What should I be doing with my 2 year old?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by hilhillrn, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. hilhillrn

    hilhillrn New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Hey everyone! I am more of a lurker on this board as my oldest is only 2. :)

    We plan on homeschooling, but Im just worried Im not doing ENOUGH with my 2 year old. I know she's too young for formal schooling, but she is not very verbal to begin with (still isnt using 2 word sentences), much to my dismay.

    Anyone have a resource on what I should be doing with her? Right now we just do the every day stuff... She plays a lot and I am trying to teach her colors and counting. We read a lot of books and picture books. Maybe when she starts talking more and asking questions this will all fall into place? Im also not very crafty (at all!) so does anyone have a resource that could help me with this?

  3. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    http://www.allkidsnetwork.com/crafts/ is a good one as is http://www.dltk-kids.com/. Keep doing what you are doing and read, read, read to her. You could also look into library programs for storytime. And don't worry too much about crafts some kids love them like my son and others like my daughter really don't. So just let her lead your learning right now. If she likes something read about it together. Have fun they are only teeny for so long :)
  4. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    You should be reading to her, coloring with her, playing with her and learning just by living. NOTHING should be formal at 2. NOTHING.
  5. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    Sounds like you're doing great!! :) Talk to your pediatrician about her speech if it worries you. Here in Texas you can get her evaluated by a speech therapist for free under the age of 3 by Early Childhood Intervention, or over the age of 3 by the school district. It's worth looking into. :)
  6. we3kids

    we3kids New Member

    Nov 16, 2010
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    Another vote here for reading, reading, reading! Bring her to the library. Patterns are another good thing to do at this age, you can make them with anything... food, things found outside, toys, etc..., play store with real money, have her help you cook, you could even learn some sign language together, there are many books out there that you could use (not baby sign, real sign)

  7. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I have a two year old but she is my youngest. I think reading and coloring are the best bets. Play, play, play! Role play...involve her in cooking and just keep her by you and let her do whatever it is she can. They learn the best by doing...you will be surprised. I let my 2 year old mix, crack eggs, pour, load the washer, load the dryer, wash plastic cups and dishes, and stuff like that ALL with adult supervision. She also loves to read, run like a crazy woman, color and paint. Oh and talk to her a lot...always point out colors, shapes and count everything!
  8. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    At 2 I think all that you should be doing is reading to her, playing with her, letting her help in the kitchen, let her put away some of the dishes, involve her in your daily activities (grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, baking, errands, paying bills, whatever it is)
  9. hilhillrn

    hilhillrn New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Thanks yall!! We are doing all of these things, so I guess we are on the right track!! Im not TOO worried about her speech just yet, because I know she understands more than she says, kwim?

    I guess I just doubt myself because friends whos kids are her age are like counting, know all their colors, ABCs, etc and she just doesnt (they are mostly in daycare, tho). But she knows just about every animal I show her, along with what noise they make! LOL

    When SHOULD I start "formal" school with her?? My friends are talking about enrolling their kiddos in preschool at age 3... That still seems a little young, but I dont know?? I dont want her to be behind in anything...
  10. tiffharmon2001

    tiffharmon2001 New Member

    Nov 3, 2009
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    The best thing you can do is read-like others have said. My oldest dd was a very late talker. But, when she finally decided to start talking, her vocabulary was amazing! I believe it from us always reading to her. Even as a toddler, she would sit through very long picture books. At about 3-4, the pictures in the books would keep her awake when I read to her at bedtime, so I moved to chapter books (Charlotte's Web, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).
    The other thing I would suggest is to give her lots of interesting experiences. Take her places with you as much as possible and talk to her about what you see and do there.
  11. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    You "should" start formal schooling whenever your state mandates it or whenever she asks for it (whichever is first). If you start sooner than that, you'll end up frustrating the whole house.

