How many lessons/activities do your kids do?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Stone_Family3, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. Stone_Family3

    Stone_Family3 New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Outside of homeschooling. I know some of you have your kids in sports or clubs like 4-H.

    I'm just curious what types of things your kids do? How old are they?

    DD will be 4 in January and I'm thinking of putting her in Karate on Mondays, Library story time on Tuesdays and a park lesson/program one other day a week.
  3. 2boysmomma

    2boysmomma New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    I'll be curious to see other responses. It's easy to get overwhelmed with so much activity!

    My DS is 5 and and I also have a 3 yr old. They are both in swim lessons 2x per week (starting in Sept, but they had them in the winter/spring, too). The 3yro will do preschool 2 days a week, we will have homeschool coop 1x week. Next week, 5 yro will start soccer 2x week until October. He also wants to play flag football, but I don't know the schedule for that yet. I would love to get the oldest in piano lessons, but just not sure I'll want to try and fit it in! We're starting Classical Conversations, so he'll some music and learning a tin whistle, so that may be enough for now. It's our first official year of HS, so I want to start slow!

    Oh, and I am pg with #3, due in March! Not sure how much we'll do once the little one arrives!
  4. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    We're still working on some details, but so far we have

    DS 14- Boy Scouts (should get Eagle within a year)

    DD12- competitive swimmer (5 practices per week, plus monthly meets)

    DD9- ballet classes (2x per week)

    DD6- starting competitive swimming (2 x per week, there will be less meets for her)

    I'm trying to find a co-op for DS, mostly for Biology lab, but I haven't been successful. I'm also hoping our library has it's usual Teen Classics Book Club for him. It counts as Lit, but they haven't finalized plans this year.

    We've done art classes at the library in the past. We're signed up for month-long Sat. morning classes for the month of Sept. at a local art college (FREE!!).
  5. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Right now, just church. We have one car and dh has a varied schedule which makes outside activities difficult. However, I am going to try to get swim lessons to fit in this school year.
  6. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    My kids haven't really had any extra stuff yet, except my ds has been doing cub scouts since he was 8. This fall I am going to put all 4 oldest kids in the local homeschooling classes at the ymca. So twice a week they will go and have gym, art and swim lessons. My ds will still do cub scouts in addition. Other than that we don't do much. Oh yeah we do go to our co-ops park days twice a month when we remember.
  7. NYCitymomx3

    NYCitymomx3 Member

    Jul 9, 2008
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    This year ds (9) will have:

    Cub Scouts (Fri 5:30pm)
    Basketball (or karate) (Sat/Sun ?)
    Chess Club (Fri 4pm)
    Theater Class (Tue 5:30pm)
    LEGO Robotics class (Thu 12:30pm)
    CCD (Sun 10:45am)
    Science class at a museum (Fri 12:30pm)
    Science co-op (Wed 3pm)
    Homeschool game day at a pool hall (with chess, ping pong, & foosball) (Tue 12pm)
    Art workshop at an art museum (Sun 12pm)
    Art workshop at the sculpture park (Sat 12pm)

    These are all weekly.
  8. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    I find it easy to be overbooked. But one of the key reasons we homeschool is so that we are not bound to a busy schedule.

    DS 4.5:
    monday - music at 1:30
    Thursday - Boys club 6:45pm
    Soccer is one practice on an evening and game saturday morning

    DS 3 - music wednesday morning, bball lesson for 10 weeks once a week starting in October.

    That is starting to seem really busy to me! But so much out there that we could do. We passed up on homeschool swimming and skating lessons through our local homeschool group. And I haven't counted my weekly mommy group.

  9. MamaKittyCat

    MamaKittyCat New Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    We've cut back. The past two falls we've done Upward cheer -- hubby coaches football. But it hit us that it is just way too much.

    All we have now (and it is still a lot!) is
    AWANA -Wed
    Piano Thurs
    Co-op Friday
    Sunday Night church

    When we were doing cheer that made Tuesday and Saturdays fill up too.

    Mine are only 8 - 3rd grade.
  10. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Monday is co-op from 11-3, so that’s all the school we do that day! LOL
    Tuesday is Cub Scouts
    Friday is playgroup, library and/or field trips/Family fun day.

    Plus they go to Grammy's house almost daily-does that count?
  11. zombientraining

    zombientraining New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    So far, DS has choir practice 2x a week, which strts back up on Monday.

