Time Management Skills...or lack of I should say

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Dragonflygirl, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Dragonflygirl

    Dragonflygirl New Member

    Jan 1, 2011
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    Wow, I am terrible staying organized. UGH! My time management is aweful. One of the worst parts of it is getting sleep. Because I procrastinate things, not really meaning to but it happens, I end up getting in bed really late and then I am SOOOOO sleepy when the alarm goes off. I have to stay busy during the day and get things done so I am not up so late at night! Anyone else have trouble trying to fit everything they do into one day?

  3. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Yes. Very yes. :roll: I finally got disgusted enough with myself in the past year or so that I stopped allowing myself to put off anything that could be done right then. I am not a list maker, although as scatterbrained as I am it would benefit me to make lists. :lol: Anyway, I have priorities of what needs to get done each day, like school and daily chores. After that, if there is anything else anyone needs to do, it goes on a list on the fridge and gets checked off before any free time.

    I have found a few simple things help me to stay motivated. For me, if my dining room table is cleared off (we do most of our school there), then my mind isn't cluttered either and I can get so much more accomplished. If some of your busy-ness is from having a cluttered mind, it will really help to identify what it is in your home or life that makes your mind feel cluttered and makes you procrastinate on everything else. For my friend, it's having an empty dishwasher and a clean bathroom. Everyone's mental blocks are different, but everyone feels more in control when their thing is already taken care of.

    That might not be an issue for you at all....maybe you are genuinely busy with scheduling commitments that make you have to run around like a crazy person all day every day. :eek: I've been there, too, and had to back off on our extra activities to make sure that our priority list was being accomplished in a more satisfying way. Hope this ramble helps in some way. :D
  4. Dragonflygirl

    Dragonflygirl New Member

    Jan 1, 2011
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    I have found that if I keep things cleaned up it helps. But, I think one on my main things I have to do is get some sleep. I go to bed way to late and that messes me up. So, my new thing this year needs to be GET SOME SLEEP. I need to go to bed and get up a the exact same time every day. That will be hard for me.

    I also have tried using flylady website. It has been helping alot but I am definitely still a work in progress.

  5. David Brown

    David Brown New Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    Yes sleep is super important, without it you feel too tired to actually achieve anything and it becomes like a self fulfilling prophecy! I have had trouble with procrastination also and I agree with Brooke that you should just do things straight away without, then it's done and you don't have to worry about it anymore.
  6. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Not sure if this will help you-

    But I'm an introvert at heart. What that means is that I'll forgo sleep in order to have some 'quiet time'. I won't even necessarily realize I'm doing it.

    I have to carve out some quiet 'me' time during the day. Thankfully, I have a dh who understands, so he makes sure it happens (usually :roll: ). I can nap, read a book, surf the 'net. It doesn't matter really as long as I'm not disturbed. And if I don't get that during the day, I'll end up awake until 3 in the morning.

    Just wanted to give you an alternative look :) I do understand being chronically overtired. Blah! It does make everything a LOT harder!
  7. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Meghan, I think you just opened my eyes to why I get so harried as a stay-at-home mom. I, too, like nothing more than to take a walk by myself or just sit in a quiet house when nobody else is home. Great insight.

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