Speaking of dilly-dallying...Schedule Check-In

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by ColoradoMom, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. ColoradoMom

    ColoradoMom New Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Where is everyone on their schedule...ahead, on track, or behind.

    I think we are about average. We will not be half way through by Christmas, but we never are. Science is the best indicator because it has 30 units and we will be on unit 14 at Christmas - so close.

    Math we should be on lesson 58 by Christmas - so almost half way. History is fine - he did 10 weeks of Middle Ages and Renaissance review and now we are onto American. It might take us more than one year to complete that because I put a LOT of lessons into it, but no biggie.

    Vocabulary/Grammar and Geography is good. We took a geography break because they started with the 13 colonies and I wanted to wait until we got there in history, so we haven't been doing that.

    Reading is fine.

    The only thing we are really lagging on is writing. I have no excuse except that it is time consuming and he hates doing it and I hate teaching it. I am going to make up some interactive unit studies about elements of literature - so maybe that will get us going after Christmas. Next year I can see that we will be concentrating heavily on writing...because of my dilly-dallying.

    So how about everyone else - where are you and how do you feel about it?
  3. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    With Math, Spelling, and Grammar, we're right where I expected to be. Definitely not halfway. History w/ the Literature that I planned out, we're behind by a good clip. It's been too much fun. LOL :D If we can do what I have planned the next week before TG, and the three weeks after, we'll be BETTER. Not great, but better.

    For the district's sake by Christmas Break we'll be 78 days, which means technically we'll only NEED to do 102 days. BUT, I think I'll have more curricula than that left. :D

    I might drop the last unit of history - or wait until July 1st to do it when it will count towards the new school year. :D

    And just please don't ask about Science!!!
  4. wahmbrenda

    wahmbrenda New Member

    Oct 28, 2009
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    We just started to do unschooling quite a bit. I do have her do some worksheets once in a while just because we have to put together a portfolio. We're right where we should be with counting days. I didn't pull her out of the cyber school until October so I feel very good about that but I'm so stressed over the portfolio. I may actually take mine to our homeschool group Thursday because I feel like we don't have anything in there. Math is still lagging but I know that neither my daughter nor I are really oriented in that way. Everything else seems to be going good though.
  5. goodnsimple

    goodnsimple New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    mmm, just looking at that myself.
    We are good on math...lesson 40-50 so not halfway, but we have been throwing in more extra worksheets (especially on mondays for Dutch) I don't care if he is ahead...because we skipped a whole year.
    We will do the occasional two lessons at a time...so we are where we need to be.

    I LOVE the cursive pages you are giving away!! I had Dutch do the cursive, and Jazz type it. We are doing the poem and decorating it and hanging it up for showing off. (With Jazz we are working on formatting etc. in word) I think I will have him type the thanksgiving story at the end of the week...he will have to read it off the sheet so even though he doesn't do cursive...he will learn to read it. We will have to see.

    We are almost done with Roman History and will start Middle ages after Christmas. I figure if we finish early we will do some history of christmas and extra bible. I want to start Middle ages after the holidays not before.
    (Dutch pretty much skipped Roman, that we started last year...and is doing NM history which we should also be done with by Christmas)

    Writing...grammar...ugh. That is all I am gonna say.

    Literature, We are using Lightning Lit 7th grade. (Dutch too) and We LOVED Tom Sawyer...we skipped the poems. (not all of it, we read a couple and we might go back, but I did a big poetry unit with Jazz last year.) So Alice is not as big a hit as Tom but they like the activities better. I didn't look ahead too much to see where we need to be but there are two more books...so I think if we do two this semester, and two next semester we will be ok.

    Spanish has somehow fallen by the wayside.
    Health we are ok (just Jazz)
    Bible, I finally found something that worked pretty good. (Case for...books for kids) But we will be done by Christmas. (and the boys will get baptized soon) AND then I will need another curriculum...

    Science...hmm, We are muddling through Physics. The videos/links are good but no one is really excited about it. I don't know what to do there. I like it fine, but it aint me that is supposed to be getting it. It is definitely too much for Dutch although he "listens in" (this week we will take it easy and do the Reindeer. :))
    I am not stressed about it because we have the health thing too.

    So...all in all, pretty good. AND the boys have understood/said/done things that impressed their dad...So the financial backing is solid. Ha ha.
  6. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    We are doing well. Grace will be finishing up 1st grade in early March and we should begin 2nd grade in early April or early May depending on how long a break I feel like she needs. Also if we move it will be in early June and that may throw a wrench in plans. I think if we are for sure going to move I will start right away in early April then take a break in June.
  7. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    We started late, so we are behind. Looking to finishing up June 30. Elijah is on Lesson 30 and have a total of 172 lessons. Gianna is on Lesson 34 - she is sick today, so no school for her today. Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow and we can continue.
  8. ColoradoMom

    ColoradoMom New Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    I am making an interactive component for the physics but it won't be done until late January. I will e-mail everyone who purchased the course a password when it goes live. It will take a lot of the writing out of the assignments - like for flashcards and stuff. It will have learning games with the vocabulary and concepts. Plus I bought a ton of templates for interactive "game shows" like Jeopardy, so that should make it more fun.

