I need some help..can this be done

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by my2kids, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. my2kids

    my2kids New Member

    Sep 17, 2007
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    I am running low on funds for Christmas..... I still have my son to get for so im doing that. Than there is SANTA...............:roll: I am trying to think of something to get all of them that wont break me totally. They are getting pretty good stuff from us and grandparents. I almost thought about doing a "gift coupon type thing.....make like a really cool book with coupons in it that they can use for certain things...like for instance...no chores for the whole day, take a bike ride with mom or dad or both. stuff like that. It would be perfect for my 11 yr old as Im pretty sure she doesnt believe anymore but is putting on a front..LOL but I dont know how well my 6 yr old would like that.....than theres my 15 month old...

    What so you think?
  3. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I think it serves our kids well to understand that we give Christmas gifts according to our ability. We don't "do" Santa, but if I did, I think I would relabel one gift that you purchased from you as if it were from Santa and not purchase any new gifts at all. The idea about coupons is excellent! You could even do something on the coupons that would be for each month that wouldn't break the bank if it were spread out. Maybe an icecream night, video/game rental, sleepover with friends, etc.
  4. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Uh...yeah..what Brooke said. I was about to respond then she said what I was thinking. lol.

    Sounds to me like the only one you need to be concerned with is your 6 year old. I have a 16 1/2 month old and if Christmas was cancelled she'd never know. I also have an 11 year old. She has already been informed that she is not getting a DSi because we cannot afford it at this time. She's ok with that. We don't do Santa..so they know if we don't have the funds, we don't have them. However, if I were you..I would just do as Brooke suggested and relabel a gift or two. There is no reason to spend alot of money if you can't. Think of it this way...if you are willing to hand over the money and watch them throw it way..then go ahead! LOL. Honestly, I don't even know what my kids got last Christmas. I do know how many times over the year I've throw junk that used to be nice new stuff away. So, I think your coupon idea is excellent! You don't have to spend money and you get to have some real quality time with your kids or days they will remember or appreciate. Besides, coupons are a gift that keeps giving all yeat. I think they would really appreciate it. Make it so it lasts all year until the next Christmas. Like give each two coupons a month or something. Then next Christmas, you watch and they will beg for another one. I think you found the perfect answer. In fact, I just put one together myself! I was also thinking of buying my kids a little more but really cannot afford it. I think the coupon book is just the thing!
  5. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    i agree with ava and brook, rewrap a gift and say it is from Santa..... we don't do Santa in our house so for us, we told the girls that we would get what we could and not everything on their list...
  6. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    It sounds like they're already getting good gifts from grandparents. Do they really need more? Christmas is what we make it---if we fuss about it, they'll do that too. If we have fun with it as it is, they will too! Money and gifts shouldn't be what it's ALL about! :) I think they can feel blessed they're "getting some pretty good" stuff already! There are many familie's where the kids aren't looking forward to anything!

    Instead of going overboard on gifts for my kids (which I didn't mean to, but often started to do), we started sponsoring families by doing a gift tree, food, etc. There's something about doing for others, even when you're running short on cash yourself, that makes a GREAT Christmas feeling! For years we did 3 "shoe boxes" (since I have 3 kids, and each one did a box) for Operation Christmas Child. They loved that! "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Start them young experiencing and believing that, and they'll grow up compassionate to others needs, not only wanting things for themselves!

    Also, we didn't do Santa either, and told the kids there would be a limited amount for Christmas. We gave a few presents, helped someone else, and get them stuff throughout the year when needed, or sometimes when wanted, so they were always fine with that they got.

    One way to save money is to do those coupons, as you mentioned. We did that for our kids, and our kids made them for us as well! I still have one or two saved---so cute! We all enjoyed handing a coupon to the person sometime throughout the year! So I say go for it!
  7. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    I agree with the others. We also don't do Santa, and until this year, we really didn't do many presents at all because the oldest was too young to care. (He's 4 this year.) My youngest is getting a few things, but they're books or whatever... not a toy store spree by any means. He's 13 mos. He has no clue. He won't be getting much next year, either. I guarantee it. I may be a terrible mom, but we didn't get either of our kids ANYTHING for their first two bdays. We put money in their savings accounts instead. They have no idea, but someday, they'll appreciate it.
  8. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Well, in our house we do Santa, my 11 year old I'm pretty sure is putting on a front this year, he still hasn't told us he doesnt' believe, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't.. or maybe this is that year that he isn't sure about it yet.

