Stupid Store Santa!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Ava Rose, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    My friend has a husband who has been out of work for quite sometime. She does work but they are still having difficulties. Well, this Santa promised their little girl a DS for Christmas. Now my friend is scambling to find a used DS because her little girl is so thrilled with this promise. She doesn't want her daughter's heart to be broken either by not getting the DS or by then being told there is no Santa. Not the ideal way to find out. The girl is 5. She got the idea for a DS from her cousin. Anyway, I feel bad for them.

    I was just wondering what people did when their kids believe in Santa but they don't have the money to buy all their gifts. I can't remember what my parents did...they were just a normal middle class family and I know I asked for the world! LOL.

    Anyway, I have no advice for her since we don't do my kids aren't expecting to magically get gifts. So, if any of you have advice let me know. My friend feels so bad for her child. I think it's sad. I'd hate for her to find out there isn't a Santa this way. But, I have to believe that parents have tackled this issue somehow.
  3. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    For awhile, we (and some other parents) got by with "Yes, Santa brings gifts, but mama and daddy have to pay for what he brings."

    I'm still torn about Santa. It's part of the fun of Christmas, pretending and all, but it's not true, so you're lying to your kids... :confused:... As long as my kids were still living at home, regardless of their ages (they're 37 ands 27 now with kids of their own), even though they were long past the Santa stage, there was always at least one present marked "from Santa" under the tree for them. We even did "Santa Mouse" -- a tiny but precious gift, wrapped in a chewing gum wrapper and tied inside the branches, for them to have to hunt for. Don't know if we'll continue that with the grands or not....
  4. wyomom

    wyomom Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    At our house the santa comes from dh. I think the girls would be fine if there were just gifts from family and friends but he insists on doing the whole thing. rrr oh well . Sorry but I don't have any advice. I try to explain to the girls the true meaning of the season and counter balance dh materialistic view. That is one thing we can never agree on.
  5. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    First, I'd let the store know that "Santa" isn't following protocol so that he can be educated. Then, I'd have "Santa" get her something else that she will like and leave a note. Maybe "Santa" should send her a note of apology right away, so she has time to adjust her expectations. She's FIVE-- five year old get excited about the junky toys they put in fast food meals -- I think she find enjoyment in the things her parent got her.

    The child is a victim of product hype more than a a victim of a careless Santa. Once my son told me he wanted some expensive electronic device for which he'd seen an ad on Grandma's TV. I asked him what it did. He didn't know; the ad didn't make function of the product clear, but it did make it clear that he couldn't live without it. Needless to say, he didn't get it, and he lived.
  6. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Can someone let me in on the secret? What is a DS? Should I want one too? :)
  7. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    That's what we did.
  8. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    It's a handheld game system.
  9. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    We don't do the Santa thing either, but I've gone with friends when they took their children. The store Santa's are supposed to be elusive about whether or not the child will get what they asked for. a)the Santa screwed up and the store needs to be notified. b)a DS is not for a 5 year old. She will be hard-pressed to find any games that her daughter will be able to play without assistance.
  10. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    One way I always got around things like that is to start asking early, very early what each of my girls is going to ask Samta for this year. Then I know what to expect. I also have always told them that Santa won't brring just anything - mommy and daddy always have to be ok with the gift and Santa would never bring a child something their parents didn't approve of. That way they dont' ask for something like a puppy! Grace wanted to ask for a ds 2 years ago and we told her she was too young but she could ask in a few years.

    I usually have my girls write their letters at the begining of December. That way they are "sent" already and they can't decide to change their minds. It helps so if I buy what they say they are going to ask Santa for I don't have to worry about them saying "oh no I am going to ask for xyz instead."
  11. Autumnleavz

    Autumnleavz New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Whenever we have to get them something different we always tell them that Santa must have thought they needed this or would enjoy this better. :)

    I can't believe a Santa would do that, that's just messed up.
  12. Shelley

    Shelley New Member

    Apr 23, 2007
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    I would second having Santa leave a letter. He could say, "I'm so sorry I promised you a DS. I'd completely forgotten in all the Christmas rush that the elves had already made you [insert whatever gift here]. I really think you'll like this toy much better, and it was especially made just for you."

    The tooth fairy has had to leave IOU's around here before...silly, forgetful fairy that she is.

    Santa can be forgetful and get presents to kids confused when he's not got the list right in front of him; at least, that's what I would tell a child before I'd go running around buying something we couldn't afford.
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I had to ask Carl; I had no idea, either!
  14. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    My son asked for a DSi this year and he is not getting it. I did find him a Mario game he wanted though. I hope he is happy. I will have to let you know.
  15. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Nintendo DS
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    The kids are getting a Wii from G'ma. I'm loving it, because they know I'm not at all big on video-type stuff. So a Wii came up the other day, and I told them, "I will not discuss a Wii with you! I HAVE discussed it with G'ma, and she knows how I feel about them!!!" End of talk. And it was all true; I HAD discussed it with my mom and had given her the go-ahead, lol!!! They will be SO surprised!!!
  17. 1mom04

    1mom04 New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    Just wanted to say that my son is 5 and plays it just fine. I think it depends on the child.
  18. 1mom04

    1mom04 New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    You're so mean lol My mom did that to me with the original Nintendo...That seems like forever ago lol
  19. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    This is one of the many reasons we don't push the Santa issue in our house. Our children know about St. Nicholas and and the legend of Santa Claus....but they also know that presents come from Mom & Dad do the presents, even the stocking. (as I type this my 10 year old is reading over my shoulder).

    And I think compared to most, we have very modest Christmases. I found out what my sister spent on her kids this year, and I'm just appalled!

    Anyway, I agree with the note and an apology from Santa, or maybe explaining that since Santa is so busy this time of year that the store santa was an "elf" helping out, and misspoke.
  20. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    All this reminds me of a friend who "got rid of Santa" (when they thought it was "time" to do that), instead of just telling the kids flat out that "there is no Santa", they put a piece of red felt with torn edges on a nail in the window sill, with a note from Santa saying that he tore his pants on their nail, and he was angry about that and was never coming back, that they'll have to do their own presents from now on. They "got rid" of the Easter Bunny the following spring, because Bun left a mess of Easter grass all over the house and muddy footprints (smears) on the floor, and Grandma threw a fit and said that the Easter Bunny would never be allowed back again, so the kids would have to color their own Easter eggs and mom and dad would have to get baskets at the store.
  21. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    THAT is funny. I'm curious if it scarred these children for life or if they're in therapy of any kind now? LOL :D

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