A rant and prayer request

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by mommix3, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    We NEED a new place to live.Our credit stinks so we can't buy and couldn't afford it right now anyway. Rental houses are slim and none around here right now because of all the windfarm workers moving in. We HAVE to get out of this house!! We've been here for a LONG time. Rented from MIL. She can't afford to fix the place up:roll:, and neither can we.The roof is leaking like crazy. The air conditioners we have don't work worth a flip. It's 88 degrees in here right now. Thank goodness for fans. We've done all we can, she's screaming for rent. We pay the taxes and fix up here and there. Take care of plumbing problems and electrical problems all on our own.Hubby even tried to roof the house, but then hurt his back. Since Hubby's back is acting up again his paychecks are not as good as they should be and the bills are piling up. The fact that hubby is working like he is with his back messed up and SHE is supporting my druggie sister in law enrages me. This girl doesn't have a job and was living with MIL for over a year with her daughter. MIL kicks her out and then proceeds to buy her a car AND pays for her an appartment. I don't get it. We are doing our best when SIL is not even trying.... My stress level is sky high. And I'm starting to HATE my MIL. That's not a good thing. Please pray that we can find somewhere better than this. With landlords who care and will take care of the property like they should.. ~~Rant over~~
  3. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    And wanted to let you know-I know how you feel! My brother is.....ah...he's almost 50 but acts like a 16 year old. No respect for anyone, all about girls (sluts-sorry but true-his last girlfriend was a prostitute!) lives at home with my parents lies to them constantly (says he's working or looking fo rwork but is taking some girl on a vacation!), stole over $1000 from us, and my mom complains about every dime she has to lend us when hubby is out of work and IS looking REALLY hard for work and we're pinching pennies like crazy! Makes me so mad!

    You're not alone-I will be praying for you and your family!
  4. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Hey, hun, you're not alone. I really think part of it is the economy bringing all of us down. :( It's sad. I am in the same boat you are. Yesterday we decided to move back into my parents house at the beginning of February or January if we can survive the winter. The house is ok, but it's not worth $700 a month, plus natural gas, electricity, and so on. Just "living" here is killing us. Plus groceries, and things.

    We had a terrible time trying to get a loan as well when we were looking for a house. LOL we swore that every bank and loan person we went to disenfected their office after we left. They weren't very nice at all, rude, condesending. ANYWAY, so there will be 8 people living in my parents house, bbut it will definately ease the financial burden of my parents and ourselves. I am praying for you, just know you're not alone, ok!
  5. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    come to south Texas alot of housing here. We have the wind farmers here too. Sorry to hear you are going through this I think alot of people are. In Laws are fun.
  6. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Praying for all of you in need of good housing and work. And praying for your hubby's back. I know how hard it can be for them to work with back pain. Try Robax Platinum if you can for it. My hubby used it and says it helps a lot when his back flares up.
    And remember your MIL is just stuck in the trap of enabling her daughter. She is still a mother and sometimes no matter how misguided it is when drugs/alcohol are involved mothers just want to 'help'.
    I can understand that you are feeling it is unjustified for her to expect money from you but she is probably feeling the pinch from 'helping' her daughter. Not that it excuses her behavior but perhaps sheds new light on it.
    Pray that your MIL will see the light. After grandbabies are just as important if not more so due to their age then adult children.
  7. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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  8. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Major decisions, such as where to live, really must be dispassionate decisions. What family members or friends do for others can't enter into the equation. I know that, in reality, it's hard to accept when others are being unfair, but it really is irrelevant to your current situation.

    What matters is what you are paying right now, what you get for it, and whether this is the lifestyle you want. Can you get a better deal elsewhere? Can you afford the current rent? How much more or less could you afford? Could you commit to that amount for at least a year? For two years? Indefinitely? Do you want to stay in the town where you live? Are you willing to move away? If so, how far?

    Maybe it's worth writing down a list of all the options available to you and noting the benefits and the costs of each. Just going through that exercise might help you to decide on the most appropriate option.

    At one time, when we lived in England, we lived in what's known as the Midlands. My wife was at home with our two small children, so I was the only wage earner. We could only afford to live in a former public housing area, and we could afford no car, no TV, no nights out or vacations, and only the cheapest food, etc. - and still we made a loss. (This was because I was earning a low wage and the train fare to/from London each day was more than the taxes we paid.) The family next door were permanently unemployed - neither parent had worked a day in their lives - yet, because of welfare programs, they brought in considerably more than I did. Worse still, the business people at the railroad station ignored me because I lived in a public housing area, and our neighbors ignored us because I went to work in a suit. We were ostracized by almost everyone, and it was a terrible time.

    People gave us all kinds of advice, but much of it was based on emotion. Some urged me to give up my job and become unemployed (it would have meant a significant increase in income), but I wouldn't do it. Others urged me to work for a local company, but it was a most depressing place. In the end, we weighed up all the options and chose to relocate to a company office in the US. We knew no one there, we had no idea what to expect, and it meant we wouldn't see our extended families for years. Nonetheless, we took a leap of faith because, when we considered all our options, it appeared to offer the best possibilities.

    Yes, we struggled during those early years in the US, and we missed seeing our families back in Britain, but we made many new friends here and adapted to the new situation. Looking back, it was clearly the right decision. When considering all the trade offs, moving thousands of miles away offered the most potential to escape the awful situation we were in. Maybe a move is right for you, or maybe it's not. I would urge you, though, to ignore all the side issues and compile a realistic list of options - ones that you could afford. Make the trade offs, and make a decision based on what offers the most hope for you and your children in the long term.

    Maybe, just maybe, your MIL's kindness will help to turn around your SIL's life. Whatever the outcome, though, you must not allow your future to be held ransom to it.
  9. cindymae

    cindymae New Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    I will be praying for you and your living circumstances.

    I know what you are going through, trust me. ))))Hugs((((
  10. Carla W.

    Carla W. New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
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    I'll be praying for you and your family.

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