7/8th grade math- What are you using and why?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I am getting geared up for fall and trying to get into the thinking process of math. My ds took Horizon Math the past two years and is now actually at the level for the sos8 GRADE MATH. We already have it so I am planning to go with this, but I am wondering if it doesn't work well with ds, just because dd liked it doesnt mean ds will kwim? So if it works like not so much, then what else is out there for 7/8th, he is basically pre algebra level, and I know that these two grades are mostly review of fundementals up to pre algebra sort of repeat of the other with a little bit more added in 8th.
    So what are you using? what else is out there that will get him? Aside from TT and MUS, cause I already know he would love those but we already have the SOS, so you see my delima? And where would I put him in MUS or TT anyway? Pre alg?
    What do public schools or private schools teach at thsi level?
    I love that there are more choices now than when my other two were in this level!
  3. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    In TT, you would want pre-algebra likely. They have a placement exam online.

    I used Singapore Math all the way through, followed by a few of the books from Keys to Algebra and then Jacob's algebra. Keys to was probably unneccesary, but my daughter like them and they explained things well.

    With my youngers, I am planning to use TT all the way until Algebra and then switch to Jacobs. I have Jacobs already and it is so good. I really think MUS is more thorough than TT though. I looked over their books extensively at the last convention and could not believe how good the MUS algebra curriculum seemed to be. But my 7 yr old has some special needs and is not interested in hands on at all and I do not think he would take well to MUS (or much of anything) and TT seemed a little more enjoyable in presentation from his point of view. He loves the computer and anything associated with it.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I'm using Merrill pre-algebra for Faythe. It's a discarded public school book that worked for Rachael. BUT I've warned Carl that if it doesn't work for Faythe, we're buying TT!!!
  5. Lee

    Lee New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    I use abeka. It works for my kids.
  6. NYCitymomx3

    NYCitymomx3 Member

    Jul 9, 2008
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    We're using Life of Fred - both Algebra books for 8th grade.

    Dd loves the simplicity, the humor, and not having a ton of review problems.
  7. LucyRicardo

    LucyRicardo Member

    May 3, 2009
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    We used Saxon Pre-Algebra, then moved on to Saxon Algebra. I use Saxon because it is what has worked w/ my children and since I already have the series. If it didn't work I would change in a heartbeat. I do have a few of the Merrill textbooks (Algebra & Geometry ) and a few Christian Liberty math books ( elementary) but I've never really used them for teaching (just certain pages as supplements) I have looked at the MUS and TT and both look to be really great.

  8. Hurlyburlesque

    Hurlyburlesque New Member

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Oh my! Algebra is grade 8? What happens in the higher grades? (I never did any maths. Obviously)
  9. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    My dd is doing Saxon Pre-Algebra and Algebra this year.
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Rachael did pre-Algebra in 6, Algebra in 7, Geometry in 8, and Algebra 2 in 9. This year will be pre-cal. As far as I'm concerned, we can call it DONE if we want. That's four math credits. But she'll probably take Cal or Trig, maybe a consumer math of some kind.

    Hurly, in my husband's school district, the "good" students take Algebra in 8, and all others take it in 9th. Regardless of whether or not they're ready. He's tried to teach algebra to a class where a third of them think that 1/3 plus 1/3 equals 2/6. And the middle third have only a basic understanding. The top third might be ready. So do you teach the top third and let the rest flunk? Or do you teach the bottom third where they're at, so they actually learn something, but then you never get around to doing algebra? Those are the problems facing a public school teacher today!
  11. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Hey Jackie, does anyone give you anyflack about yrou dd being head? I get some with my dd being a year or so ahead and its not even like she jump any grades she just continued on her own pace.. someone said I taughter her montesori style which I think is cool, and I guess in some areas I did.
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    No one says a word. But I also don't advertise the fact of what she's doing. I wouldn't want any friends/relatives with kids in PS to think I'm bragging, or knocking the PS or that I don't think their kids can do as well. And, as you say, I've not pushed her, but she's continued at her own pace. Faythe's a totally different story. She's 8th this year, and just starting pre-Algebra. She also will be starting Apologia General Science this year, a year later than Rachael did. But, llike Rachael, she's working at her own pace.
  13. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I get it. My daughter did algebra last year, which was 7th grade and then geometry this year. I have been told that she needs to do prealgebra or she needs to redo algebra just because of her age. Someone at the homeschool store tried to tell me that a child should not even do algebra at all before college. The plan for my daughter is 8th grade geometry, 9th grade algebra 2, 10th will be precalc/trig, 11th will be AP math (calc) and 12th AP statistics. If she wants to go beyond begining calc while in 12th grade rather than waiting for college, I will send her to a local college for it or do a distance learning college course.
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Who is giving you grief? No, why should she re-do algebra? Will they re-teach it to her? Why waste a year learning what she already knows? Good grief!!! So even if they refuse to accept any grades from 7th and 8th, they will accept the algebra 2, Pre-Cal/Trig, AP math and AP Statistics. Or maybe they will want her to re-take a class in basic addition and subtraction, too. I mean, YOU probably made her do it when she was in Kindergarten, and she was probably too young at the time!
  15. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    wow, You guys are really encouraging me here! I forgot I started this to see what is out there for 7-8th grades in case my ds doesnt do good with SOS Math,

    btw aside from anything Ihave mentioned here I dont go around talking about her being ahead, just mentioned she would be going out to school someone asked what grade they put her in...
  16. thesummerhouse

    thesummerhouse New Member

    May 10, 2009
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    We love ALEKS math...it's where we finally landed after trying Saxon, Singapore, Mathusee, Chalkdust, Jacobs Algebra, and Horizons....we used Horizons up through 6th grade.

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