Fundraising Ideas? HELP

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by GymMom, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. GymMom

    GymMom New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    My sweet parents just made a donation in honor of my kids to, the donation will feed an entire family in Haiti for 1 year! What an amazing gift. here is the link to the Atl Christian radio station hosting the fundraiser, also you can go to
    So of course, i made a lesson out of this today! LOL we watched videos, found haiti on the globe etc. we also looked at the gifts you can donate on the website and of course Abby (6 1/2) saw the HOUSE for $2600 and said "i want to give that next year!" WOW! what do i say, she has a big heart. Problem is we do not have that much money to give! I was thinking more on the lines of $100 or less.
    But, if you know Abby she does not take No for an aswer! she wants to raise the i need ideas!
    we already have the idea of a stand at the local farmers market. we grow a small area of squash, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers. and my parents have a large farm where the kiddos can grow pumpkins and watermelon.
    Also, the bake sale a church. my mom is a great baker!
    Any more ideas would be great. Keith and I decided whatever the kids raise we wil match it, as well as both sets of grandparents will match what the kids i am starting to think we might really be able to pull this off!
    I thought about having the kids some cute shirts printed that say something like, "Homegrown 4 Haiti" to wear to the farmers market. Any suggestions
    Wish me luck and keep the ideas coming.
    Amy in GA
  3. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    you could go to Sam's Club or a warehouse and get some candy bars and sell them at church. or farmers market.

    Lemonade Stand with the kids working it.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I really love the t-shrits. Also a garage sale in the spring. Can you make cards or some kind of decoration for Valentine's Day, or Easter or something?
  5. GymMom

    GymMom New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    great ideas

    thanks ladies! those are great ideas! Abby has already ran around the house and found all the lost change! LOL she's got her heart set on this, i got to make it work!
  6. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I would talk to your pastor if you go to church. He might be willing to let Abby talk for a moment one Sunday then take a collection. If you are going to match and grandparents are going to match, that works out to about 650 each way. That could easily be raised in the next year. I'd be willing to bet that, if your 6 1/2 talks at church, it could be accomplished in one offering ;). I wouldn't be able to resist giving to a child who was so determined to help others.

    You could throw together a small power point, if your church is so equipped, and have her show exactly what it is that she's asking. If you don't have Power Point, you can download the Open Office suite for free. OO Present is a compatible program.
  7. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I love the idea of talking to the church! Last year a family was trying to raise money to buy farm animals for a village and were able to double the amount they wanted to give from just two offering collections. This is the right time of year to bring it up too.
  8. GymMom

    GymMom New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    I agree ladies. THe church would be a great place to start, but we attend a very small church that is hardly keeping the doors open right now. i know the people would give the $, but i think it would mean more to my kids if they had to earn the money. my parents called tonight and said they LOVED the idea and that they would give whatever amount of $ it cost for the kids to get to build the house! so YAY!!! but i do want them to work and earn as much as they can! :)
  9. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    GARAGE SALE!!!! :D

    Also, since this is for feeding the hungry, you could put together a fundraiser cookbook. There are MANY companies out there that do this, and sometimes they are really inexpensive, and some of them have low order thresholds (like you only need to order 20 or 30). We did one for the gym a couple years ago and it's still selling.

    Anyway...that's what I've got so far.

  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    If you do the cookbook thing, I don't think Amanda would object to you mentioning them here. I would probably buy one!
  11. GymMom

    GymMom New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    jackie, what do you know about cookbooks? that is such a good idea! i LOVE to cook and i have several friends/family that are great cooks also!
    PM me if you like.
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I've never done it, so I really don't know. I just think that there might be people here who would be willing to buy one if you went that route. If you do, be sure to add $2 for shipping! Depending on how many, it could be expensive. I hate payig shipping, but would much rather add an additional $2 than have a substantial amount come out of what the kids are able to raise! Krista suggested it; maybe she would know!

    I'm sure if you asked, many of us on here would be very willing to contribute recipes!
  13. GymMom

    GymMom New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    i missed kristas post

    ha! krista is my friend! i am so dumb i missed her post! i will talk to her and steal her recipes! LOL
  14. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Some restaurants are also willing to host fundraiser nights. They assign you a night and you print up fliers and pass them out to everyone you know. Then on that night 10% of the bill for each person that eats at the restaurant and gives them the flier goes to your charity. They would still have to do a lot of work passing out fliers and encouraging people to go. We choose a location near a mall and passed out fliers the whole evening of the event at the mall.
  15. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    First, just a note of caution, you may need special licencing or permits to have any fund raisers.

