Health Curriculum

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Brenda, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Have a dilema...

    My oldest son is in grade 7 (in public school). The health curriculum (set out by the provincial government) is outrageous (they will be learning about condom flavors, sexuality, pregnancy, etc). Being who I am, I'm going head to head with our government and refusing to allow him to participate in the classes.

    Does anyone know of a decent curriculum for health (I would prefer something Christian based, but as long as it's not explicit like the governemnt wants to teach, I'll be ok with almost anything right now)?

    Thank you,
  3. Trudy Powell

    Trudy Powell New Member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    My children are not this age yet, but I have seen one mentioned called "Facing the Facts" by Stand and Brenna Jones. It's for ages 11-14 and the description says it "gives adolescents all the information they need to understand exactly what's happening to their bodies and why God planned it that way." Also discussed is why God wants sex saved for marriage, pregnancy and giving birth, dating issues and sexual pressures teens face. You might log on to Christian Book Distributors under their homeschooling section (I can't find my book right now) and see what they have - they may even have this book available.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Trudy, I checked and our library carries that book! My daughter is fifth grade, and I need to have "the talk" with her soon. Not because she's physically at a place where she needs it yet, but because the PS gives it in fifth grade, and I don't want her best friend discuss it with her before I do. (Her best friend might NOT, but I don't want to take that chance.) She's also on a girls soccer team, and one of the youngest on the team. Again, I don't want anything said before I get to talk with her. Do you think this book gives "too much" information for her age? I did put a reserve on it, so I can look at it seriously soon. DH and I were suppose to go through Dobson's "Preparing for Adolescence" while the kids were at camp, but never got around to it.
  5. TinaTx

    TinaTx New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I haven't used any *put together* per se so far. What I did this past year is when we discussed our human body section, I talked some about it with my boys. What I did use was reference books that had drawings as opposed to more graphic photographs.

    My mother was a midwife, and she had tons of books on midwifery,anatomy of human body,etc. I used these with my boys and discussed the questions they had, and then dad did the rest.

    However with that being said, I notice that your son is 7th grade already. No doubt some of his peers may have informed him of what THEY think.

    Do you have the help of his father? Children feel more comfortable at times, if possible,with the same sex parents. I have 3 boys. 9,7,and 4yo. Already the oldest feels more comfortable talking to Dad about some things he was wondering.

    I also heard about Abeka's health books, and some parents in our group used them. I don't know if they still print them. Even ones out of print would be sufficient imho.

    You are certainly right, that defining morality is a parent's job, not teachers.

    Check This book/website is an exhaustive and comprehensive collection of tons of homeschool curriculum at reduced prices. I have noticed with them that it does take a while for them to mail your order, but the price at times is worth it. Browse to see what christian resources fit what you might want him to know and what you don't want to introduce to him.

    See if that helps any....

    Tina Tx
  6. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Tracy's (my husband) initial reaction was to let the school teach it, then he wouldn't have to teach it (he's not comfortable talking about sex to his boys, but if he isn't someone else will be - and who knows who that might be). and then I got him on the phone with friends from church and he has somewhat changed his tune a little (the taste of condoms realy through him for a loop).

    I have all my nursing books, but they're really over his head. I will look at CBD and see what I can find there. Anything has to be an improvement over what the school wants to teach.

  7. Trudy Powell

    Trudy Powell New Member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Brenda -

    I had another thought as well - you might check out the Focus on the Family web site and see if they have any recommendations. They have a lot of good resources, and I think they have a 1-800 number where you could even call and ask someone's opinion on a good resource.

    Another thing - my husband grew up as a preacher's kid, and his father never discussed the birds and the bees with him - he just learned about it at school, from friends, etc., and I think he resents the fact that his dad never took the time to discuss it. It was probably an "uncomfortable" subject for his dad, but as an adult, my husband thinks he should have at least attempted it.

    I'm sure there is some really great information that will help you all as you approach this uncomfortable, but very, very necessary topic.

    Best to you,
  8. CrystalB9

    CrystalB9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    Brenda - I have two boys in 7th grade this year. We are using Total Health for Middle School by Susan Boe. It is a Christian curriculum. We are only on chapter four, but love it!! We bought the workbooks that go with the book. You can order this from most Christian book stores or here are some websites that might help. on the left side you will see shop books - click that then health.
    The publishing companys website is

    Hope this helps!!
  9. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Condom Flavors, huh?
    I fell over at CVS a week ago when some man came up to the Pharmacy counter and pointed out chicken flavored ones.
    There's something totally wrong when you can get flavored condoms, but there's no cure for cancer.
  10. CrystalB9

    CrystalB9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    Chicken???? I dont even know how to comment to that one??? :shock:
  11. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well, I (and 105 + other disgruntled parents) flooded into an office last night to try to get them to change the curriculum. I thought I was going to vomit. The public health nurse (who also has an education degree and helped create the curriculum) referred like this "You can't teach the Canada Food Guide without modeling it in the cafeteria, the same that you can't teach sex education without modeling it". :shock: :shock:

    God help me please! Our pastor was there too (when he saw all the pople who showed up, he turned to us and said "I can see a sermon coming on".

    I was so sick about what I was hearing, I got up and left. When I came home and gave DH a letter describing the contents of the curriculum he almost fainted and backed me up on not allowing Christian (or the other two when they get there) to participate in that garbage.

    What is this world coming to? Why can't they teach abstinance. The health nurse was oh so concerned about teenage preganacy and then they teach about it (and they are pro-abortion in their teaching). I'm sorry - way to much for me :x :x

  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Do these 105 others also have children in the class? Would it be pssible to organze so that ALL of you were keeping them out? That would get their attention. The nurse feels that you guys had your little say, now it will be "business as normal", and you'll all fall in line when it comes time.
  13. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well, as we were going in to the meeting a letter was passed around to all the parents there and if you agreed with it we were supposed to send it to the Premier of the province and to the Minister of Education. In the letter, (whoever wrote it) they tried to say that removing the child from the class was unacceptable because it would make them a target of teasing and such for other children. Maybe so but it's a chance I'll take.

    I may be one of the few that remove their child from the classes (the parents want the curriculum changed), but I firmly believe that this type of information is highly inapproopriate and by allowing my child to participate in it is only allowing them to go ahead and teach it basically telling the district of Education that I don't mind them poluting my child's mind.

    I would even go so far as to teach the age appropriate curriculum to the other children involved. Nursing doesn't only take place in the hospitals, prevention is also a key factor in healthy living. As far as sex education is concerned, abstinance is the way to prevent a lot of things...STD's, pregnancy, etc.


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