    Anyway, for us, we would give the better gifts from Santa, in our house Santa is magical and can give things that we can't afford (he is bringing us a Wii this year ;) ), and I would make the coupon books and some other esy to make yourself gifts from you and daddy.
  9. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I think it sounds great!!!
  10. tiffharmon2001

    tiffharmon2001 New Member

    Nov 3, 2009
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    Sounds like our house. :) My 11 year old is the same. I think she still wants to believe, but isn't sure anymore.

    We also do Santa. My kids know that the list they make for Santa is just a suggestion. He will choose the things he thinks are best for them and that's what they will get. They still ask for things like puppies and ponies, but they know that it's probably not going to happen. My 8 year old asked for a DSi this year (which we CANNOT possibly afford). I told her that Santa might not think she's old enough for one this year because she hasn't taken care of other things she has (she bought herself a used Ipod last year). So, she knows not to expect it on Christmas morning. (although grandma has decided that she does need one and so she will get it on Christmas night).

    Anyway, I would do what the others have suggested and give some of the things you've already bought from Santa and then do the coupon books and maybe some little things (nothing wrong with dollar store toys) from you. My kids don't even remember usually who brought them what anyway.
  11. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I just thought of one of the ways we try to keep from hopes getting too high on big gifts, this was more important last year when we really had no money for Christmas, but has helped this year too with the changing what they ask for a million times, we tell them that times with Santa have changed since we were kids and we now have to pay Santa for the things he brings... so they know that if it's not really in our budget then they shouldn't hold their breath for it (even though we do try to over do it a bit... it's part of the magic of the season!)
  12. ccmmum

    ccmmum New Member

    Aug 7, 2009
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    One thing we always done to help with the Santa thing is that "Santa" only fills their stockings-I started that after reading the Little House books. That way "santa" only has to come up with little things!;)
  13. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    For the birthdays I have done coupons.

    I make it look really cool with stickers and fancy print, but I make them for webkinz of their choice next time we are at Hallmark (or at a later date)-------- I don't know if that would work for santa but I make it seam like I just wanted them to pick out the one they wanted.

    Maybe a coupon would work for Santa if you use red and green paper and write something that goes like:
    Dear ______________,
    I know you've been a good girl/boy this year, and I know your mommy and daddy really appreciate that. Keep up the good work!! I wanted to bring you a _______________ but so many of my elves got the "swine flu" this year and the toys just didn't get made. I am giving out coupons this year for all the good girls and boys to go with their parents to _________store to get your special gift. But only ________ store will take my special coupons because I called them to tell them you would be coming.
    Merry Christmas
    Santa Claus
  14. my2kids

    my2kids New Member

    Sep 17, 2007
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    I guess I shouldn't have used the wording I did.... I have funds just didn't want to use them all on a dsi and a highschool musical house. Me and hubby sat down and talked about this and came up with a great soultion after I finally bent on following and agreed..LOL.... They are getting a PUPPY and all the dog stuff from us and santa... We are giving them the dog and than we aret elling them santa and parent scommunicate so Santa thought getting the puppy all her stuff would be great.
  15. my2kids

    my2kids New Member

    Sep 17, 2007
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    I guess I shouldn't have used the wording I did.... I have funds just didn't want to use them all on a DSI and a high school musical house. Me and hubby sat down and talked about this and came up with a great solution after I finally bent on following and agreed..LOL.... They are getting a PUPPY and all the dog stuff from us and santa... We are giving them the dog and than we are telling them santa and parents communicate so Santa thought getting the puppy all her stuff would be great. We got the puppy for free from some friends. It is a boston terrier... very cute and small. :)

    I did sopme playing the computer and typed a note from Santa explaining that he thought the puupy needed her stuff so he brought that stuff instead of what they asked for since he knows how long they have been wanting a dog... :)

    We are getting the puppy around 9 pm Christmas Eve and bringing it home where it will stay in our room till the wee morning and we will put her in the carrier under the tree with all the stuff right before they come down.. They cant come down till 6:30..LOL

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