What do you collect?

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by sloan127, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Today my latest issue of Quiltmaker Magazine came in the mail. I love getting those even though I rarely have time to quilt. I have collected almost every issue they have ever put out. I find the older issues on Ebay and other places and have enjoyed looking through them and dreaming of the day I can actually make some of the patterns. It started me wondering what other people like. Anyone care to tell what you collect? Beth
  3. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I'm anxious to see others' posts on this as well. :D

    I collect antique planers, stoneware crocks, stoneware odds and ends, and various books that trip my trigger.
  4. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    My husband saw this and laughed. He said I should have put down Kids instead of my magazine.
  5. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I have a pretty extensive collection of Mickey Mouse memorabilia. I have several older pieces (like things my grandfather had as a child) and lots of "new" stuff. Sadly, my collection sits collecting spiders in the garage. I used to have an entire room devoted to it, but my children began getting in to things and breaking stuff.

    It's actually kind of a funny story about how I started down that path....
    My Sophomore year of high school, I really REALLY wanted a Mickey Mouse watch. You remember when they came out with the ones that played "It's a small world" when you pressed a button on the side of the face? Yeah.. that. Only I didn't care that it was Mickey Mouse. I wanted to annoy my teachers in class. lol

    Apparently I made such a stink about wanting that watch that everyone thought I really like Mickey. So for Christmas that year I got pretty much nothing but Mickey stuff. And for every birthday and Christmas ever since. After a couple of years I just ran with it.
  6. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    I think I was a sophomore when I got my Mickey Mouse watch, I still have it and I'm still obsessed with Mickey Mouse. I've always been that way though, I even have a tattoo of Mickey.

    Other than my Mickey Mouse fetish, I love scrapbook stuff I collect stuff to use though. Cooking anything especially gadgets and utensils. And books, I love to read.
  7. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    LOL..yes, I was thinking children and Legos on the floor.

    I don't really collect at this point. I do have a collection of $2 bills and wheat pennies. It is a very small collection. My daughter has a few snow globes.
  8. eyeofthestorm

    eyeofthestorm Active Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    We have several collections of state quarters. One is complete, the others are (very slowly) getting there.

    I collect cookie molds. I love the way the look hanging in the kitchen.

    DH & I have a Mickey Mouse collection (yes, us, too). We have every piece we could find of the Micky & Minnie Victorian Christmas ornaments. We also have a few misc Mickey pieces - Christmas ornaments and wedding (bride/groom) items.

    DH has a marvelous collection of ball-type caps. Whenever one of "his" teams (any sport) wins a pennant or championship, he does his best to get one or two of the special caps. He collects to "types" in my mind. The "soft" (cloth, I guess) ones he wears, and the "hard" (they're kind of like foam in the front) ones go straight to his collection.

    DH also has a set of steins decorated for Christmas, put out my Budweiser. It's kind of funny, because he abhors beer (but he adores Christmas). It's not a full set. Once we started having kids <sigh>, money just isn't as free as it used to be, and those steins, while beautiful, are on the pricey side. And, the longer a year goes with us "missing" it, the pricier they get.
  9. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I collect dust bunnies :)

    Ok, no really, I used to collect turtles, but the kids started stealing them, they now have all my stuffed ones and all my glass ones are put away. We collect rare coins when we find them.. this was much more productive when I worked at the store before all these kids (like the time this young guy came in just NEEDING a pack of cigarettes and paid in old real silver quarters in mint condition!). I also have a few silver certificates I got while I worked there... I always made sure to have a few bucks in my pocket to buy fun money finds.. I love mis-struck coins, hubby keeps this collection going. Oh and of course I collect books... mostly kids books, but I have tons of them! Yesterday we moved most of our books... it took 20 large egg boxes and they were all packed full! I still have to move my collection of Baby-Sitters club books and Garrett's Goosebumps books.. which are both almost complete sets.

    Hubby collects Hotwheels cars, he has a few thousand of them still in their packages.

    Garrett collects anything Corvettes and Ferrari

    Rylee and Reagan collect toys... and Cameron collects smiles ;)
  10. mom4girls

    mom4girls Member

    May 14, 2009
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    I believe I collect fabric. I would love to quilt and sew; and I have everything to do it; just not the time. I wish I could make the time to do more. I want to incorporate it into school but there is so much other stuff that needs done, that I rarely get to it.
  11. eyeofthestorm

    eyeofthestorm Active Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Smart boy.
  12. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    When I was in high school my parents got me these beautiful stuffed bunnies every easter. They bought me 4 and over the years I have had to look high and low to find the rest of the collection. I currently have a total of 7 and I have a few more to find. I used to keep them on my bed, but then I got married and my dh thought it was silly for stuffed animals to be on our bed, so I put them in storage. Now they sit on my girls beds.