    "Preschool," in most cases, is a fancy word for daycare anyway.
  12. Mother_of_2_boy

    Mother_of_2_boy New Member

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I'm so glad you asked this question. I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 1 year old. We are also planning on homeschooling, But for now I am also a lurker. With my boys (mostly my 2 1/2 year old) we read a lot.. Usually the same book several times a day. Our recent game is taking a walk and finding the "biggest" leaf or the "smallest" leaf. He hides his leaf (in a bush, under a rock etc) and than we have to find it on our way back home. Little created games teach a lot!

    It wasn't until about 3 months ago that he began really talking. Recently 3 worded phrases. What's it starts it never ends ; )

    I think we could be friends! Our kids are close in age and we are on the same learning wave.
  13. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I would just spend lots of time in interactive play. I'd do lots of self talk and parallel talk during playtime or daily activities. Self talk is talking to your child about what you are doing or seeing. Parallel talk is talking to your child about what she is doing or seeing. If she is talking in single words I would simplify your talking to 2-3 word phrases when using those strategies.

    I'd do nothing formal with academics. You can start teaching things like colors by using color words when talking with her. For instance if she is holding a red apple I would say something like "red apple" (pause allowing her to take a turn talking if she wants to) "eat red apple" (pause again) "apple yummy." Kids typically know only 3 colors by age 3.

    I have a link in my signature to a website on ways to help your child's language skills develop if you are interested.
  14. we3kids

    we3kids New Member

    Nov 16, 2010
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    We were very lucky here, right down the street we have a parent co-operative preschool. Only three hours either two or three days a week. I was completely comfortable with the teacher so each of my children went for one year. They loved it! They were each three and half/four when I sent them, plus it allowed me to get some school done with my others while one or another was in preschool for those few hours. The co-op style really allowed me to take part also, which I liked. I was parent helper at least once a month, and sat on the board of the school, I could drop in whenever I wanted. For my kids, learning that separation at that age was key!

    But, like I said, we were very lucky to have something like that available to us. Those types of preschool or not everywhere!
  15. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Is she the oldest? That could be the speech delay - my oldest didn't talk until about 2 1/2. She'd say words, and I KNEW she could understand a lot, but she didn't start doing full sentences for a while. I think that's common when they're home all day with Mom. LOL :) My middle talked sooner, and my 3rd, well, she started talking full sentences at 18 mos and hasn't shut up since! LOL :) BORN TALKER!

    Totally agree with the sign language stuff - we actually think that's what caused my youngest to be so verbal - we started signing with her at a year...we'd speak and say the sign (not a ton, I think taught her about 10 to 20 maybe?). I don't know.

    AND DO NOT START ANYTHING FORMAL AT ALL until she's at least 5....anyway...let her lead you!!! If you're reading to her, coloring with her, letting her play with playdough (3 or higher!), etc. She will learn naturally!!! Let her learn that way. And even at 5 I wouldn't do anything more formal than casually teaching reading and light math.

    YES...Preschool is DAYCARE!
  16. hilhillrn

    hilhillrn New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Thanks again everyone!! *hugs*

    Yes, we do sign language with her. She actually knows a LOT of signs (maybe about 50?), probably more signs than words, and its funny because I am kind of concerned that's why she doesnt talk more, kwim? I mean, I dont really care because I know she will talk one day and its so cool to see her sign, but its good to hear that it helps other kids talk sooner!

    Well its good to know Im on the right track. Thanks!
  17. ariekannairb

    ariekannairb New Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    She might just be shy :)

    I have a 2 year old and he does see his sisters do school so sometimes I will write his name on a piece of colored paper and let him color on it. I will ask him if he wants a blue or red marker and he will sit and listen at story time. It is all on him though. I don't make him do any of it. I have been shocked at how much he has picked up just from passive listening.
  18. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    My ds didn't talk really until after 3. Well he TALKED, but in his own language :lol:. By 4 when he was in public pre-k I was told he had a fantastic vocabulary. Dh and I also talked late (I remember having my hearing checked countless times when I was very little).

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