    I am also planning to join a homeshoolers co-op in September. Their first meeting is on September 9, and their weekly co-op classes start on the 14th.

    We may only attend the co-op classes 2x a month. It all depends how busy we are with the new baby, due October 10th!
  12. mom_2_3

    mom_2_3 Active Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    DD14 is taking Art (fundamentals of drawing, 2nd year), Wednesday
    and Sewing on Thursdays

    The other two are not in classes yet due to limited funds. But soon I would like to have DD6 get into gymnastics or ballet. DS12 thinks he's too old to do anything like gymnastics or art class so for him, I want to buy the homeschool computer programming course.
  13. Stone_Family3

    Stone_Family3 New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Wow. Thanks everyone. I was hesitant to schedule activities in fear that it would be too much. After reading what all your kids do I think those three activities will be perfect for my DD. Especially since she's only doing preschool. It will give her plenty of interaction and instruction from others.
  14. Claraskids

    Claraskids New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    With my oldest, we had activities going on every day. But we also had better finances.
    When money got tight, I realized that as a child I'd had no extra activities until sixth grade and did just fine. So we are focusing on doing on what is truly uplifting or beneficial to our family.
    All three kids have AWANAs on Wed night.
    The oldest two will be starting Tae Kwon Do for the first time ever. We're using it for the phy ed requirement. (Tuesday evenings)
    We also do park days once a week with other homeschoolers.
    That's more than enough for us.
  15. twogirlsmommy

    twogirlsmommy New Member

    Oct 13, 2007
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    Together the girls and I have
    Bible Study (Tuesday, AM, I run the program)
    CBS (Wed AM)
    Homeschool Coop Starting Oct 1

    DD9 has...
    Soccer (just for the fall)
    Horseback Riding (she does't ride from Dec-March)

    DD4 has...
    Speech Therapy
    Horseback Riding (starting in April)

    We also do a library trip once a week, church on the weekends (DH and DD9 go to church on the 1st Wed of the month), and swimming lessons come spring.
  16. pecangrove

    pecangrove New Member

    Jan 13, 2007
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    My DS is almost 8 and he does Cub Scout on Tuesday nights and karate on Thursday nights. My dad teaches him guitar once a week for about 30 min, and he is supposed to start golf lessons in the fall once a week during the AM. We stay fairly busy, but try to keep thing spaced out enough to not cause burn-out for either of us! lol
  17. housemom4

    housemom4 New Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    DDs 7 & 9 have choir Mondays and piano on Thursdays
    Ds 5 football on Thursday
    DD 2 isn't involved in anything yet
    We have church on Wednesday evenings and Sunday

    I agree with mykidsrock, one of the reasons we homeschool is so we don't have to be too busy. We do park days as they come up. In the past we have had a much busier schedule and it just didn't work for me, I need time to just enjoy being at home w/o the pressure that we need to get ready to go again.
  18. frogger

    frogger New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    I get tired just looking at all those. My children are going to be in swimming this year which is a must until they are all decent swimmers since we are around water a lot. I'm tempted to put them all in some sort of Martial Art since many of the programs in this area accept all ages and we may do skiing all together. I do this since we are pretty cooped up in the winter they need to get out to exercise. If I put them in a sport they would all be at different gender and age levels and we would be running all the time and they would each get to use only a small fraction of that time for exercise. If someone develops a particular love for a sport I might change my mind. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit some music lessons in the schedule somehow.
  19. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Oldest boy is 3, so we don't do much except go to the park every once in awhile. DH has the car to go to work everyday, unless we wanted to get up super early w/ him and take him and pick him up later (which can be a hassle).
  20. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    My childrern are 10,6 and 5. This is our school year game plan:
    soccer for the younger two in our community (now)
    volleyball for the oldest in our community (next month)
    my girls will have scouts in our community
    my son will be going to scouts 45 mintues away (long story)
    karate for all three in our community
    awana for all three if the scouts is a fit for my son in the community 45 minutes away. It's right after scouts so we can hang out for that and go home after awanas.
    sunday school and kids chourus for all three which is 5 minutes away
  21. ediesbeads

    ediesbeads Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    We are pretty busy this year.

    Monday (every 2 weeks) is coop in the mornings - then my two girls have Girl Scouts in the evenings

    Tuesday is religious ed for my son

    Wednesday is piano and youth group

    Thursday and Friday aren't booked!

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