    We started this NASA study because he is going to Space Camp over Christmas (that is his big present) and I want him to have some idea of what's going on when he gets there - and those make him GROAN so bad! The early days of the space program are pretty boring and the videos are so old and not "exciting" to watch at all! But it will get more exciting as it moves forward in time and the production gets more visual. There is only so many crackly voices that you can listen to while looking at badly focused video from the 1960's before you've had enough.

    He loves the Universe series from The History Channel though, those DVD's are awesome!

    Next year I am going to run an online class so parents and kids can ask questions. I'm gonna do that for all the middle school and above science courses I think. I don't know if people have trouble with anatomy - but I imagine they would appreciate some guidance with the molecular stuff.

    BTW - we are going to do that handwriting unit too! Even though my son is 12 he could SERIOUSLY use the practice! :lol: Next week though - this is our two week catch up on on the stuff we've been slacking on so right before Thanksgiving we can stop and do fun stuff.
  9. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    We are behind what I originally planned, but since I scrapped a lot of that we are just where I want us to be. We are taking a break from full time school to readjust. So, the day consists of reading and maybe a short English lesson or math. I believe this may lenghthen his high school to 4 1/2 years, but for my sanity and his it is well worth it.
  10. goodnsimple

    goodnsimple New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    thinking ahead to high school I am thinking we might do one extra year for Jazz, just because I don't want to rush him and he has his issues...but on the other hand, he does tend to surprise me.
    Dutch is doing so much right along with Jazz that I wouldn't be surprised if I am ready to graduate him early...we shall see. I was just thinking that we are reading such great books for literature, and because we started early with Dutch he will have so many more of the classics done. It is so much fun to figure out what tempts them.
    Comom...That sounds great on the interactive physics. We so don't do the flashcards our selves. (hello, that would take WRITING) Jazz whined the other day that it was all just COMMON SENSE. so I guess he is getting it. but it has been rather like dentistry.
    Dutch is looking forward to the Reindeer Unit. I will probably let Jazz listen in...what is the harm in that eh?
  11. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    We're exactly on target (a little ahead in a couple of subjects), but I always like to leave room for make-up days, and he's only in 1st grade, so it's not like we're working all day long ... it's more like 30 minutes. I'm usually the type that runs behind, so I'm really proud of myself to be on schedule for our first official year of HS.
  12. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    We are on week 11 out of 40 weeks so we are finished with the first quarter.
  13. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Ok - with all the changes in the household, days we do school and so many other things I am lost at "where" we actually are.

    Jacob asked to do the Earth Science through Seton still even though we dropped most of the other stuff because none of us liked it.

    They just started SOS stuff (Jacob is doing VA history and 8th Grade Math, Alexis is now doing Math, History, Bible, & Language Arts)

    I think we'll just take the test in May like we usually do and then I think because of our situation with additional family members we will do more SOS next year as they are doing well and anytime they guess or rush, I just clear everything and make them redo the entire assignment. Gotta Love it :)
  14. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    We are about where I thought we would be (except for writing...we are behind in that with 2 of the kids).

    Math we are ahead because my kids beg to work on it...go figure! I hated math, so they must get this from their father.

    Science is a little behind, but we plan to catch up by doing some science projects with DH for the next few Saturdays.

    Reading we are on track. I found a really great way to get my 9yo ds to write that is linked with his reading, and if you know my son you know he HATES writing. I have him read a book and while he is reading he keeps a notebook and pen handy. Anytime he learns something he thinks is "cool" he is to write it down. Then he gets to use his notes for his book report. I have noticed a huge improvment in his hand writing and he is actually enjoying writing! Yeah!

    We have been trying to so a little more unschooling around here, and so far I think it is working for me and the kids. My DH isn't thrilled with it, he feels that I am not "teaching" them anything...but they are learning. I just have an outline of what needs to be done every month and we make sure we learn it all.
  15. boolee

    boolee New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    We are actually behind because of unexpected appointments with my mother not feeling well. I try to get some school in while we are at appointments but that isn't getting alot done. We have a leapster for when we are out and she does that for some things. I also have her to carry a book to read also. Even with that we are behind but I know if we work we will be okay though even if we don't get done until June or July.
  16. NewfMom

    NewfMom New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    We're about where I thought we would be for everything except Math and Science.

    The boys have been working ahead in Math and are both about halfway done. I told them that when they're done the whole curriculum with a good (85%+) mark, they can start learning Italian during the time when they usually do Math. So, they're working really hard and trying to be done by March or early April.

    We're actually struggling with Science, and we're only on Chapter 2 of 9. We're getting to the point of either switching curriculums, or having my husband take over teaching them Science.
  17. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    We are ahead in english and science. On target for math and behind in history. This is according to my little planner that I have tried to create this year with my oldest. I quit on one with my son since we are not moving to VA. Last week was our last week in the books and won't get back into them until the new year.
    We test around May/June but not sure about this year. We will be in Japan and it be too late for the DOD schools testing and the place I order from will not ship standardized tests overseas.
  18. ColoradoMom

    ColoradoMom New Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Wow - that sounds exciting! :D

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