DDs first day of ps--how do you handle it?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Dd is at private school for the first time in all her years of school... we have always home schooled.
    Deena , how do you handle this second one going out?
    It was hard with the first, but he pushed so much about going out that it was kind of a relief as well. Dd has been such a fun homeschooler and loves homeschooling just went out so she can grow in some areas she needs to grow in. Also cause she wanted to graduate with her friends at the same school.
    So we chose oru church school being it is people who used to home school and we know them very well, Plus I get t5o help teach. Today and tomorrow htough I am NOT teaching, I am drop off and come home mom! YIKES!

    I do not know how parents do this with 5 yr olds ... I miss my gal!
    sniff sniff
  3. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    How do you handle it???

    By totally freaking out!! lol!

    Seriously! Samantha's first day of public school (8th grade) was last Monday and honestly I was a total and complete nervous wreck. I had butterflies in my stomach all day long and felt like I was going to actually throw up.

    But then I went to pick her up, she had a huge smile on her face, said she loved her teachers, got asked to each lunch with the drill team captain, made new friends, said everyone was nice and enjoyed it very much. Then I calmed down and realized it wasn't her nerves at all - she was fine all day - I was the one who was incapable of letting go of my own fears.

    It is HARD! And don't feel bad about feeling bad.
  4. Lorelei Sieja

    Lorelei Sieja New Member

    Jun 2, 2009
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    Yes, Deciding when NOT to homeschool is just as big a decision as deciding to homeschool in the first place!

    We eventually sent three of our four children to public high school, at different ages. The oldest went for her senior year only. My son went his junior year, the same year his sister was a senior. Then my youngest went after they both graduated as a high school freshman and she attended four years of PS.

    For the older two kids, I'm really sorry I sent them. It did not really work out for either of them, although they graduated with honors. It was a small town school, very click-ish, and not very nice. They didn't make friends, and we all felt it was time wasted. I had considered sending them to college early, and in retrospect, that's what I should have done.

    My youngest really enjoyed school. She was active in sports and clubs, and made friends and went to dances, still graduated with honors, but she also developed severe depression - so I wondered how much of her "happiness" was just a show?

    At the time, I'm sure I felt it was necessary to send them to PS. Hind sight is always 20/20, though.
  5. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    okay, I made it thorugh the first day... at least this is Private school, small classes and people she mostly knows from church.
    My friends son sat by her, they know each other from differnt outings and stuff so that was neat, and another girl she has known for five years, so its the quiet bunch that sat with her, I am okay with that!
    I want her to enjoy herself but get the education she needs, and wants as well, thats why we chose this school.
    They ve really fun pe classes too! Today theya re going swimming! Lap swims but still fun! its hot here so perfect!
  6. Bren

    Bren New Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    I feel for you., I don't think I could have ever handled that. I have home schooled all of mine all the way through. 12 of our 15 have finished already. I only have 3 still at home. They are ages 16 (almost 17), 15, and 11.
  7. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I don' t think I can do it, I said we are homeschooling and we are going to all the way.
    Wow that sounds to stress for me. LOL
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    at least I get to be there for part of it... I do drama class for them twice a week and do math day on Monday to teach the lesson with MR Demes help!

    I think I know people who do this much in home school groups Lol, that is what makes me wonder how they do that,
    I know things will flow here eventually and if it does nto work we can always pull her from the school and come home, of course Me on the other hand will hve to keep my full year of volunteering as a drama teacher haha

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