high school math and other subjects...part 2

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by grace girl, May 18, 2006.

  1. grace girl

    grace girl New Member

    May 18, 2006
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    I didn't want the other thread on math to be too long, so here's part 2:

    We've always been really eclectic, and fairly laid back, so I took this same approach into high school. You already know what I use for math, so here are the other subjects:

    1. Science: we use the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia as our main text. Each subject is about one or two pages of information... he reads this, then determines on his own (with my input) if he wants to go further into the subject or be done with it. Going further involves more research using other books and Internet resources. When he's finished a subject I require him to do something to show what he's learned. He varies between doing artwork, writing papers, doing illustrations, or making models. I try to allow him a lot of freedom of choice so he will enjoy what he's doing and actually learn something.
    2. History: Kingfisher World History combined with Mysteries of History. We do the same thing with this that we do with science.
    3. Language: I try to incorperate it into the history and science work but we also do a few grammar lessons a week, and he reads books that we choose together and does some reports.

    I know it sounds simplistic, but it works for us. He works independently, with my input, and he keeps me well informed of what he's doing. The only subject they have ever had tests in has been math, and I kept it that way for high school. As he gets further into HS I will add more tests simply for practice for his future college experience.

    I hope all of this info helps someone!
  3. Brad89

    Brad89 New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    Well, im using the Switched on Schoolhouse (SOS) studies right now. Its my first year with their programs and i really like it. I usually can do all the work without asking for help from my dad, mainly because of the resources that are available. Internet, books, other individuals, and so on. There are some times where i want to go and just sit down with a pencil and paper and figure out the problems, but doing work on the computer kind of prohibits that.

    I think it would be ideal if i would be able to get a laptop and do my work wherever i want.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Hi, Grace! We're finishing up MOH this year...it took us two to go through it! I used it with all three of my kids (grades 6, 4, and K). We're going to start Volume II next year! I've absolutely loved it!!!

    For science, we've been doing "Considering God's Creation", again with all three kids. Again, it's worked well for us, though I wouldn't say I "loved" it! But my kids have picked up a lot from it. Next year, my oldest will be doing Apologia General Science. It will be a challange, because she'll have to do a lot of it more or less on her own. We also did two books with "Total Language Plus" this year. I would give her a whole unit's worth of assignments and she had a week and a half to finish it and be ready to move on to the next unit. It was a good experience for her!

    As I said before, math is the big thing for me. My DH has taught high school computers, and due to cuts will have to switch to math next year. He brought home all kinds of higher math books that the district was getting rid of. I started the algebra last year (she tested into Algebra on the Saxon placement test), and it was AWFUL!!! He said it was my attitude. I don't think so!!! I finally got him to consider a pre-algebra book that was really a good choice for her. Next year, he wants me to try the free algebra book again. He's hoping after a year of pre-algebra, she'll do fine with it. I told him I would, but he has also promised me that if it doesn't work out, I can buy WHAT I WANT!!! So I want to have an idea of what it is I want if needed!

    My problem with Saxon is that they don't treat Geometry as a seperate subject.
  5. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Jackie, here in Cal, they made Computors a required course for 9th grade math.

    Also I was wondering abotu Saxon and Geometry , cause they call my 9th ds Algerbra but they do Geometry in it too?
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    My husband taught repair, web design, programing, A+, Cisco (and no, none of that makes much sense to me, lol!) He is a bit frustrated about not teaching computers next year; I told him to consider opening up our home one night a week to teach a group of HS kids. He REALLY liked that idea!

    From what I understand, geometry is added into their higher math courses, but it's not a seperate class. Also, the current trend in math is away from proofs in geometry. I don't know how Saxon deals with proofs, but I think they're important.
  7. TinaTx

    TinaTx New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I began Apologia General Science with my, let me see what grade would he be next year, 6th grade....So I guess we are finishing 5th grade..

    And OH MY GOODNESS, we have already fallen in love with it!!!!!!!!!

    Of course, I'm starting it now because with my schedule and having graduated a class of newbies, hosting a bookfair, and working the newbie booth at Arlington, our homeschool lacked the last few months.

    But that is okay too, because i school year around, but I will really be hitting it harder these next few months still recuperating from moving too.

    I'm waffling about math too.

    Chalkdust uses some of the Hougton Mifflin for Math and Calvert now has an Algebra 1 or maybe its PreAlgebra by Prentice Hall that they use.

