Update on potty training...and more help needed!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by 2boysmomma, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. 2boysmomma

    2boysmomma New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Hi all, remember my woes of potty training post a while back? Well, I put my son in undies and after a day or two he started having some success (about 50/50) in the potty. He even had some poop success! I was so excited! Then I had a 3 day workshop. The kids were in play camp so I put him in a pull up since he was still having some accidents. After the workshop was done, I put him back in undies and things just really clicked for him the next day. He started going potty on his own, he wakes up dry every morning and rarely has pee accidents.

    My problem though, is that he is NOT pooping on the potty. I spent every day for 3+ weeks cleaning out poopy underwear, sometimes several times a day. It was awful! We went on a couple of camping trips, so to avoid having messy undies, I put him in a pull up. So far he's doing well to continue going pee in the potty and not the pull up, although he does get lazy at times and uses the pull up for pee. But, he poops in the pull up everyday. I know if he were in undies, he would poop in those.

    So, my question is looking for suggestions to help him poop on the potty. My oldest did the same thing. Got the pee down pat, quickly, at 3.5 yrs. He still needed a pull up at night and would get up early, poop, then I could put him in undies and he wouldn't poop again until the next morning. I tried prizes, charts, rewards, you name it. He'd get excited, but the next morning he would wake me up with that "lovely" smell. ugh..FINALLY, just after turning 4, he said, "I'm not going to poop in my pull up anymore." And that was it.

    So, do you think I am enabling him by letting him wear a pull up? I just HATE cleaning out the undies. I just don't know what to do. He'll be 4 in February and I am due with #3 in late March. I would REALLY love at least some kind of break in changing diapers and cleaning up poop before the next one comes along.

    I think he is certainly old enough and aware enough that I think he's basically saying "I'm in control". Please, ANY ideas would be GREAT!!! Thanks....and so sorry for the long post!
  3. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Well maybe have him clean the undies out himself once or twice... He's old enough to understand and if you have him do it, it might click. So I would put him back in the undies when he has the mess take him to the bathroom and tell him he has to clean it up..
  4. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Kris harsh but true that might work. Wish I had thought of it when my son was potting training.
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I'm agreeing with Kris!

    One time, Rachael was in undies, Faythe was in a diaper. Rachael HAD to go, there was NOWHERE for her to go and we were in a position where we couldn't leave where we were. So I took the undies off Rachael, put one of Faythe's diapers on her and told her just to go ahead and pee in it! Felt so bad telling her to do that, but didn't know what else to do! Then we changed her back into her undies.
  6. 2boysmomma

    2boysmomma New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Kris, that may be worth trying, but I see a bigger mess that I'll eventually have to clean up. I can see poop falling out of the underwear and on the floor as he takes it off, then him not wiping his bottom well enough, then getting more poop all over him, the clean undies, and who knows where else!

    One thing I tried that another friend did with her son, was take him outside and spray him off. I even let the water spray in his face, which he DID NOT like. He fussed and cried and I told him that if he would poop in the potty we wouldn't have to do this!

    I don't know. It's just frustrating, but I am starting to feel like I have no control, just like with my oldest. I guess he'll do it when he feels like it. It just honestly makes me so mad sometimes! GGRRRRR...

    needless to say, today has been a hard day emotionally for me! Ugh....thanks for letting me vent!
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    You will have to do the cleaning, but he can help you. I like the idea of spraying. Or you can just give him a cold shower....

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