I'm so torn...

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by 2boysmomma, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. 2boysmomma

    2boysmomma New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    So, this is our first year of HS. DS is 5 1/2. We are doing Classical Conversations with Horizon math and Spell to Write and Read. Anyway, we just got back from visiting family for the holidays and we've had more than a 3week break from doing any formal school work.

    Today, our first day back at it is a real struggle. DS is whiney, uncooperative, resisting, fighting, negotiating with me. It's taking him FOREVER to do a simple math sheet. He's always fought me a little but today is just the worst.

    I'm due with baby #3 in March, so I know school will be hit or miss those early weeks. Other DS is 4 next month. He just plays or goes to preschool 2 days a week.

    Anyway, DH and I both REALLY want to HS and firmly believe in HS and all it's wonderful benefits. But this daily battle is so frustrating. I wonder how he can learn anything from me with this attitude. I know if I sent him to the school down the street that he would love it, do well, and NOT treat his teachers the way he treats me.

    I almost want to put him in school b/c I am sick of the battle, but at the same time, the thought of sending him makes me sad. And of course, I am afraid the if I DID send him, he would be behind the other kids, which would show how I haven't done my job.

    Ugh, I'm just so frustrated. Not that I expect HS to be easy, but now that so many people know that we are, I feel like I would look like a failure, or be embarrassed to say, "well, it didn't work out, so he's now in school."
  3. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    The first day back at PS is hard, too. Trust me! It's even harder for the teachers.

    How much time are you spending on school?
    Have you tried a curriculum that teaches from a different approach?
    Have you asked him why (exactly why) he's not enjoying school?
    Have you given him choices ... which subject to do first, which book to read, etc.? Anything to make him feel as if he has a voice in the matter.
    Have you had the "grass is always greener" conversation to let him know the pros and cons of PS and HS? He'll find HS is greener.

    We have good days and bad days. On the good days, we do a whole lot of work. On the bad days, we throw up our hands and take a nap (or get out of the house for something they don't realize is educational).
  4. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Maybe if you sort of ease back into it with lots of read-alouds, games, ed videos, and such, and not so much worksheets? Maybe if daddy has a "little father/son talk" with him? Maybe try a timer for the math sheet, with a reward of some kind if he gets it all right within the time limit? Is it a discipline thing? or a maturity thing? or a curriculum thing?

    If you and DH both firmly believe in homeschooling and feel this is best for your family, do NOT give up! Don't even think of it as an option.
  5. CarolLynn

    CarolLynn New Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    While it seems like it might be easier to just send your DS down the road to the school, it won't accomplish the most important goal: dealing with those heart issues. I really think this is one of the most important jobs we have as parents. He may do okay academically at school, but you would just be delaying hitting those issue head on. Better to take care of it now, rather than later (I'm thinking teen and tween years) when he has been more throughly immersed in peer culture.

    I'm not saying that these issues have some magic fix and then you can just plan on smooth sailing for the rest of your homeschool days. We all have those days. I would hit it head on; let your DS know what your expectations are, and hold him to it. Remove privileges or whatever you need to do. I make it clear to my kids that school is their responsibility, and I expect them to do it without nagging and complaining.
  6. 2boysmomma

    2boysmomma New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    At this point, we really don't spend much time on school. Maybe 2 hours at the most on a good day, but generally about 1.5 hrs. A lot of the CC stuff is memory work and we listen to the CD in the car while out and about. We do our math, spelling, and reading at home. I do try to give him choices. I think this week we just need to ease into it. I am still unpacking from our trip and have so much I want to get organized in our house to get ready for baby.

    In general, he is a very compliant child. He will usually do what I ask, pick up his clothes, make his bed, clean off the table, etc. It's this one area where we REALLY butt heads! His answer as to "why" he doesn't like school? "It's BORING, it takes FOREVER!!!" I've explained to him that daddy has the job he has b/c of how hard he worked in school and made choices to live within his means, so now, we are able to go on nice family vacations, visit family back East more frequently, b/c all these trips take money, and are very expensive.

    I like the timer idea. I'll have to try that. I may also switch curriculum next year. I don't know. Part of me feels like with the CC you have to give it a couple of years. There are A LOT of things I really like about CC: we go once a week so he's in class with other kids his age with a tutor/teacher who goes over the work for the week and reviews previous weeks. I stay with him and help the teacher with science/fine arts projects. Also, they do weekly presentations, so he is learning to speak in public/in front of others, he will eventually do Latin, English Grammar, Logic, etc., tools that I think have been lost in education.

    It's hard when even mom (teacher) has lost focus the first hours on the first day after a 3 week break!
  7. mrsnj91

    mrsnj91 New Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Come back slowly. Do more fun things that someone mentioned above. Split the time and so a little in the morning and some later in the day. Do some computer work that is fun! Read a few stories to each other. Go to the library and look up a subject and/ or go to story time.

    He has had a few weeks off and we all drag when it comes to going back to the grind!:roll: I sooooooo understand how he feels! LOL!

    We do T4L and Reading Eggs too and Delaney just whined like it was the end of the world to complete the work. Told her two lessons. She can sit and whine or just do the lessons....just two. She buckled down and did them. But the rest of the work we have taken slowly.
  8. pecangrove

    pecangrove New Member

    Jan 13, 2007
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    If it makes you feel any better we're going through the same thing this week! :(
    Makes you want to throw in the towel, but I know that is not what we're supposed to do, so I suck it up, take a deep breath or 2, and try again. As of right now my DS is out of video game time for 3 days. Today has been slightly better, but still not where we need to be for me to maintain my sanity. LOL
    It is also a little more difficult for us because the weather has been yucky here and we've been cooped up inside. I need to figure out some good outlets for energy that won't destroy our small house! LOL
  9. lovinhomeschool

    lovinhomeschool New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    I feel for you! I am due in June, so I'm not as far along as you are!

    I think EVERY homeschool mom has days where they realize it would be easier to put them into PS. Honestly, they are right, it would be...but you feel convicted NOT too, so even if it's the easiest, it isn't necessary the RIGHT thing to do!

    Keep moving forward...this will pass...
  10. mom_2_3

    mom_2_3 Active Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    I am having the same issues with my 6 year old. I am trying not to be too demanding, but work back into it slowly. We also work about 1 1/2 -2 hours a day.

    I'm focusing on playing more educational board and card games and learning to jump rope. Then I sneak a worksheet in here and there. Read aloud more, too.

    Don't worry, this will pass. Don't think for a second it will be easier if he were in public school. You are just exchanging one set of problems for another. Frankly, I have been there, done that and it was a mess. Take my advice and don't give up too soon. You are still doing better than the ps up the road-trust me!

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