The Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty Threatens Homeschooling in the US

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by heartsathome, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. heartsathome

    heartsathome New Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    I skipped Church today because of my impending labor and current discomfort, so I decided to watch a "sermon" or something on the TV. I flipped the channel to a program about homeschooling and learned about the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child. The US has signed on to this (Bill Clinton), but it hasn't been ratified (approved/conmfirmed).

    The Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty Threatens Homeschooling in the United States

    Many parents choose homeschooling to impart biblical wisdom. The United Nations Convention Rights of the Child treaty would change that and restrict homeschooled freedom in our country ~ not to mention MANY other parental freedoms & rights!

    I can't post links yet, but you can go to HSLDA Website and search for more info. Also, the video is on YouTube, search The Coral Ridge Hour - United Nations Convention

    This Treaty would virtually undermine parents’ rights as we know it in the United States, including HOMESCHOOLING!! President Barack Obama has described the failure to ratify the Convention as 'embarrassing' and has promised to review this.
  3. Nosedive

    Nosedive New Member

    May 31, 2009
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    I keep seeing this and I'm really failing to see how it would end your ability to indoctrinate your children.
  4. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    This has been going around for years.

    There may indeed be some concerns for the US regarding the Convention (In Canada we've ratified it and it hasn't posed ANY sort of problem but maybe a difference in legal systems would somehow make it a different matter for the US) but much (though not all) of the stuff I've seen in opposition to it is misleading as to the content of the UNCRoC.

    The text of the UNCRoC is online. Anyone can read it and judge for themselves whether there's anything to fear in it.
  5. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    yes, ive read it, and while it may not be posing any problems to canada yet, trust me, it will. sorry, but i dont buy it! it is going to ratified here unless we protest and if you look around the world, this treaty has been used as a way to take away parents freedom to parent their children the way they see fit. im not surprised canada has passed it. they are more liberal than the US, right? focus on the family cant speak out against gay marriage in canada, and also abortion? i find that a violation of freedom of speech! canada is beautiful, but def wouldnt want to live there. it is much less Christian friendly than the US, but please dont take offense. you are not this way, just canada in general. no offense intended.

    we do need to worry. this treaty would over ride any state laws we have. and it could affect our homeschooling rights. there was a similar law in NY at one point, dont know if it is still around. but a jr high boy went to school complaining about going to church. well, he ended up being taken out of the home, placed in foster home until the court hearing. so finally get to court, and the judge rules that the mom and dad can not take him to church more than one time a week, so no more sun night or wed. night. bc it violated the rights of a child. so please dont believe the reterick that this wont affect our lives! it will, may not be in the first 10 or 15 years, but it is just another way for the govt have control of our lives.
  6. Nosedive

    Nosedive New Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Is this true? I mean if it is it of course is a freedom of speech violation but I don't see how speaking out against such things could be illegal in America's hat.

    Also, lol @ states rights. They haven't amounted to a hill of beans since the war of northern aggression.
  7. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    It is causing problems in Canada. There have been a handful of stories in the news about children successfully suing their parents to force their parents to not ground them, not discipline them, and give them computers, internet access, and cell phones, in Canada. One case involved a child flunking out of school and caught doing drugs. The courts have awarded in the favor of the children. I am sure if we have heard about this small amount of cases that there are plenty plenty more.
  8. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    yep, i agree!
  9. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    This has not be presented in the US to be ratified and there seems to be no timeframe on when it will. I already contacted my Senator about this. He replied by saying that he disagreed with me and that abused children need to be protected. Yes, Ohio's own Sherrod Brown is a buffoon. This has NOTHING to do with abused children and we already have laws protecting children from abuse anyway. If anyone hears of this going before the Senate please let us all know so we can try and talk some sense into our Reps.
  10. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I've heard of one case like this (although I don't doubt there are more) but it was in the context of a custody dispute and I never heard any mention of the UNCRoC. Do you have a source that would make the link clear?

    To be clear - I'm neither here nor there on the UNRCoC in respect to the US. My problem is simply with a lot of the information I've seen surrounding opposition to it because it often seems to be inaccurate and misleading. I think there are very good reasons for not ratifying it but I don't think that's often reflected in emails and such about the issue.
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Biggest reason for not ratifying it is that it gives OTHER NATIONS the right to determine U.S. policy. The treaty will actually overide our Constitution. I agree that the "rights" given the children are radical and out of line, but even if I DID agree with them, I would still be against it on constitutionality issues.
  12. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    i agree jackie, we are the United States of "America" not the world.
  13. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Amen Jackie...and your post echoed what I told my Senator. However, he still was for the treaty and thought it was best for children. UGH.
  14. Jen

    Jen New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Jackie~you would think that simple fact would send all politicians running in the opposite direction of the is simply WRONG to allow other countries to dictate US policy. It is completely against what our founding fathers fought for...
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    That's what *I* always thought, but obviously their beliefs aren't the same as mine. And there's too many idiots out there who believe the earth is "one community" to support them.

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