    My dh collects Batman stuff and has several boxes of it
    Zachary collects batman and spiderman stuff
    Katie collects precious moments
    Tyler collects dinosaurs
    Lindsey collects small trinkets
    And of course Emily is too young to collect anything.
  13. ForTheSon

    ForTheSon New Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    I have always collected Pepe LePew, but don't have much of that collection left. I lost it when I divorced. Another reason to get rid of the ex hubby.

    Then I fell in love with my current DH. He was sitting with my kiddos watching a cartoon movie while I fixed dinner. I sat on the couch while it simmered and he covered all of us with a blanket, the kiddos sitting between us. All of a sudden he pulled the blanket over his head, and in a perfect imitation said, "I lost my tail! Has anyone seen my tail?" Then pulled the blanket below his eyes and glanced at me. I now collect Eeyores.
  14. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    I collect Birdhouses....
    I use to collect crystal vases and such until my oldest threw a ball at the age of 4 in the house it hit the self with all my crystal on it and sharied with her in the middle of it... I was so scared that she had hurt her self that I told my hubby no more.... byw all of my crystal was broken, but my baby was ok... that was all that mattered to me.
  15. LucyRicardo

    LucyRicardo Member

    May 3, 2009
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    I collect Lucy (Lucille Ball) memorabilia. Among other things Lucy, I think I have every Lucy doll that has been made. My children usually give me one every birthday.

    I also collect lighthouses; but not red and white ones. I love the look of a lighthouse sitting among a stormy sky and a stormy sea. It is a reminder to me that although storms come Jesus (the light of the world) is present in the midst of them. One of my bathrooms is done in a lighthouse theme.

    I collect antique Bibles, also. The oldest one I have is a wood covered Civil War era Bible.

    One of my dd's collect porecelain and crystal cats.

    Another collects Shakespeare memorabilia and books. She has a set of Shakespeare books from the 1770's. She also collects pigs and American Girl.

    My oldest collects clothes......ha ha. ;-)
  16. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I collect Cats Meow Village pieces. I love them. I even went to where they are made in Ohio once.
  17. boolee

    boolee New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    I love to collect stickers. I know that sounds crazy but I have loved stickers every since I was little. I also collect anything to do that has mickey mouse on it. I have quit a few shirts, and tons of other stuff.
  18. Mrs. Mommy

    Mrs. Mommy New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I don't really collect anything. I do like random stuff. In my glass cabinets I have various things.....HM toys from McDs of characters from my favorite cartoons/movies, carousel horse figures, and things the kids made in school. In there you'll also find some Swarovski crystal and Polish pottery pieces. Also there are odds and ends nic nacs I have gotten over the years. I have our wedding glasses, candles, and knife/server set in there, too. And, I cannot forget a few toys of DH from when he was a kid. So no one thing I collect...guess I am just an eclectic girl.

    If any of you lived in Germany do you remember getting the yummy chocolate eggs with the toys in them? (I have only seen them in Germany). I had many, many of these little toys all put together and set out on display. When I moved back stateside they came back broken. I was able to save a few but I was still sad. These were so fun to collect. I wish I could get them here.
    These eggs are called Kinder Eggs.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  19. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I would have to say I collect fabric too. But, I have slowed almost to a halt recently, because the money isn't there and I have a lot to work with right now and not too much time. I started quilting about 2 1/2 years ago and I would buy fabric any time I walked into a quilt store. Sometime in Walmart I would buy some too. But, now I am trying to live on a budget and I tell myself that even if the "cute" or "beautiful" fabric isn't there later, there will be something else just as good. As is stands in the first year and a half or so, I collected enough fabric for maybe 6 or 7 quilts (not the backs). So I can enjoy my hobby for a while. Heck, it takes me about a year or so to finish one, because of time limits and other hobbies.

    The other thing I have collected on and off is keychains. The first time I had about 50 and I would give them away and stuff so it dwindled. Now, I only have (I think) about 15-20, but I don't think about it often. Plus, I have become a purger of stuff, so I am thinking maybe I don't want to "collect" more stuff just to collect it. So the keychains may go again, but not the fabric as long as I use it regularly. I have a hard time with clutter.

    Oh, I just thought of another thing. I collect curriculum. But this was not on purpose. I went throught such an indecisive stage this past spring/summer that I bought a lot and then changed my mind. I would just get rid of it at a bookstore, but I am thinking about selling it here or at a yearly sale our homeschool group has. I am hoping to recover most of the money I spent. Luckily it was mostly used items-so I may be able to charge the same or almost the same amount I paid for it. I have thought of e-bay, but would forget to check it I think.
  20. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I collect scrapbooking stuff in the hopes of one day having enough time to actually make some albums. I also collect things from nature whenever I can (rocks, shells, feathers, etc.)

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