    I have the ISBN so I'm waffling about that.

    I still don't care for Saxon either.....the incremental approach drags out too much for the oldest,kwim?

    I know a lot of hsers swear by it, but I too need more Geometry..

    The *Key to* series ranks up pretty high in Cathy Duffy's books....and I have used them before on the lower grades for a skill or two....
  8. grace girl

    grace girl New Member

    May 18, 2006
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    I hadn't heard that they weren't using proofs anymore in geometry...that was the only part I liked!!

    We started using Saxon with the 65 book, which is 5th or 6th grade level. I've found introductory geometry in the 87 book (7th or 8th grade). My oldest has used thier Algebra 1 this year, and it's had a lot of geometry in it, much of which was NEVER covered when I was in a geometry class. From what I understand the geometry is continued to be added the remaining upper level books, as well.
    My son likes the way it weaves back and forth....and he won't have to leave algebra behind in order to study geometry, which as I recall, was a major portion of the second half of geometry class in high school.

    I do understand that Saxon isn't right for everyone, though. I seriously considered dumping it earlier this year until we found the DIVE cd.
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    If the book we have doesn't work out, I'm leaning toward Saxon with the DIVE CD's. I switched Rachael from Horizons to Saxon in 5th grade. She did 65 and 76, and then did this pre-algebra book. Saxon was really a good fit for her, and it wouldn't bother me to go back to it. Next year, I'll be moving my middle child from Horizons to Saxon 54. I'm not sure how it will work; she does things so differently from her sister!

    Grace, does Saxon do proofs?
  10. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I still think proofs were the best part of math I ever had to do in any grade. how sad they are taking them out. I don't understnd why they are removing them either. they teach logical thinking.
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Grace, you said you did Apologia science? I've a question about that. (Or for anyone else who knows!) Rachael will be twelve, starting "seventh grade". I've bought Apologia General Science for the fall. Tonight I went to a curriculum sale, and ended up buying Apologia Biology, simply because it was too good a deal to turn up ($15 for book, tests/solutions, and unopened CD!!!), figuring I'd use it in a year or two. Well, Rachael's friend's mom was checking us out, and she commented that she was planning on doing a Biology lab NEXT year (2007). I'd really like to do that, but it would mean going straight from General Science to Biology, skipping the Physical Science. How important is it to take the classes in order? Could I do Biology in 8th grade and then Physical Science in ninth without any trouble?
  12. mom2ponygirl

    mom2ponygirl New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    Harold Jacob's Geometry 2nd edition still covers all the proofs. I've even heard - but haven't checked it out - that you can buy the 3rd edition and the publisher will allow you to download the sections on proofs from the 2nd edition. Also if your kid can qualify to take math through the Stanford EPGY program, their high school geometry is heavy on proofs and highly regarded. From what I hear most people still regard proofs as an important component to preparing for higher level math. Hopefully the pendulum will swing back toward including it again.
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Carl had two other Algebra books. One is "Introductory Algebra I", which he says will be more similar to pre-algebra. The other is "HBJ Algebra 1". This book is so much easier than the one I tried last year. So I got on Alibris and found a Teacher's Manual for $8! He said to go ahead and get it, and even if I decided not to use it, he might be teaching algebra next year and could possibly use it with review for his class. I feel so much better now, not feeling that I "have" to use that other (nasty) book! And I'm so glad Alibris doesn't have eBay's policy on teacher manuals!
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    What is Alibris? (I probably missed something earlier, I haven't read all the messages in this thread.)
  15. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Well Sami has an awfully long time till she gets to geometry.. we are currently working on subtraction up to 20. ;) Hopefully the tred will be to add proofs back in by then, and if not...well I can always find older books at least for that section.
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    It's a place that sells books like eBay or Amazon, only they are willing to sell TM's. I found the TM for Rachael's pre-algebra book there last year.
  17. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Thanks Jackie. So is the address alibris.com?
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, I think so. I had forgotten about it, and Marylyn found some other books I was looking for there and reminded me about the place.
  19. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    My dd will start highschool this coming fall and we are doing the Abeka program. Where I order all the books and teach her myself.
  20. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Vicky, that is what I wanted to do for English this year, but at this point we are not yet. What is the price for the english for first year High School?
  21. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    I paid around 50 for the student copy, teacher copy,test and test key. These are totally new. And the most recent ones.

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