Finding time for exercise

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by WIMom, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. WIMom

    WIMom New Member

    Aug 9, 2007
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    I probably have asked this before, but I'm going to ask again.

    When do you all find time for exercise? What do you do for exercise?

    I went for my doctor's appointment today and it didn't go as well as I would have liked. First, my blood pressure and pulse were way up (very unusual for me...I'm usually on the low side). I am fighting off some sort of virus and I feel yucky, so I took DayQuil before I went to the doctor. I did tell the nurse this just in case that had anything to do with my pulse and blood pressure. Anyway, then the nurse weighed me and that wasn't great either. I knew this before going though. I've gained 12 lbs since the last time I went to the doctor (about 17 months ago). By BMI I'm now considered slightly overweight for the first time in my life. When my doctor came in she asked me a few general questions and then asked me about exercise. When I replied that I didn't really exercise on a consistent daily/weekly basis. She started a bit of a lecture with me.:oops: I was mad at myself and wallowing in self pity by the time I got in my car after the appointment. I know I need to start moving more and eating less junk food...intellectually I know this! Getting myself motivated to move is another thing.

    I'm just wondering what you all do and when.
  3. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    I have replied before about exercise but I feel a bit like a hypocrite right now because I have been not exercising for nearly 2 months. Yikes! When I was exercising, I was running 1-3 miles a day and by doing that and cutting back my calories to 1400 a day I lost 22 pounds in about 6 weeks. so far I have been able to keep it off, but I still have 36 pounds to go. I found the time that worked best for me was between breakfast and lunch. I am not an early person, so mornings don't work, and evenings are too hectic. Good luck with your exercise!!
  4. Lee

    Lee New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Usually we find some sort of exercise and incorporate it into school. Like in the winter we snowshoe almost everyday. We have been slacking lately and it shows. I think that everyone in our family has gained weight except ds. So last week I decided to do something about it and I have been having dh drop dd and I off about 2.5 miles out when he goes to work and we walk/jog home. I would like to go 3 miles out but it is dark out in the morning and their isn't much for lighting further out.
  5. INmom

    INmom New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    I usually get up before the kids (5 am or so) and go for a 3 mile run or walk, nearly every day. My husband also goes with me, so it helps to have a partner. I started this about 4 years ago, and I lost 60 pounds in the first year and have kept it off since.

    We also set a goal of running a 5K race together (our first a couple of years ago), so that helped us with something to work toward.

    Can you get a membership to the YMCA? I know if I spent the $$ on it (things are tight here), I would definitely go so as to not waste the money.

    Since you already know what you need to do intellectuually, you need to find some way to make the lifestyle change permanent. Good luck!
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I have just gotten into a walking routine. Because our church meets on Saturday evenings, a group of women have been walking on Sunday AM at a park. It's going to get cold, so we asked and were given permission to use this wonderful gym they have at the church when the weather was bad. Then, on Tuesdays after staff meeting at church, I walk for a half-hour. I bought a Christian walking CD that I use. The kids come with me to staff meetings, and sit in a Sunday School room doing homework, or sometimes the youth pastor has things to do and they will help. Then on Thursday, the Rec Center up the road is open during the day with preschool activities, but the gym is empty for about an hour and a half. So I've been coming and walking there doing that time. I'm not gone long, it's close, and my kids are old enough for me to feel comfortable leaving them alone. So that gives me three days a week of walking!

    My parents gave us a Y membership a few years back. I was wallking very regularly there, but then the kids got head lice (YICK!!!), and was never to get the routine going again.
  7. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I'm right with you on this one. Last year I got sloppy with my eating and exercising (right around the holidays) and then after my surgery in March I just kinda went "ehhhh..." and now I have gained almost everything back I had lost in the 2 years I had kept it off.

    So - I signed up for a healthier menu service to help me stay on track (and everyone else in the family)

    I also started walking 1 mile every day (ok I started yesterday - but I did it again this morning) on the treadmill. I can't get up and go somewhere with the foster girls here unless everyone goes with me..... and I have to make sure they get up in the morning and get off to school.

    I plan on increasing it - and possibly doing a "program" on my treadmill which is called (no joke) "From the Couch to a 5K"..... so maybe that will help.

    My goal is to be back in the jeans I was in last year....only having 2 pairs that fit right now stinks.

    Oh - I wake up at 6.... and since I don't need to look great - I go out, start my coffee, come back (treadmill is in my room), put shoes on, plug in a book and start walking. Im done by 6:30-6:45 walking at 3mph right now (which isn't very fast - but my short stride make going up to 4mph a jog and I'm not ready for that yet)
  8. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Wow I admire all you runners! Running is one thing I don't do unless someone is chasing me and I need to get away.

    I used to be so faithful about exercising at home and for two years I danced 8 hours a week. Now I try and get in exercise three times per week for thirty mins each time. I stretch, do crunches, pushups and various leg and butt strengthening stuff.
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Tiffany, I use to say flippantly that running was "against my religion". I don't anymore. I babysat for this lady whose "regular" sitter was a friend of mine and a cross-country runner in college. So when they opened the door, the first thing the boy asked was if I ran, too (since many of the gal's friends were also runners). "No, running's against my religion!" Well, the mom asked my friend what church i went to that didn't allow running, lol!
  10. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Funny Jackie! lol!
  11. INmom

    INmom New Member

    May 13, 2005
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  12. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    A few years ago, my wife signed up for gym membership. As tends to happen when it's a few miles away, she rarely went. More recently, a gym opened up very close to us (one mile away), and one of the personal trainers is a friend of my wife. She canceled the other membership and has faithfully attended this one a couple of days a week. It really has made a big difference and is doing her a power of good.

