twins. It was horrible. I tried to BF them and it was just tearing them matter how I ate. Although I hated to do it, putting them on soy made them feel SO much better.

    If nothing else is helping, perhaps you can try giving him Soy formula for a week or two while still pumping to see if it helps.
  8. eyeofthestorm

    eyeofthestorm Active Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Aggie, I'm pm'ing you.
  9. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    How do your cloth diapers smell.. both before and after he wets? If they don't smell like NOTHING when you put them on, or they smell like ammonia when he wets, they probably have build up and aren't clean enough.

    What are you using to wash them? Are you using a liner to keep any and all rash creams off the diapers.. and not washing those liners with the diapers?

    Cloth can be a wonderful thing, and many who have rash issues find peace in cloth.. for my youngest (well current youngest), cloth caused the rashes for him. His bottom is fine in sposies (no he isn't potty trained yet), but 5 minutes in cloth and he is rashing something fierce.
  10. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I really feel like I have tried everything. The pedi said to not try a soy formula, because he shows "senstivites" to the soy stuff. If I drink to much soy milk, or something like that then he will start with the whole body rash. If I moderate ( 1 bowl of cereal a week type stuff) then he doesn't seem to have the reactions. The pedi thinks that soy formula will cause more problems.

    I have actually tried the anti fungal, anti yeast that was perscribed for my older boy for a rash he had . That didn't work either.

    I have tried everything with the diapers. I usually rinse in baking soda, and then wash with just a little bit of soap. Then I do another rinse, and sometimes I add a little bit of vinegar to the rinse water. The diapers smell really clean, I line dry as well. I have used liners, and I have not used liners. I also had my mom buy some cheap o gerber diapers and wash and dry them at her house, those didn't change anything.

    I am thinking the potty training of infants that they do in china is my only option at this point.
  11. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    aggie01 first I want to give you a big ((((HUG))))))

    I have been there many times with my youngest one it wasn't funny I wanted to scream I did everything you said you did? The no diaper one was a trip the washing was fun.

    I once was down at my grandma's house would of been my youngest great grandma and changed her diaper I said Grandma look at this I am about ready to pull my hair out I took everything out of my diaper bag and showed her what I was using and nothing was working. So, looked at me and said girl get rid of everything get corn starch and blow dryer
    and do this. Clean the baby with wet wash cloth only and then on low setting not close to bottom blow dry the bottom good, I use to play a game with her and sing when we did it. I am sure it felt funny down there. Anyway then when that is done put corn starch on. Girl with in a week it was gone. I couldn't believe it, that was the second thing my Grandma told me to do for her. I love and miss her.
    Thanks Grandma.

    Give that a try and let us know how it works.
  12. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    We used corn starch too and it helped a lot but our oldest son had terrible allergies. His hands would crack and bleed too. It was awful. Milk was the problem with him. I am praying for you and your little guy.
  13. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    This is going to sound crazy.. but it will be a GREAT science experiment for the older kids.. just be careful about it!

    In a container..perferably outside... put in a few cups of vinegar. Add to that a scoop or 2 of oxyclean. You can add some water to tame the reaction... but it will fizz and get hot and steam and all kinds of chemical reaction things. let your diapers soak in this for a few hours. Then run them through the washer with NOTHING for as many cycles as it takes to see absolutely NO suds. You may be shocked at all the soap that has been hiding in your diapers this will unlock!

    After that.. many on diaperswappers are finding that if they do a rinse with 1/2 cup of Vinegar BEFORE they wash, then washing with a small amount of a diaper safe detergent (try Allens, you have to order it... I am using Tide HE for my washer since many seem to have good results with it, 1/2 way to the 1 line.. we haven't gotten to use all our super cute cloth on this baby yet since he or she isn't here yet). Then rinse until you see no suds works good to keep any build up and rashes away.

    The reason for the vinegar BEFORE you wash is it works to neutralize the diapers... you know like an acid and a base?
  14. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    When one of mine needed the hydrocordizone cream the doctor had it mixed up at a pharmacy with purified water........ its like a 1% cream mixture, its still pasty....... they put it in a regular medicine like pill bottle.
  15. DizneeTeachR

    DizneeTeachR Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I feel for ya darling!!! I remember mine was sensitive to milk about that age... gave it up for awhile & went back with no problems.

    Diaper Rash...didn't have too much trouble, but when we did the stuff that worked the best was BUTT CREAM!!! It is awesome. It doesn't smell to bad or stick to your fingers or whatever. It's brown coming out of the tube.

    As far the detergent thing... we've used the All Clear without any troubles.

    Hope it works its way out soon!!!
  16. kajmom

    kajmom New Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    I had a similar experience. My twins had horrible diaper rash and an "older" relative told me to wash their little bottoms in the sink with warm water. No wipes. And we also dried with the hair dryer. They loved it:lol: but it made them pee all over. Well, you have a boy so you already know all about that;) . I can't help with the allergies except to say that my gf's with similar stories said that it is probably a short-lived condition.

    It will pass. Deep breaths and I'm sending you hugs and prayers.
  17. lovinhomeschool

    lovinhomeschool New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    What about the hypoallergenic formla? It's expensive, but if you are on WIC then they will cover part of the cost.

    I am praying for you!
  18. Lynne

    Lynne New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    Try cornstarch. Just sprinkle it on the baby's skin where the redness is. Its cheap and it always worked for me.:)
  19. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Now see I feel almost snotty, because I do believe I have tried everything. With the exception of the vinigar before the wash. But I have used brand new diapers that haven't been washed with soap at all. The cornstarch and blow dryer were the first things I tried.

    I really think now that it isn't a "diaper rash" because it just won't go away unless I use a ton of hydrocortosin cream and don't allow his pee to get on him at all. Which would be alot easier if he was a she LOL..

    I am not eating wheat, or soy and I am trying to keep a diet notebook. Have any of you heard of using probiotics to fix something like this?
  20. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    What kind of diapers are you using? Minus like the chinese or indian prefolds, most of them have been washed in soap before you ever got them. The fabric was most likely prewashed before it was sewn into anything. If they are prefolds, they need to be prepped properly.. to remove oils (esp if they are unbleached) that are naturally in the fabrics they use. If they are bleached prefolds, then they too have been chemically treated and probably should be stripped well.. esp if your baby has sensitve skin.

    Have you tried other brands of sposie diapers? I know many kids have issues with all brands but one. My oldest could only wear pampers, my dd could only wear huggies or cloth, my youngest can wear only huggies or the generic brand that walmart has... he can't wear cloth.

    I have not bought a single sposie for this new baby, and don't plan on it.. I have made my whole stash of diapers.. well minus 2 dozen prefolds I bought as a back up and for doublers later. I am holding my breath that we don't have the issues.

    I hope you find something that works.. I now how horrible it is when they are rashing and you feel helpless. Until I gave up on cloth with my youngest his bottom was always blistered and bleeding and it was crushing to me to even have to clean him up because it hurt him soooo bad.
  21. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I have a whole mix of diapers. I have been buying some from WAHM's and some from the big names like fuzzy bunz and bum gennius etc. I also have old ones from baby #1 all the way to brand new ones that he hasn't grown into yet. I have gerber prefolds, DSQ, CPF, indian, and a few bamboo, hemp, fleece lined, hmm a ton more too. I think I could go 2 weeks without washing dipes and be ok. LOL

    I have tried sposies I have used all the ones they send you for samples, and some of the generics that my mom bought. Those were way worse, he really got a real diaper rash, on top of what ever is going on now.

    This is truely going to drive me crazy. I think.

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