did you know that all hmshl kids are dumb!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by shelby, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    thats what my mother in law told me tonight! I wanted to scream. At least me girls are good girls and are not in trouble all the time. Ugh!!!! that woman has made me mad! She thinks that parents are dumb to spend $$$ to teach their kids when we have ps to teach them. has she gone mad, yeah she has, Well, I did manage to keep my mouth shut and not make a sence.(sp?) My hubby rolled his eyes when i told him. thanks for letting me vent.
  3. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I hate it when someone feels the need to stick their nose where it does not belong. I have heard similar things from family and some things that were not that bad but not flattering also. My sil and fil were concerned about my son's social development. My son is just fine. It's her son that gets into so much trouble he got kicked out of a VBS. LOL. So, I always consider the source.
  4. StoneFamily

    StoneFamily New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Kudos to you for keeping your mouth closed. I would not have. :)
  5. Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy

    Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy New Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    Kicked out of VBS!! Now that is BAD!!!!!!!!!! :shock::shock:

    I completely agree with what Ava Rose says.
  6. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Oh sweetie! Sounds like she is craving bean dip! If she takes her foot out of her mouth long enough she can have some chips with her bean dip. LOL

    She apparently opened her mouth before thinking and her best course of action would be to just APOLOGIZE! If she apologized I feel it would help the situation and help her retain some integrity.

    Being called a bad mom, calling your kids names or being called a liar is really bad in my book.
    Sorry that happened to you. (((( ))))

    BTW-I checked out your blog, awesome, well done!
  7. homeschoolmama

    homeschoolmama New Member

    Jul 14, 2009
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    Ooo, yeah, not too sure if I would have been able to keep my mouth shut either. If I did I probably would have left, if you were at her house, or left the room at least, if you were at home. What nerve!!!! I hope she doesn't say those horrible things in earshot of your kids. My MIL and FIL do not approve of HSing and say that my girls should go to school to learn but they don't call them or me dumb!! At least they have not done so as of yet..... I guess I wouldn't be surprised.
  8. LucyRicardo

    LucyRicardo Member

    May 3, 2009
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    Well...........I guess my "dumb" daughter in college, who is studying to be an anesthesiologist, (w/ a straight A average) didn't get the memo that hs'ers are "dumb."

    (((((((HUGS)))))))I'm really sorry she said that to you. Yes, public school can educate them; but some things learned in PS are better off not learned. I have never understood why family members (esp. MIL's) think it's ok to be rude buttinski's. I have learned the hard way, when it comes to hsing, even strangers have no hesitation when it comes to being rude and expressing themselves. For some it's because they don't understand what hsing is about; but for others, they are just being plain ugly.

    It takes a lot of strength to keep your mouth closed (I know, been there w/ my MIL). If there is a next time just offer her some "bean dip", and if that doesn't work it may be time for hubby to talk w/ MIL.

    Mama Bear is right! She really does owe you an apology.

    Oh yeah, you can come vent whenever you need to. You'll find a sympathetic ear.
  9. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    THANKS EVERY ONE! I kelp quiet because my girls were sitting right there and we were in a resturant! But now i know why i have been keeping my distance with her, she has just gotten so ugh!!! lately, if you know what i mean.
  10. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I think I would ask my dh to speak with his mom regarding such a hurtful and disparaging remark made in the presence of our children.
  11. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    i told him and since we are have other problems with her, he said that he will deal with it. What i can't understand is that she hires hmshlers all the time and they are her best workers! so how could she say something like that. I think it was bc she has issues that she has to deal with. I am just going to stay away from her!
  12. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    In my experience when people spread vicious venom they are unhappy and they want to strike out at others because it makes them feel good.

    I would most certainly keep my distance from her in order to protect my children from her vile diatribe. (((( ))))

    Short story that will give an example of how such vile remarks can effect how others view that person.

    When we started to hs our boys in K, my sil said, right in the presence of my boys, "I don't think she could successful home school them, she's not a teacher, how can she teach them anything". Wow! Those words were mean, uncalled for and very hateful. The look on my kids' face was such despair. From that day forward my boys have had nothing to do with that aunt. I have always encouraged them to be close with their relatives but they simply don't like her.

    The moral to the story, say disparaging words and people will remember. They may not remember what was said, but they will remember HOW you made them feel. (((( ))))
  13. ForTheSon

    ForTheSon New Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Since word got out that I am homeschooling our DS I have had a few remarks. For the most part I think the family is keeping things to themselves, or just talking to each other about it. I have a reputation for being outspoken and not backing down. I think they don't want to get me started, lol. I am so sorry that you had that happen. It was mean of her to say those things to you, unthinkable to say anything in front of the children, and abysmal that she did it in a restaurant. She purposely did it there where you would be forced to put up with it not to cause a scene. I agree with you, just stay away and have DH speak with her. It's a shame she doesn't realize that she will be losing the most by doing this. Your respect, your children's respect and time with your family.

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