    When I hit the big 5-0, I decided to do the same. So far, I've been diligent in attending, and I'm resolved to keep it that way. The issue for me is travel, because this can put a dent in my schedule. When we were homeschooling, we could have done this only because I worked from home. If I'd been working in a regular office, it would have been more difficult - although as middle schoolers and up the children were quite OK by themselves for a while. The difficulty comes when you're homeschooling younger children, and maybe the local 'Y' is the best option because they usually have a sitting service.
  13. WIMom

    WIMom New Member

    Aug 9, 2007
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    Thank you ladies and gent!
    MonkeyMamma-I usually say that I don't run unless someone is chasing me too!
    My husband is a big runner, biker and swimmer (marathons, bi and triathlons). I just don't care for that type of exercise. I'm not quite sure what "my thing" is though. I like walking. I used to love roller skating (that was my exercise from middle school until after college!). Our rink closed up here about 3 years ago now, so I don't have a rink close by anymore. In college and a couple of years after that I used to exercise with workout shows like Cory Everson and Kiana (or something like that).

    My sister is trying to get me to sign up for YMCA for dance classes or piyo (pilates/yoga). My sis is a member of the Y and drops her kids (ages 2 & 4) off in the little nursery every other day, so she can work out. I guess I'm unsure if the Y would watch my 9 y.o. homeschooled child. Plus the Y costs more money than I want to spend.

    I have a treadmill/tv combo in our basement, so all I have to do is set aside some time during the day and get on it. I also have to learn how to turn it on.

    I wake up around 6:30 or 6:40 to have some coffee, sometimes I grab a quick shower and I get my dd up and ready for public school. We get home from drop off around 8:25 and at that time I have breakfast with my son and I grab some computer time (usually check the Spot and e-mail hubby at work). We start school work a little while after that and go until lunch time. After lunch we do a bit more school work until 2:45 when it's time for me to go pick up dd. I spend some time with dd after school, giver her a snack, let her play and then we get ready for supper. My hubby does his exercise just about every day usually right away when he gets home from work (around 5). By the time we are done eating supper we have time to either run one errand (go grocery shopping) or take the kids to their swimming lessons and then it's bedtime. I guess I have to rearrange some things to fit in exercise for myself.

    Thank you for all your ideas and sharing your stories all!
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2009
  14. DizneeTeachR

    DizneeTeachR Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I try to do laps around the yard while the lil ones are playing. That way we are all outside & I'm getting some exercise. Hubby bought some little weights that I have put on my ankles and wrists as well when I walk.

    I like the winter when we are sledding going up & down the hills I feel I get a pretty good workout. Shoveling snow helps as well!!!

    I would like to have more of a routine, but I'm not one who likes to exercise unless it's something fun. Like dancing or something that doesn't feel like exercies, but to say I'm going down to workout it's hard "train" myself to do. I told hubby we just need to do more Dance Dance Revolution competitions...LOL!!!
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Exactly! You really can't drop off school-age kids at the Y's daycare during the school day. I did my walking in the evening. It was VERY close to the house, plus it had a pool so the kids and I would go and swim once a week. Sometimes they would shoot baskets after while I walked around the track (it went around the basketball court). The Y can be expensive, but it's easy to get scholarships with them.
  16. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I don't find time. At this point, I try to park a little further away and take the stairs when I can. I try to remember to not ask people to bring things to me and to get those things myself. Hopefully, those will be the little things that help. But I do belong to a fitness center but never have the time to go.
  17. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Why can't you? I did. It was not the YMCA but was a similar place in my town with a childcare area.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Because at the Y I went to, the preschoolers and school agers were in seperate areas, and the school agers were only open after school. The other only accepted kids through kindergarten.

    Now, I'm not saying ALL Y's are like that, but that's how ours was.

    Also, some Y's have "Gym and Swim" times for hs'ers. The one by me use to have that, but quit when people stopped coming.
  19. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    WIMom, wow what Can I say I am the same way. I say today I am and then I don't. darn it.
    Anyway about your BP if this is the first time don't get to upset. Check it next time you go to wal mart or some place that has BP machine. I do come on over I will check it for you. But, it could of been from the meds. or the white coat scare.

    Also, on the weigh, if you find away tell me I would love to drop some.
  20. NewfMom

    NewfMom New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    I find that the only time I can find to exercise is when my kids are exercising too. When it was a bit warmer out, we would go outside every day and play soccer, basketball, baseball etc. Sometimes while they were playing I would run laps, and others I would do some other exercises. I'm really not a "gym" person, but I love sports, so that worked out for us.

    Now that it's too cold for that, we go to the hockey rink during the day at least once week. There's nobody on the ice between 9am and 3pm, so they let us on for $5 each. Other days we go to the field house at the university and play basketball or run on the track.

    I know that I wouldn't find time to work out on my own, so I just join in with whatever the kids are doing.
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I have been known to do my walking around the soccer fields while Rachael practices!

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