reasons to LOVE homeschooling!!!

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by mommix3, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    I picked up my friends kids from school all this week. I had to go inside to pick up the youngest who is in pre-k. Of course my kids werwith me so we're standing in the hallway waiting for the bell and a conversation starts between myself and an aquantance. She then looks at me and asks why my kids didn't go to school today. I tell her I homeschool. She says she couldn't stand being around her kids 24/7 and another mother chimes in that she has 5 kids and she hates summer because they are all home. I LOVE being with my kids!!! Yes, they drive me crazy sometimes but they are MY KIDS.. They've been in public school before and I felt the same way as these mothers are feeling but not any longer.

    So reason #1 to love homeschool... Getting to spend more time with your kids and REALLY getting to know them..

    Reason #2.... Getting to watch the lightbulb go off when my 5 year old finally learns how to sound out a word. And knowing that I took part in helping her learn that important skill..

    Reason # 3..... Instead of sending my kids off to a place where they aren't allowed to be themselves, I get to nurture the person that they are.No walking down the hall with 25 other kids having to be completely quiet with hands in pocket.

    Just my thought for the moment.. Yes, I do get tired and I DO need a break but I've found that if I keep on going I'll eventually find a resting place. Either in Gods hands while I'm praying for his strength to go on ,or actually getting to get away for a few minutes by myself to shop for groceries or pay a bill. I feel so privilaged to be allowed to have my children with me. They are my life. My investment.
  3. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I totally agree!

    I'll copy what I wrote about this on my blog earlier this week.

    I love homeschooling. Why?
    - I can personalize my children's education.
    - My children can work at their level and not be tied down to what the class is doing.
    - I know what my kids know and what they don't.
    - I get to spend the day with my children.
    - I get to teach my children subjects that are not options in local schooling.
    - We can take our time and learn about a subject in depth.
    - We are not tied down to any curriculum. We can change or adapt at any time.
    - We have flexibility in days off of school, when we start, and when we finish.
    - We can start school after a relaxing morning.
    - Stronger sibling bonds.
    - I can teach my children from a Christian perspective.
    - I can choose my children's curriculum and materials or even design my own curriculum.
    - Socialization! I can socialize my children and not leave it to the schools to do.
    - I get to explore the joy of learning along with my children.

    Of course it is not all sweet and easy. Homeschooling does have it's downsides like:

    - Cost. Although I spend a fraction of what the local school would to educate my child I still pay tax dollars toward the local schools.
    - Time. Schooling your children is like a full-time job. You have the planning, preparation, and teaching time that is not in the schedule of parents who send their kids to public schools.
    - Responsibility and knowing that the buck stops with me. If my child doesn't learn something it is because I didn't teach it well. I can't look to the teacher or school or cast blame anywhere but myself.
    - Whining. Yes, my kids whine. They don't always enjoy school. They don't always want to do schoolwork.

    Downsides and all homeschooling is the right choice for us. Day after day of learning together is precious to me. Homeschooling will give my children a quality education that can't be found in public schools.
  4. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I get to spend time with my kids, I get to know what they are learning not allowing someone else to decide what they SHOULD learn or SHOULD know but teaching them what I think they need and letting the extra slide!

    I get to really know my kids, I know non homeschoolers who are lost with what to do with thier kids because "kids are like--- or kids do ____" is in their vocabulary. I think my kids are NOT gonna be like --- or do ___ I know what my kids are doing! ALL THE TIME
    OH OH !
    I CAN TRUST my kids to make the right choices as teens because I know what I have taught them to do and seen that they have done it!
    WOW that was a biggy for me to learn btw. I figured out how come most teen parents dont trust thier kids, dont think they listen at all etc because they dont listen they dont pay attention to what thier kids are up to. OR when they see what they are up to they ignore and say thats just waht kids do today , TRUE STORY!

    My kids know what is right and what is wrong, and that there is a difference.
    My kids know that I care.
    My kids know that I will always be here for them.

    Now maybe people who send all their kids out do get this stuff too, there are a lot of good friends I have who do all the stuff I mentioned and they do know what they have in thier wonderful kids, so I am not putting them down, I am just saying I know what I GOT too!
    Weee hooo for HOme school!
  5. jazzyfizzle

    jazzyfizzle New Member

    Jul 14, 2009
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    :D great thoughts!
  6. mamamuse

    mamamuse New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    Loved reading those!

    When mine were in school, I was also one of those who thought I wouldn't be able to stand to be around my kids 24/7.

    Turns out that I didn't enjoy being around the kids I had when they were schooled. They were chronically sleep deprived (despite my trying to get them in bed by 8 every night), tired and super-hungry after school, overwhelmed by homework, and just overall grumps much of the time. No wonder I didn't enjoy the little downtime we had together in the evenings. I thought homeschooling would be like that 24/7 and that teaching them would be an all-day version of our nightly homework battles.

    Funny thing, though, how quickly they morphed into pleasant, fun people to be around once they were getting enough sleep, able to eat when they're hungry, didn't have homework, and had ample time to play and just be kids. I LOVE being around the "new and improved" kids I have now! :D

    And when I encounter the non-homeschoolers who say they couldn't be around their kids all day, I share that. Sometimes. Sometimes they get offended, as if I'm implying that THEIR kids are unhappy because they're in school all day.

    But it is food for thought, isn't it? My kids aren't angels, by any means, but the difference between who they were and who they are now after HS'ing is like night and day.
  7. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    One of my favorite things is that my kids know how to act around adults. Neither one of them are afraid to talk to adults about things they learn and just basic conversation. I don't mean they aren't shy (well ds is a chatterbox and not shy at all if you will pretend to listen ;) ).... but they can hold a conversation.

    BUT - my kid funny comment of the week (and I'm going to blog about this soon too)....

    We were camping and crabbing off the dock in Ocean City, MD this past week (where it rained all week)... these nice people came up and asked dd what type of fish we were using in our crab trap.... dd's answer (straight face and all) "Dead Ones"..... I busted out laughing - I couldn't hold it in.....and the adults just smiled and laughed right along with her....
  8. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I love being with Ems!
  9. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I have so many reasons, most listed already.

    I just feel I didn't bring these children into the world to turn them over to someone else to raise. They were entrusted to ME. :D

    I love my kids. I can't stand it when they're gone...I miss them after about 5 minutes!

  10. Bren

    Bren New Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    All of these replies are so good. I was different in that when my kids were in PS (many years ago), I missed them so very much when they were gone. I actually let them skip fairly often just so they could be home with me. I had never heard of home education then. The very week I learned of it I yanked them out and brought them home with me. My oldest child is now 29 and a father of 3 himself :) How times flies. I am so glad I get to spend it with my children.
  11. havefunteaching

    havefunteaching New Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Makes me want to homeschool

    In reply to mommix3,

    Your description of "reasons to love homeschool" makes me want to homeschool my kids! I taught in the public school system for 5 years and I tried my best to help my students achieve their greatest potential and uniqueness and discover what God created them to become. But then, it almost seemed all for none sometimes when they would go onto the next grade level and have pressure to "follow the rules" "walk in a quiet line"..etc. I would love to see a line of 25 students walking down a hallway saying hello, giving high fives to other students, and encouraging each other while walking in the hallway.
    Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for your amazing insight into Homeschooling!

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