    Here are some things that I have seen work, didn't read all the responses so forgive me if they are repeats.

    We have a small local pizza shop that we have make tickets for a small plain cheese pizza, we sell them for $5 a ticket and make $2 on each one we sell. Dominos and Subway offer the same sort of thing, and maybe some of the other local small shops would too?

    Candy sales have always been a hit, but not the order and pay a fortune kind, the boxes of candy bars do much better.

    Hoagie sales are a huge hit, we always took pre orders for them plus made some extra and sold them in front of stores like Kmart and Walmart (but to get in front of places like that, you usually have to be an organization).

    Car washes have always gone over well, my JR year of highschool we made over $5,000 in one car wash.. we were beat but it paid for our trip to states for a competition... and we live in a small area, so it blew us away to make so much. We charged $12 for each car, $20 for large trucks and $30 for huge things like campers. I think what worked for us on that one is not only did we have people just show up, we presold tickets and we also advertised everywhere we could think of for about a month before it.

    Good luck. Oh and something else you can look into is Read to Feed (I think that is what it's called, I don't have my school stuff here, it's already been moved), but that is a cool program.
  16. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Got your email...haven't had a minute to respond....

    I can definitely help you out with the cookbook thing. There are SEVERAL companies out there.

    Leah's got a meet this weekend (tomorrow) and we have a crazy day....but SUNDAY....I will email you info, okay?
  17. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I love the cookbook idea. I would be happy to contribute a receipe and buy a cookbook.

    A friend of mine did a fundraiser for her son to go to Austraila with People to People a few years ago. She did a spaghetti dinner and held it at her church. She presold tickets for I think $6 each. Then she just made huge pots of spaghetti and loaves of garlic bread and served the to go dinners from the church's parking lot. She made over $3000.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, yes, yes on what she says about the small bars vs. big expensive stuff! Any kid that comes to my door selling $1 candy bars will probably sell a bunch at my house. I always buy one or two, and then my kids tend to jump in with, "ME, TOO!!!" and run to get their own money. I figure it's for a good cause!

    But when they come with pre-order catalogs with the cheapest thing over $10, you can just forget it! And I think lots of people feel that way!
  19. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    The best and most efective fund raiser I have been involved in is the one the soccer team did, they got the 'fund raiser box: of candybars at Costco, then sold them for a dollar each,this gave them a 2oo profit out of ten players> or maybe3
    At any rate we bought the girls gifts, prize like things, [pizza for all the families and trophies with that!
    Just to give you an idea of how much it was all adding up to,
    SO you could check it out and see if that is good, everyone will by something that is right there,
    Also people love it when kids put together a jar with a labeled picture or drawing of what you are working towards for why,,,, then ask your local store to put on counter,
    Then with out your dd knowing or with depending, have someoen call the local news place and tell them about your dds cause, they will donate plus use footage to boost thier raitings as well in most cases!
    its a win win for them!
    THey love this sort of thing, if you do not mind the expoitation it does of your child for a cause?>
  20. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    I've traveled to Haiti on business, and it is very poor - and dangerous. Some of the images and information I remember:

    - The UN has a number of workers there who spend all their time educating the population on basic hygiene and health. They are trying hard to improve the survival rate of newborns, which is among the lowest in the world. I met one of the UN people, and they are selfless individuals performing an almost thankless task.

    - The hotel in which I stayed was on a hill overlooking the city. It's simply not safe to stay in the city itself. Even on the hill, there is impressive security with fences, gates, and security guards. In the hotel, the power went out at around 11pm and came back on at 6am.

    - The roads are almost unusable. Even on what we would call major roads,the pot holes are so bad you can't drive more than 25mph. Indeed, my taxi driver, at one point, simply drove on a dirt track on a small hill just to avoid the road.

    - Life is basic. You see women carrying very heavy bags on their heads, bags so heavy I could barely lift them. Often these women are carrying children too or other items in their hands.

    - A few months after I was there, another representative of the company was killed in Port au Prince. It's a reminder of just how difficult it is for Haiti to do business with the rest of the world. Who wants to win business in a country where you can be killed for showing up?

    So, I write all this just to emphasize how wonderful it is to do something to help the people of Haiti. I'm all for sacrificial giving - "until there is equality", as Paul wrote to the Corinthians. I wish you every success with the fund-raising project.
  21. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    yes, that is what I said eariler go to Sam's or a warehouse and buy those candy bars go door to door selling them. you will be surprise how fast they go. If people get something right then and there they buy more or seem to buy.

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